Fuel Your Strength: Interview with Angela Zwambag, Holistic Nutritionist and Kickass Fitness Instructor, Pilates Trainer

Season 3, Episode 5: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/TRVhHVB9tJb

Welcome to the Inspiration2grow podcast, where we delve deep into the world of holistic wellness and fitness! In this episode, we’re exploring the powerful synergy between holistic nