How to Improve Your Self-Discipline When You Feel Lazy


How to Have Self-discipline When You’re Feeling Lazy
Everyone thinks motivation is the key to getting things done. I’m sure you’ve searched the phrase, ‘How do I motivate myself?’ once or twice when you’re lacking the willpower to get anything done.

Without motivation, it’s hard to get started on anything. But when you can’t rely on motivation, you need to turn to self-discipline.

Self-discipline and consistency are so important, yet they’re so difficult to achieve. Perhaps it’s because we associate them with deprivation, mundanity, and absolutely zero fun. 

If you let distractions control your day and you only make decisions based on how you feel (aka unmotivated), you might never get where you want to be. 
It may be more fun to watch Netflix, but you need self-discipline to help you get through those moments when you lack motivation. In this post, I’m sharing some mindset shifts to help you realize you ARE disciplined, plus seven tips to help you improve your self-discipline even when you’re feeling lazy (coming from someone who’s a sloth by nature).

What Is Self-Discipline?

Self-discipline is the ability to pursue what you want despite temptations to abandon it.

Self-discipline involves doing something repeatedly until it becomes part of your routine and lifestyle. It also means avoiding things that you know you shouldn’t do/eat/say, etc.

Whether you think of it as something you do or something you refrain from doing, self-discipline is something many people associate with success. 

If you think of Olympic athletes, talent obviously contributes to their success, but it’s those who are the most disciplined who win the medals. People who keep their commitments to themselves and others are the ones who get ahead.

You might not think you have self-discipline, but we all have discipline in some way or another without even realizing it. If you’re always telling yourself that you have no self-discipline, it’s time to let that mindset go. It’s not a personality trait to suck at self-discipline, so I want you to stop using that as an excuse.

What Self-Discipline Looks Like

I never thought of myself as having good self-discipline until my mom mentioned it randomly one day. She said, “You’re pretty good at setting a routine for yourself and getting to work.” That was all I really needed to hear in order to change my mindset and see that I am capable of self-discipline.

I’m lazy by nature, but I am disciplined at certain things. We’re all that way really, but we get stuck because we think we need to be disciplined at everything. To change your mindset, recognize the areas of your life where you’re already disciplined.

For example, something I’ve been good at lately is exercising 6 times a week for at least 20 minutes per workout. It took a long time to be consistent with it (like….years), but I’m finally at the point where I do it without trying to talk myself out of it. 

Something I’ve not been disciplined with is the amount of time I spend on TikTok (yeah, I’m almost 30 but I caved and downloaded the app). I know these types of apps were designed to keep people on them for as long as possible, but I also have plenty of opportunities to stop scrolling…yet I don’t.

Knowing that I have self-discipline in certain areas of my life but not others reminds me that I’m human. It also reminds me that I can’t use a lack of self-discipline as an excuse to not follow through with my intentions.

Why Self-Discipline Is So Difficult (Yet So Important)

Consistency helps us to move the needle forward. If you have goals you want to achieve or habits you want to adopt, self-discipline helps you to be consistent with them. 

When motivation fails to inspire you, self-discipline is there to help you get it done anyway.

One of the reasons self-discipline is so difficult is because we view it as a negative thing. Self-discipline is often associated with deprivation, and who wants to willingly deprive themselves?

If you stick with the mindset that self-discipline equals deprivation, you might be holding yourself back. Instead, think of self-discipline in terms of consistently doing things because they’re important to you.

When you do things because you enjoy them and clearly see the benefits of doing them, you’re more likely to be consistent with them. Mark Manson says, “Any emotionally healthy approach to self-discipline must work with your emotions, rather than against them.”

You won’t be able to go to the gym consistently if you don’t enjoy it, so you have to find ways to make it enjoyable. Focus on creating discipline around the things that you find beneficial, not the things that you think you should do.

For example, I journal daily because I know it makes me feel good. There are still times when I don’t want to do it, but I always feel better after writing. This makes it easier to be disciplined with my daily writing habit.

You don’t have to deprive yourself of the things that you enjoy. Practicing discipline will make it easier to enjoy the things you want to do without feeling guilty about them.

7 Ways To Improve Your Self-Discipline

If you’ve been telling yourself you need to get better at self-discipline, here are 7 ways to work on it every single day (especially when you feel lazy or unmotivated):

1. Create enjoyable rituals
Little rituals and certain environments can help with self-discipline. I recently started dedicating time to writing blog posts on a daily basis. When it’s time to get started (usually around 9 or 10), I turn on my essential oil diffuser, make a cup of tea, and put on the cardigan that hangs on the back of my chair. This little ritual makes me feel like a real writer (lol) and it signals to my brain that it’s time to start writing.
Setting up this environment for myself tells me it’s time to write, and it makes the daily ritual a little more inviting. Routines and rituals help you to be consistent and help you stick to the commitments you’re trying to keep to yourself.

2. Clarify your priorities
When you’re clear on your priorities, it makes it easier to avoid decisions you’ll regret later. It also makes it easier to focus on one thing at a time. For example, if you need to get something done but a friend asks you to hang out, you have to decide whether it’s more beneficial to keep working or take a break for your friend.
It’s okay to let go of a rigid schedule and be spontaneous, but clear-set priorities will help if you do this often and keep feeling guilty about it. One way to do this is to ask yourself, “Will this make my life easier or harder in the future?”
3. Commit to consistency
If you have a hard time deciding how often you want to do something, try doing it every day or every weekday instead. I’ve found success when I do something every day (e.g. writing morning pages, working out, journaling, etc.) because my brain doesn’t have to make a decision about how often to do it. I know I need to get it done that day, so I create the time to do it.
You could also try Matt D’Avella’s two-day rule where he doesn’t go more than two days without working out (but apply it to whatever you’re wanting to do).

4. Keep track of your progress
If you want to do something every day, keep track of it with a habit tracker. The more you do something and physically see how much you’ve done it, the more likely you are to keep going. That’s how I was able to meditate for 76 days in a row in 2018. Seeing that I’d already done it for so many days in a row motivated me to keep going even when I didn’t feel like it.

5. Just get started
If you always leave things until the last minute, make things easier for yourself by committing to taking one step. Often we avoid tasks until the last minute because we think a) they’ll take forever b) it’ll take a lot of effort or c) we need to finish it all in one go.
I try to start tasks with the mindset that I don’t have to get them finished in one session. If I tell myself, “You only need to work on this for 25 minutes”, I’m more likely to start it before it’s due.

6. Remove temptations
If you’re prone to distractions, get them as far away as possible. My phone is a big temptation for me, so I make sure it’s out of sight when I’m working. If you’re not disciplined when it comes to food, keep temptations out of your pantry. When the temptation is too strong, ask yourself again, “Does this help or hurt my future self?”

7. Let yourself rest
Your day does not have to be filled to the brim with productive tasks. You need to give yourself downtime to reset and recharge. Otherwise, discipline won’t give you much of a life. If you’re having a particularly rough day, give yourself permission to take a break.
Sometimes all you need is a few moments to recuperate, but other times you need longer to recover. Be real with yourself about how much discomfort you’re willing to let disrupt your day.

What areas of your life are you disciplined in?
Think of one area of your life where you have discipline. How did you get there? How can you apply that to other areas of your life? Instead of telling yourself that you don’t have self-discipline, find a way to prove yourself wrong.

My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Keep smiling and keep shining!
Have a super powerful day!
Til next time,
Lisa xoxo



Build Your Confidence: 7 Practical Ways to Help Improve Self-Esteem


Improving self-esteem is important for any personal success journey. It is about our positive self-image and a sense of self-worth, which can help us to feel more confident, resilient, and empowered.
You are worthy of love and respect, not because of what you do or what you have accomplished, but SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU EXIST.
When you make mistakes or things don’t go as planned, don’t beat yourself up over it. Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend in a similar situation. Talk to yourself like you do to your favourite baby! Use words that make you feel worthy and loved.
Have a list of 5 of them written down on your phone and read them for a quick positive boost any time you need it.
It’s easy to compare yourself to others. Instead of focusing on what others are doing, concentrate on your own journey and progress. Everyone has their own unique path, gifts, talents, and challenges.
Reward yourself for your victories with things that make you feel loved, significant, and strong. Each time you set a new goal, also set a reward you get when you achieve this goal. Have fun with that!
Eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising, or doing activities that bring you joy and relaxation can help to make you feel better physically, which can also boost your self-esteem.
Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself and distance yourself from those who bring you down.
Find a way to laugh at things that didn’t go well. As we grow older we grow more serious. A good laugh is like an instant vacation, they say. So take a laugh and enjoy life even more.
We are on Day 8 of the May Wellness Challenge taking place in the FB group Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters.  And, today’s challenge is to go on a laughter date. Reach out to someone who makes you laugh and arrange to get together with them – that’s the challenge of the day. Laughter, especially with people close to you, greatly increases your sense of well-being.
So, if you a new listener or haven’t joined the FB group yet, here is your official invite.  You can jump in and start your wellness challenge today or go back to Day 1 – your choice.  I am just thrilled to have you on the journey with us.
Never forget…
“Laughter is important, not only because it makes us happy, it also has actual health benefits. And that’s because laughter completely engages the body and releases the mind.” – Marjorie Pay Hinckley
1. “Self-esteem is not a luxury; it is a profound spiritual need.”
2. “The reputation you have WITH YOURSELF – your self-esteem – is the single most important factor for a fulfilling life.”
3. “The level of our self-esteem has profound consequences for every aspect of our existence: how we operate in the workplace, how we deal with people, how high we are likely to rise, how much we are likely to achieve.”
4. “No one can grant you self-esteem; it is a gift that only YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF.”
5. “The responsibility for self-esteem rests solely on YOUR shoulders.”
6. “The greater our self-esteem, the more WE TRUST OUR OWN JUDGMENT AND ABILITIES, and the less we look to others to tell us what to do.”
7. “The art of self-esteem is the art of being at ease with yourself AS YOU ARE, and not as you think you should be.”
8. “The greatest challenge in life is being yourself…in a world trying to make you like everyone else.”
9. “The task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to BE ABLE TO TOLERATE INSECURITY.”
10. “The challenge is not to be perfect, it is to BE WHOLE.”
“Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.” – Maxwell Maltz
Bonus #2
“I was once afraid of people saying, ‘Who does she think she is?’ Now I have the courage to stand and say, ‘This is who I am.'” – Oprah Winfrey
My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Keep smiling and keep shining!
Have a super powerful day!
Til next time,

Lisa xoxo

10 Simple Ways to Make Time for Your Health


Over the years, I’ve met and worked with a lot of people who want to achieve a greater sense of health and well-being or have another goal they are working toward outside the realm of wellness.

And do you know what the biggest challenge I hear is?

Lack of time.

Our world is fast-paced. A lot is thrown at us. Between family, work, various activities, chores at home, and the never-ending “to do” items that pop up, it can seem impossible to have any time to focus on your health.

I’m far from perfect at time management. However, there are 10 things that I find extremely helpful when it comes to making time for my health.

In fact, doing these things helps me to free up about 10 hours per week! That’s a lot of time that can be devoted to things like:

·         Physical activity
·         Healthy food prep
·         Extra sleep
·         Meditation or journalling or reading
·         Pursuing a new hobby
·         Volunteer work
·         You name it!

I hope that these practices help you as much as they’ve helped me. Here they are!

#1 Seriously Limit Your Screen Time

I know, I know, you’ve probably heard this a million times. But this one is huge. TV’s, phones, and devices can be a nice way to unwind, catch up with friends, and learn new things. But they can also be HUGE time wasters. If we aren’t conscious with their use, they can quickly rob hours of our day.
Personally, aside from 15 minutes of morning news and an occasional movie with my husband, I rarely watch TV. And I try to limit non-productive screen time to less than an hour per day.

PRO TIP: The key word here is “non-productive” screen time. Think of ways you could turn your non-productive screen time into productive screen time.
For example, if binge-watching Netflix or scrolling social media is your thing, do it while walking on the treadmill or riding a stationary bike. I used to do just that in the mornings.  While cycling for around 45 minutes, I could catch up on social media, listen to a podcast, sometimes read a book. 

Another tip I would give people is to have a set of dumbbells near their TV.  When you turn on your favourite show, flex your biceps and triceps, do some weighted squats.  There are so many simple exercises you could do while watching TV.

Let your guilty pleasure be motivation to do something productive (such as being active)!
#2. Put Exercise Before Housework

In case you’re looking for permission, I’m giving it to you! I don’t know about you, but if I waited to exercise until all house chores were done, it would never happen. Housework never ends. There’s always something to do at home.

Regardless of how high my laundry pile is, physical activity comes first. It is a priority in my life.  I make it a priority now and nothing gets in the way of it.
The good news is that this doesn’t mean your home has to be a disaster. Exercise gives you energy, which will help you to efficiently tackle the day-to-day chores around the house. 

#3 Read With Your Ears
During mundane tasks that don’t require a great deal of mental effort, such as folding laundry, doing dishes, picking up the house, or running/walking, this can be a great time to expand your mind with audiobooks and podcasts.

I’ve picked up this trick along the way. I find it much more enjoyable to listen to podcasts or course lectures while outside getting exercise, rather than spending all my time in front of my computer. Audio format is how I prefer to do most of my “reading”, mainly because it allows me to do other things at the same time. 
#4. Time Yourself

This works great for tasks I don’t enjoy doing, like ironing for instance.  Do any of you truly enjoy this household task?  I definitely don’t.
When it’s time to do these tasks, I find myself needing to get something to eat or drink… needing to talk to someone… checking e-mail… pondering life… anything to avoid the unpleasant thing that needs to be done.

But procrastinating only prolongs the pain. By timing myself, it forces me to focus on the task at hand, not get side-tracked, and knock it out quickly.

#5. Batch-cook Like a Boss
We are a family of two, but I often prepare meals for my parents too. It’s not unusual for me to quadruple a recipe. If I’m going to go through the trouble of cooking, why not get several meals out of it?

At a minimum, I make enough for another several dinners or lunches later in the week.

In addition, I have learned that my freezer is my friend. It’s both efficient and economical to freeze home-cooked meals and enjoy them later with minimal preparation and mess. 

In fact, I just finished up cooking 8 chicken breasts in the slow cooker, a pot of quinoa, two baking trays full of veggies such as asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes, plus I make a pot of pasta.  So, I will end up yielding about 6 – 8 meals of either chicken, quinoa plus veggies OR pesto pasta with chicken and broccoli.  Pictures on the FB page.
#6. Become a Morning Person

I know the night owls will disagree with me here, but several studies have linked rising earlier to higher productivity. And if you read any articles about highly successful people, you’ll likely find out that they get up at a ridiculously early time.

But here’s my message on this point.  Becoming a morning person and setting up an early morning routine for exercise only works if you go to bed early.  YOU really need your sleep and so, I wouldn’t sacrifice my 8 hours of sleep.  Too many studies show that sleep is one of the main components of a healthy life.

If you can manage to set your alarm clock and get up even 15 minutes earlier to get in some form of exercise, kudos to you, my friend.

I used to be able to do this but I am currently in a phase where I need to focus more on getting in those quality hours, so I let myself sleep a bit longer.  This may change again soon, but for now this is what my body needs.

#7. Recruit Help
Delegate, my friend. In my household my husband and I have both worked long hours in our professions, and we both help with the housework. This is a routine we have established and I can count on him to chip in when I ask him to help out with any cleaning chores in and around the house.

If you have children, well they are also perfectly capable of cleaning their rooms, picking up their messes, helping with clean-up after meals, and folding their clothes. Just explain to them that you are focusing more on your health and wellness, and it would be super helpful if they could shoulder a bit of the housework to allow you to get in some exercise.

If you can afford it, hire help for chores and projects around the house! It took me years to finally do this (mainly because it’s hard for me to pay for services that I can do myself). But it can be a huge help, freeing up your valuable time for things that are more enjoyable and important to you.  
#8. Get Creative

What are some creative ways to add healthy activities into your day? How about a walk during your lunch break? You don’t necessarily need to get drenched in sweat to experience the benefits of exercise. A daily walk is great!

What are some quick strength exercises you could do at home in the morning before taking a shower? It doesn’t have to be an hour-long workout. Every little bit helps.

I recently read about a woman who does squats while she is brushing her teeth in the morning and at night.  How creative is that?
How might you incorporate exercise or food prep into family time? Examples include outdoor family activities or cooking together as a family.

#9. Simplify

The less stuff I buy, the less stuff I have to keep up with (which frees up my money and time!). I started a simplicity journey a while back and this was likely due to the fact that we made two major moves within two years.  It was devastating to realize all the STUFF we had accumulated.  It was then that I vowed to sell, donate or throw away all the things that were no longer serving us.  What a liberating feeling!

And, here’s an idea that caught my attention in regard to simplifying your wardrobe.  I read the suggestion of choosing only 33 items to wear for each season.  So, you would only keep 33 of your favourite fitting items, which would change Jan 1, April 1, July 1, Oct 1.  I assume this doesn’t include socks, underwear and bras etc.  But I thought this concept was genius.

Get rid of the rest through donating, selling if you can, and just keep your fitting faves for each season.  I am actually going to try this and I’ll let you know how I make out.

As much as I enjoy shopping, I have cut back on shopping trips a lot because usually at the end of such an outing, I have a car load of stuff I never knew I “needed.”

So I try my best to avoid places with lots of shiny things that take my focus away from what is important.
A healthy, low-maintenance life is what I strive for. This is what I mean by ‘simplifying’ your life.
#10. Just Say No

Say yes to the things that are truly important to you, but politely decline the rest. This one is easier said than done, but so important. When you say yes to one thing, you’re saying no to something else (such as family time, exercise, sleep, etc.). If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.


When it comes to making time for your health, please keep these things in mind:

·         Healthy living isn’t just about your body. When your physical health improves, so many other areas also improve. For example, decreased stress, better mood, increased energy, healthier relationships, greater discipline, enhanced focus, and higher productivity.
·         It’s important to focus on progress over perfection.
·         Small changes lead to big results over time.

Please remember, knowing the information isn’t enough. We don’t benefit unless we practice it.

Which of the above actions will you practice today, and what will you do with the extra time on your hands?

Til next time,

Lisa xoxo

How to Create a Wellness Toolkit


What Keeps You Feeling Well? What has been helping you to function lately?

You know, the things that are keeping you together when you’re perhaps one thread away from unraveling?

Maybe it’s journaling, reading, spending time with friends, or watching your favourite movie.

We all need supportive tools in our lives, especially when we experience tough times or when our days become more hectic than usual.  And, I am going to need this more than ever in the second half of May and likely into June because my father is having surgery and I will step in to look after both my mother and father until he is able to get back on his feet again.  It’s going to be a stressful time for everyone involved, so I will definitely need to have my wellness toolkit ready.

So, it’s times like this that a wellness toolkit is super handy to have.

I recently heard a concept on another podcast where they discussed the idea of having a ‘wellness house of cards’ that helps you feel supported and grounded. 
“Your wellness house of cards are the things, ideas, actions, and products that are keeping your wellbeing together.”
You can think of it as the threads that are holding everything together.

Creating this kind of wellness toolkit is helpful because it means you have a list of tools to turn to when you want to feel more balanced.

Today, I’m sharing what’s in my personal wellness toolkit and how you can create your own resource library to rely on when you need a little extra support.

What Is A Wellness Toolkit?

A wellness toolkit is a group of habits, tools, and products that make you feel good.

Think of a welder bringing tools along to a work site. Everything they need is in the toolkit. 

They won’t need everything for every job. But when something needs mending or putting back together, they can find the right tool for the situation.

In our case…it’s not necessarily a physical toolkit, but rather a collection of things that help you to feel better.

Your toolkit is there to help you get grounded when you need to. You can think of it like anchors for the mind, body, and soul.

What’s In My Wellness Toolkit

Here’s what’s in my current wellness toolkit:

1. Breathwork. I’ve been enjoying doing a few minutes of breathwork for a quick pause in my day (in Season 1, Episode 34, published Dec. 20/22 entitled: 2 Essential Tools You Need – Breathwork & Mental Imagery) of this podcast, I walked listeners through two breathing exercises that I use). If you’ve ever struggled with meditation, breathwork is a good alternative because it helps you be mindful without the pressure of trying to quiet your mind.
2. A journal and pen. I find a lot of my problems get solved if I simply write them down.
3. Music. It heals everything, right?
4. Nature. I spend too much time looking at screens, so a simple glimpse at the world outside helps my wellbeing. And, I try to get outdoors as much as possible – for exercise but also to clear my mind using all my senses.
5. A yoga mat. I can quickly roll it out and create space between me and my desk. Stretch, meditate, read, whatever.
6. Walking. I walk for thirty minutes every single day, and my walks are perhaps the main thread holding my life together.
7. Spin Class.  I love my spin classes for several reasons:  the fitness aspect, the energizing feeling I get from it, sweating it out feels to good for my body, it’s an amazing form of movement for my mobility issues, the social aspect (chat with fellow spinners).
8. A plan to eat healthy, fuelling food.  You might find this an odd item to have in the toolkit but I can’t impress upon you enough that following a whole food eating lifestyle has changed my life immensely.  Cutting out processed food and alcohol, white flour and refined sugar has made a world of difference.
Just don’t forget to include nutrition (favourite healthy snacks) and exercise (mood boosting movement) in your toolkit.
How To Create Your Wellness Toolkit

1. Brainstorm the habits, activities, tools, and products that keep you feeling well.
Do a quick braindump of everything you can think of that feels supportive right now.
It’s best to use things you already know work for you, rather than things you ‘wish’ you would do. Leave out the 30-minute meditation session if you’ve never done it before.
Try thinking of:
1.       baseline activities (brushing your teeth, eating a meal) 
2.       nice-to-do activities (reading, exercising, calling a friend, putting on a face mask)
You might also want to think of the things that nourish your mind, body, and soul.
SIDE NOTE:  ** If you have joined our Wellness Challenge on FB or followed along in my IG stories, then you will encounter 30 days of ideas that you may want to include in your own wellness toolkit.

The May Wellness Challenge is meant to nourish all three aspects:  your mind, body and soul, so be sure to take part or look the group up for some inspiration:  Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters on FB

2. Keep a visual reminder somewhere in your space. 
I found it super helpful to make a physical list of the things that feel supportive to me. 
When you find yourself in a state of frustration or overwhelm, it’s hard to think of anything that might get you grounded. If you have this list readily available, you can take a quick look and respond to whichever habit or action sounds supportive. It’s one less thing your brain has to think about.
I keep mine as a handwritten list, but you could create a menu of options in the notes app of your phone or in your journal. You can pin it to your wall, make it your phone wallpaper, etc.
You could even create physical cards and pull them like a deck of cards (I use recipe cards for this) to help you find what you need.

3. Use your wellness toolkit.
When the going gets tough, turn to your wellness toolkit and see what sounds good to you in the moment.
Your wellness toolkit will inevitably change over time, so be sure to update your list with new discoveries and remove the ones that aren’t working for you anymore. 

What’s in your wellness toolkit?

What wellness practices, habits, and products are supporting you right now? I’d love to hear what’s in your toolkit either in the comments on FB, on IG or right here on my blog/shownotes.

My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,

Lisa xoxo

Overcoming Your Internal Resistance: Reclaiming Your Power to Say ‘I want to’


Yesterday I had the day off.  It was Sunday and I typically try to keep this day for rest and relaxation.  A day to read, spend time with my thoughts – maybe that is in the form of journalling or simple reflection, rejuvenate, practise some self-care and do what feels most comfortable and aligned.

Instead of sleeping in, I decided to attend a spin class with Bill, an instructor at our fitness facility who had been away on vacation for a good 3 weeks.  I was excited to get back to spinning in his class because you get such a great workout in.

As the day progressed, my body yearned more and more for movement.  So, I went swimming at the local indoor pool.  An easy swim, I told myself. 

Before I knew it, the day had come to an end and I had done 4 workout sessions if you can include the two dog walks – the first in the early morning and to end the day, we try to take Charlotte out again.  So, I also clocked just shy of 10,000 steps.

Not a bad workout day at all.  So much for R & R this Sunday.

I’m so glad I did. It felt great to walk outside in the fresh air, move my lower body in spin and challenge my upper body at the pool.

If you find this annoying (I would have found it annoying a few years ago)… please understand this:

I didn’t always feel this way.

There was a time when exercise was something I absolutely dreaded. It would have been dreadful enough to do one workout… and there’s no way I would have considered a second or third.

Yet somewhere along the way, this changed for me. Exercise became something I no longer had to do, but something I genuinely wanted to do. It became something that I truly enjoy. And, it is something that my body craves.

How did it happen?

Getting (& Staying) Motivated

A question I hear a lot is, How can I get motivated to…

Eat healthy
Lose weight
Get in shape

There are lots of tips that can help. Things like:

Making it fun
Making it a part of your routine
Doing it with others (if you like others, lol)
Charting your progress
Rewarding yourself

However, I think it’s important to understand this:
Motivation is needed for the things we DON’T want to do.

We don’t need motivation for the things we WANT to do.
The secret, then, is turn those things we HAVE to do into things that we truly WANT to do. Once we’ve achieved that, we’re golden.
The Process

There’s a process you go through when turning things you have to do into things you truly want to do.

When you understand this, you realize that lack of motivation and frustration are a normal part of the process.

No need to beat yourself up about it. Honour where you are in the process, and understand that if you stick with it, it gets easier.

What is the process, you ask? Interestingly, it’s a form of culture shock.

Culture Shock

I’ve travelled and moved a fair amount during my life, and I spent 25 years of my life in a foreign country. So, culture shock is a concept I know well. 

Culture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life.

When you decide to embark on a new, healthier way of life, it’s a culture change. Although you’re (probably) not travelling to a foreign place, you are still venturing into new territory.

As you leave your old way of life behind and become accustomed to this new way of life, there are four natural stages you go through. These stages are:

Stage 1: Honeymoon

In this stage everything is new and exciting. Enthusiasm and motivation are high. Differences between the old and new way of life are romanticized.
If you are currently in this stage, enjoy it! But beware… It won’t last. Be prepared for what’s coming next.

Stage 2: Frustration

In this stage, differences between the old and new way of life become apparent. The excitement wears off, and frustration sets in. You realize that the new way is not comfortable and not easy. 

The important thing to keep in mind is that this is normal. It’s really tempting to give up and go back to your old way of life, where things are not so difficult. But it’s important to hang in there.

This is the most difficult stage. If you can make it past this stage, it gets easier from here! 

Stage 3: Adjustment

In this stage you’re becoming accustomed to the new way of life. New habits and routines start to feel more natural. Your attitude/outlook improves.
This is when you realize, Hey this isn’t as bad as I thought. This is getting easier. I’m feeling pretty good!

Things start to get good here. You start to see progress and feel proud of yourself.

Stage 4: Adaptation

In this stage you are able to participate comfortably and fully in the new way of life. It feels easy and natural.

When it comes to healthy lifestyle changes, this is the stage where “have to” evolves into “want to.” Over time, you learn to love the new way of life more than your old one… because you feel so much better!

In fact, if you go back to your old ways, you’ll likely feel “off,” which will motivate you to get back on track.

You might even find yourself doing things that you once thought were insane — like heading outside for a second workout. 🙂

Remember, it gets harder before it gets easier. 

As you work on a healthier lifestyle, It helps to:

Be aware of the process.
Be prepared for frustration (which is normal).
Pick yourself up when you fall, and stick with it!
Know that it gets easier with time and practice.
How about you?

Can you think of a time when you went through the stages of culture shock? How did it feel when you made it to the adaptation stage? I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a comment below!

If you like tips/tricks to make healthy living simple, enjoyable, and sustainable, then I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter. This is where I share new posts and exclusive content!

Thanks for supporting my podcast, my blog and being a goal-getter,

Lisa O

Healthism & Weight Bias: Challenging the Status Quo – Raw & Real Talk with Jenifer Dunbar of Dunbar Fitness


In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast, I have Jenifer Dunbar as my guest. Jen has over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is a certified Personal Trainer, Spin Instructor, Group Fitness Instructor, and Nutrition and Wellness Specialist. Her passion for fitness stems from wanting her clients to have a lifelong journey with wellness. This passion comes from changing peoples views on what fit looks like. Her motto is: “I’m not training to be skinny, I’m training for longevity.”

In our conversation today, we cover:

-> what is a fitness mindset
-> the concept of healthism and how it shows up in our everyday lives
-> how we can shift away from judging ourselves and others
-> the main causes of weight bias
-> what role the media plays in weight discrimination and how we can overcome it
-> effective strategies for reducing weight bias
-> and many more golden nuggets…

Connect with Jenifer Dunbar:


OR Contact Lakeshore Recreation Center and ask for Jenifer Dunbar

Achieving Goals – How to Become a Finisher, Not Just a Starter


Are you someone who starts a lot of different activities, but rarely finishes them?  Perhaps challenges arise or you face certain obstacles along the way?

According to a study that was conducted for the Dutch Ministry of Education, 32% of university students quit in their first year.

In the USA, college dropout rates indicate that up to 32.9% of undergraduates do not complete their degree program.

I still remember when I was in my first year of studying at the University of Innsbruck. After a few months, students started to drop out. They wanted to switch to different degrees. They thought another degree would make them happier.

1 in 3 that quits sounds very familiar to me. But quitting never popped up in my mind when I was studying.

One of the things I realized early on in my life is that education is not so much about what you learn (unless you want to be a lawyer, doctor, or in other specialized professions).

Education is about showing yourself and the world that you have the ability to finish what you start.

Showing up doesn’t require talent.

A few years ago an image went viral called “10 things that take zero talent.” I can’t recall what was on the list, but the idea was that most things in our careers and in our lives are about simply showing up and doing our best.

It’s a message I try to share all the time -> showing up is a HUGE part of the equation.

We tend to make life more complicated than it is. We assume we need the perfect degree, live in the right place, and get the best job, otherwise, we can’t succeed.

But this mentality will only set you up for failure. Regardless of a person’s ability, I think everyone can improve their life if they become someone who cares more about finishing than about starting the perfect thing.

When you want to get something done or achieve something — simply show up.

The mindset of a finisher

Everyone can start something new. Whether it’s pursuing a new degree, job, business, new hobby, a fitness routine or sport, you name it.

The difficult part is pushing through and making sure you don’t give up early. If you want to be a finisher, the key is to keep the following principles in mind:

Perseverance: Never give up because your goal is too hard. Don’t make your life harder by complaining about how hard things are.  Consistency, ambition, grit and self-discipline are the drivers that will support you when the going gets tough. 

Mindfulness: Always be in the present moment and avoid overthinking. The moment you start thinking about the future and why you’re doing what you’re doing, you’re lost. Too much thinking will drive you nuts. Analysis paralysis doesn’t help.

Balance: Never over-extend yourself to a point where you burn out. Work hard, but not too hard. Find that sweet spot of yourself in whatever it is that you are going after: profession, personal or health-related goals.

Planning: Create a perfectly thought-out plan that tells you what to do every day, week, and month. Also, think about what your ideal end result would look like. But don’t dwell on it too much; instead focus on the journey in achieving the end result.

Execution: To finish what you start, you need to be switched on every single day. You can’t waste your time. You can’t sit and think about esoteric life questions. You wake up and you go. Game on, blinders on, focus activated, in going after your goals.

It’s really not that complicated. We all have the ability to finish what we start. We just get in our own heads and sabotage ourselves. This is why daily execution is so important.

You have to give yourself such a detailed plan that you don’t even have the time to think.

Carl Jung: Look inside yourself

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist who developed his own school of thought known as analytical psychology. 

He studied the human psyche, exploring topics such as the collective unconscious, archetypal symbols, and dream analysis. His philosophy focused on understanding the inner self and finding meaning in life through personal growth. 

He believed that by exploring our inner world, we could become our authentic selves so we can live fulfilling lives. Jung wrote:

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” 

As you go through life, you will feel the pull towards certain pursuits. This is why Jung’s advice is so important.

How do you know whether you should actually finish something or quit?

The answers are always within yourself. If you’re pursuing a certain business idea, career, degree, or social activity, and you’re miserable, you don’t have to push yourself.

It requires self-awareness to understand your motives. As Jung said, never look outside for inspiration and answers. Let other people do what they want.

Let them post about their perfect lives on social media. Whether it’s true or not is none of your business. Your business is your own life.

Look inside yourself and be concerned with your own motives.

If you want to quit your endeavor, understand that it’s normal. As soon as life gets hard, every single person’s instinct screams “QUIT!”

The people who finish, the people who succeed — They also have that instinct. They just don’t listen to it. 

They listen to themselves. And their self is often saying: Finish what you started.

My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo


Episode 114 – How Living Simply & Atomic Habits Work Perfectly Together


Are you familiar with Atomic Habits?

This book by James Clear has sold over a million copies and for a good reason. In it, Clear explains how to put an end to bad behaviors and embrace better habits that’ll improve your life – with concise actionable steps you can take today.
It explains that you don’t have to totally overhaul everything, all at once, to make meaningful change. And, in fact, the all-or-nothing mentality is often unsuccessful.

Instead, Clear advocated for making small changes over time. Then, build on those changes as you go. These incremental adjustments can help you eventually achieve massive results. 

And if you’re on a mission to live more simply, the Atomic Habits strategy can help you get there.

In fact, simple living and Atomic Habits go hand in hand, complementing each other perfectly. Together, they can help you live a simpler, more meaningful, and more intentional life. 

What is simple living? 

Before we dive into how simple living and Atomic Habits pair so perfectly together, let’s take a step back and take a look at what simple living actually is. 

At its core, simple living is all about streamlining your life by eliminating clutter and needless distractions. It’s about finding joy in the little things, choosing to be content with what you have, and being intentional with your choices.

It’s a far departure from the consumer mentality that is constantly craving and acquiring more stuff. The focus is on keeping what you use and love and letting go of the excess while giving your attention to what matters most.

And while the shift to simple living can be challenging at times, those who adopt the lifestyle tend to embrace and enjoy it fully.

How do simple living and Atomic Habits work perfectly together? 

Now that you understand what simple living is, let’s look at how simple living and Atomic Habits work perfectly together.

1. Simple living and Atomic Habits encourage you to focus on your environment. 

One of the biggest ways that simple living and Atomic Habits work together? They both focus on the importance of your environment.

The spaces we exist in – and the ways that we use them – have a tremendous influence on our habits.

For instance, if we keep our living room in a constant state of clutter and disarray, we start to think it’s acceptable to throw our coats down on the back of a chair instead of hanging them up, or leaving books piled on the end table instead of returning them to the shelves.

By repeating these behaviors, we create a habit – a negative habit, as many of us would consider it.

Another example? Think about your bedroom. Your bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary, a place where you can retreat at the end of the day to relax, unwind, and get some rest.

But if you’ve got a television in your bedroom, it’s easy to make a habit of binge-watching Netflix each night before you go to bed – delaying sleep by a couple of hours and destroying the tranquility the space is intended to bring.

By ensuring that our environment reflects the simplicity we crave, we can influence our habits – and make good ones easier to develop.

2. Atomic Habits and simple living focus on making things easier.

One of the cornerstones of simple living is embracing ease. Simplifying seeks to cut out the excess and distractions thereby making at least some aspects of life a bit easier.

And one of the primary points Clear makes in Atomic Habits is that you can’t make new habits difficult. Instead, you need to make them easy to start.
That’s where he came up with the “two-minute rule.” In theory, no new habit should take you more than two minutes to complete.

Want to get in shape? Start with two minutes of exercise – not an hour-long workout class.

Want to make cleaning and organization a habit? Try tidying up for two minutes – instead of spending a whole day struggling to stay focused.

Trying to read more books? Tell yourself you’ll read for two minutes each day and increase from there, instead of overcommitting and trying – and failing – to read a book a week.
This two-minute rule will not only help you earn some quick wins and find the motivation you need to maintain these habits, but it’s also a great way to introduce new practices into your life in a simple and stress-free way.

3. Simple living and Atomic Habits encourage reflection and celebration.

When you embrace simple living, one of the main ideas is being happy with what you already have – instead of constantly reaching for more.

Celebrating your decluttering wins along the way will motivate you to continue with the process. By reveling in the small victories, you’ll be encouraged to keep making progress toward your goals.

Once you’ve simplified your home and your life, developing decluttering habits will help you to maintain your results.

Similarly, with Atomic Habits, a big part of the process is celebrating your success – the incremental change you’ve been able to achieve. By reflecting on your wins on a daily or weekly basis, you can see just how far you’ve come – even when those changes initially seem small.

By recognizing your progress and acknowledging the success you’ve already seen, you’ll find the motivation you need to maintain your habits and build upon them – without becoming too ambitious and burning yourself out. 

4. Simple living and Atomic Habits benefit from routine. 

Simple living helps to reduce stress and make your life simpler – and that’s exactly what habits can do for you.

By making something a habit, it becomes automatic. You need less willpower and energy to perform the action over time. Eventually, those habits can become something you do without even thinking about it.

This aligns perfectly with the philosophy of Atomic Habits. Clear explains that one of the easiest ways to incorporate a new habit into your life is to “stack” that habit – in other words, to pair it with an action that has already become routine for you.

Want to start flossing every day? Stack that habit with brushing your teeth – something you’re already doing each morning and evening. After you brush, grab the floss and get to work. 

Want to begin a journalling practice? Stack that habit with your morning coffee and write as you sip your latte. 

By incorporating these habits into a natural place in your pre-existing routine, it makes it easier to create and maintain your desired habits. 

5. Atomic Habits and simple living help you to live intentionally.

The thing that I love most about Atomic Habits and simple living is that they both help you to be more intentional with your life.

Atomic Habits helps you to be purposeful in creating small habits that will move you toward your goals. By automating your desired behaviors you’re making important incremental changes that can add up to be life-changing.

Simple living seeks to help you weed out the extra stuff in your home and in your life. It saves you time so that you can focus on your highest priorities.

By using Atomic Habits to further support your desire for living simply, you can free up more time for what matters most to you. By being efficient with the things that you have to do, you’ll have more time for the things you need or want to do.

Combining small habits with simplifying will further your journey of living a more deliberate and intentional life.

I hope to have inspired you to take charge of your mindset, health and wellness, not tomorrow, not someday, BUT today!

The second invite is to join the community over on Facebook called:  Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters.  The group is made up of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out and are looking for new ideas to propel their health and wellness to new heights.

Throughout the month of May I am doing a challenge for all those who want to begin slowly but surely to uplevel their wellness and change their lives with fresh, new ideas over the course of 30 days.  I’d love for you to join, just jump on over to FB and join the free public group: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters.

And remember… you owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself every day and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are an incredible human with so much potential.  I believe in you 100%. Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

Have a strong day. 

Til next time, friends.

Lisa xoxo

Episode 113 – Exploring the Vagus Nerve: A Journey Through the Mind-Body Axis – Raw & Real Talk with Sara Lodge, Holistic Nutritionist


In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast, I have Sara Lodge as my guest. Sara is a registered holistic nutritionist and the owner of Sara Lodge Nutrition.

She specializes in the Brain-Gut Connection: how the state of your mental health can impact your gut health, and vice versa.

In her practice, she helps people gain clarity between these two aspects of their lives so they can find a refreshing balance between them. Not only does Sara provide nutritional science and customized protocols, but also healthy lifestyle practices like meditation and yoga as well as journaling, breath work, and support from myself and others in the community.

I’m super excited to have her with us today to talk about her two favourite topics to educate on: the brain-gut connection and the vagus nerve.

You will learn more about:

-> how the gut-brain axis affects human health
-> the role of our microbiome
-> lifestyle and dietary changes we can make to improve our gut-brain connection
-> how the vagus nerve functions, what triggers and stimulates it
-> how we can keep our vagus nerve happy
-> the SURPRISE GIFT Sara Lodge offers all listeners

Connect with Sara Lodge:
Website: ⁠⁠
Instagram: ⁠⁠
Gift from Sara -> Free 5-Day Brain/Gut Meal Plan -> Here’s the link: ⁠⁠

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a rating/review and subscribe for regular updates on how to transform your thoughts and habits to support your goals, tap into the superpower of mindset and become the best version of yourself.

If you’d like to work with me on your personal growth strategies, mastering your mindset and building unwavering confidence to crush your goals, contact: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

I would love to welcome you in the Inspiration2grow Facebook Group – join by clicking here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Connect with me on social media:

IG – ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
FB – ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
LinkedIn – ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Website, Blog & Coaching Sessions: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Thank you for your support of my podcast and business.
Having YOU as a listener and fellow goal getter lights me up more than you can imagine!
Disclaimer:  Any information taken from and provided in these podcasts are for information purposes only! If you are seeking medical advice, please see your own medical professional.  Do not use any statements or views expressed during this podcast as medical advice.  This podcast and Lisa Oberbichler disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information or advice contained herein.  Opinions expressed by guests are their own and this podcast does not accept responsibility for statements made by guests.

Episode 112 – How to Develop a Growth Mindset Around Fitness & Exercise


Think about the last time you tried a new exercise, sport, or fitness-related skill. Did you struggle at it?
Did that struggle give you a boost of motivation (“I am not going to let this thing beat me. I’ll try harder and work at it until I get it”)?
Or did encountering the struggle immediately make you feel hopeless and want to give up (“I’ll never be good at this so I might as well not even try”)?
If you responded the first way, you most likely have a growth mindset around fitness and health.

If you encountered the latter, you probably fall in with the majority of people who have more of a fixed mindset around fitness.

It’s also possible to be in between, sometimes having more of a growth mindset and other times falling more into a fixed mindset (“I’m good at basketball; bad at pull ups”).

The good news is that you can actually change this limiting mindset. And when you do, you’ll open up a whole new world of opportunities and make more progress on your fitness journey than you ever before thought possible.

Developing a growth mindset around fitness and exercise is something that I’ve had to learn throughout my own fitness journey, and I’ll talk more about that later in this post. But first, let’s look at what it actually means to have a growth or a fixed mindset around fitness and exercise.


I first learned about the term growth mindset in Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck, Ph.D. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it.
Dweck breaks down two basic ways that most people approach life…

… With a fixed mindset: This means you generally believe that your skills and abilities are fixed or predetermined, so you’re either good at something or you’re not. People with this mindset tend to believe that there’s not much you can do to change—who you are is who you are.
… With a growth mindset: This means you typically believe that no matter where you’re starting from, you can improve.
While the majority of Dweck’s work has focused around learning in classroom or work situations, it’s not a huge stretch to see how this can be applied to fitness and exercise.

If you have a growth mindset around fitness you believe you can get fitter, stronger, and even more athletic, no matter where you’re starting from.

Hard work, proper goal setting, and perseverance will get you there.

On the other hand, if you have more of a fixed mindset around fitness, you probably have a general underlying belief that no matter what you do, you won’t improve.


Unsurprisingly, having a growth vs. fixed mindset isn’t always so black and white. More likely than not, you believe you’re good at—and maybe can even get better at—certain things. Often, these are the activities you’ve been somewhat good at since you were a child.

For example, if you’re a cross-country runner, you may have always found running enjoyable, and even showed a natural aptitude for running when you were younger. You may have been told by others that you were always good at running. And you’re probably confident that if you want to, you could get even better at running, provided you have clear goals, a good training plan, and the right support system.

Yet when it comes to an upper-body strength exercise like pull-ups or push-ups, you might believe you just suck at them. You may have always been told you had a weak upper body (many women fall into this category), or maybe you just believe (or have been told) that runners can’t also have strong upper bodies.
Whatever your reason, you may believe that any time or work you put into upper body workouts is generally hopeless—you’re not going to get much better, even if you try.

But see what happens here?

You believe you’re good at running, so you actively work to improve at it and get better. You don’t believe you’re good at upper body strength work, so you avoid working on it, and as a result, don’t make any upper body strength gains.

Essentially, what this means is that if you believe you can’t improve, you’re unlikely to see any improvement.

If you truly believe that you’ll NEVER get better at something, you’re unlikely to put any of the necessary time or effort required to actually make any progress. And no effort equals no improvement.

But no matter where you fall on the mindset spectrum right now, you can change it. My own story is just one example of this; if I can change my mindset around fitness and exercise, you can too.


When I was growing up, if I tried something new and didn’t immediately show a natural ability for it, I would give up almost right away.
This rang true in academics (I’m looking at you, chemistry), seemingly trivial things like board games or video games (I ended up in tears after losing way too often), and even friendships (parents and teachers were always telling me that I was a shy kid, and I used that as an excuse to not try and make friends).
And it was definitely the case with anything related to fitness or exercise.

When it came to sports or P.E. activities, I assumed I was either “good” (e.g. born with natural abilities) or “bad” at something.
For example…
I was good at 100 meter sprints, and bad at pull-ups. Good at soccer, bad at skateboarding. Good at golf, terrible at tennis.
You get the idea.

But the truth is that I never even gave the things I was “bad” at a chance.

When I tried a pull up for the first time and discovered I couldn’t do one, I wrote it off as something I didn’t have the talent for and never even tried to build up the strength or technique needed to be able to do an actual pull up.

The same was true for all the other fitness-related activities I instantly deemed myself bad at. I didn’t allow myself to try.
Looking back, it’s obvious that I had a completely fixed mindset around fitness. I had the limiting belief that if I wasn’t already good at something, I would never be able to get better.

“When people already know they’re deficient, they have nothing to lose by trying.” – Carol Dweck

These days, I strongly believe that no matter where you’re starting from, you can improve. Yes, it will be hard work. Yes, it will take time. But it will always be worth it when you look back at how far you’ve come.

I’d like to go over some of the key approaches you’ll need to adopt to develop a growth mindset around fitness and exercise:

Approach #1: You Believe Talent is Grown, Not Something You’re Born With 
Steven Kotler, journalist and author of several books including Stealing FireThe Rise of Superman and The Future is Faster Than You Think says that, “believing that talent is something we are born with and cannot change will ultimately limit your ability to improve.”
The reason is this…

If you see a high performer (whether an elite athlete, an action sports hero of yours, a successful entrepreneur, CEO, etc.) and you immediately think: “I wish I had their talent,” you’re unlikely to take the action steps needed to actually get better.

Says Kotler, “People who adopt this kind of thinking place unnecessary limits on their progress: it’s much harder for people with fixed mindsets to set goals or push themselves, since they see growth as futile.”

If you believe you can’t improve, you’re not going to put in the time and work needed to actually see improvement.

On the other hand, if you notice that same high performer and decide to figure out how they got so good at what they do (read books, take courses, hire a coach, etc.), and then put in the necessary time and work—you’re going to see improvement.

Having a growth mindset is an important first step toward goal setting and achievement, because this is the mindset you’ll need to even allow yourself to try.

Approach #2: You Proactively Set Short- and Long-Term Goals 
Having a growth mindset is the first step in the process, but it won’t get you very far if you don’t do any actual work. To really see progress, you have to get really good at setting both short- and long-term clear goals, then chunking them down into manageable steps.

For example, if you have a goal of competing in a Triathlon, your goal setting process might look like this:

High, hard goal: Compete in triathlon. It’s important that you give yourself a realistic amount of time to work toward this bigger goal. This will depend on a number of factors, including your current fitness level, current known weaknesses, amount of time to train each week, available triathlon dates that work in your schedule, etc.

Short-term goals: You’ll want to find or create a training plan that addresses all of the above and ideally breaks down your training into days, weeks, and months. The key is to chunk your goals into smaller, manageable steps that then allow you to track your progress and adjust as needed while working toward your bigger, long-term goal.

Approach #3: You Place Effort Before Talent 
“Effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment.” – Carol Dweck

If you want to really make progress toward a long-term goal, you not only have to believe you can get better, you also need to place effort before talent.
For example, it’s easy to look at a group of little children on a soccer field and see that a few of the kids naturally seem to know what to do with the ball, are more coordinated, and seem to possess more athleticism than the other children.

What you can’t see from this picture alone is what will happen with the non-athletic looking children if they put in the necessary time and practice. If they work hard and their more talented-seeming peers don’t, many of them will actually surpass the other kids at some point.

Believing that effort counts more than talent is a piece of developing a growth mindset.

Approach #4: You Cultivate Grit.
Another key mindset shift is learning to develop grit.

Developing grit means combining persistence, ambition, and self-discipline in the pursuit of big goals that might take months, years, or even decades to accomplish.

Grit is what allows you to stick with your goals even when you hit inevitably hit obstacles or plateaus.

Says Dweck, “The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.”

Approach #5: You Embrace Failures and Imperfections
Having a growth mindset can be incredibly vulnerable because when you allow yourself to try at something you care about, you’re also setting yourself up for possible failure.

After all, if you try really hard at something and ultimately fail, it’s expected that you’ll feel disappointed.

But being open to failure is a key piece of developing a growth mindset. If you don’t allow yourself to fail, you won’t allow yourself to really try.

“In the fixed mindset, everything is about the outcome,” says Dweck. “If you fail—or if you’re not the best—it’s all been wasted. The growth mindset allows people to value what they’re doing regardless of the outcome. They’re tackling problems, charting new courses, working on important issues. Maybe they haven’t found the cure for cancer, but the search was deeply meaningful.”

The key here is to change your mindset around your goal to focus on the process—rather than the outcome alone.

Approach #6: You Embrace the Word “Yet.”

When you discover that you can’t do something, flip the script. Instead of, “I’ll never be able to do this,” try, “I can’t do it… yet.”

This can apply to nearly anything in fitness:
I can’t do pull-ups… yet.
I can’t run a 5k… yet.
I can’t do 100 burpees in a row without stopping… yet.

This reframe gives you room to grow, and helps gets rid of that feeling that a challenge is impossible.

Because if you can’t do something you want to be able to do, you likely just haven’t put in enough time or effort to get there yet. The more challenging the goal, the harder you’ll have to work for it.

It all starts with a growth mindset. From there, it takes the right goal setting techniques, developing and cultivating grit, and embracing failure as part of the process.

You’re not there… yet. Wherever you’re at, keep going.

“We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes who were born different from us. We don’t like to think of them as relatively ordinary people who made themselves extraordinary.”― Carol Dweck
And, that’s a wrap for today’s show, goal getters.
I hope to have inspired you to take charge of your mindset, health and wellness, not tomorrow, not someday, BUT today!

The second invite is to join the community over on Facebook called:  Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters.  The group is made up of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out and are looking for new ideas to propel their health and wellness to new heights.

Throughout the month of May I am doing a challenge for all those who want to begin slowly but surely to uplevel their wellness and change their lives with fresh, new ideas over the course of 30 days.  I’d love for you to join, just jump on over to FB and join the free public group: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters.

And remember… you owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself every day and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are an incredible human with so much potential.  I believe in you 100%. Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

Have a strong day. 

Til next time, friends.

Lisa xoxo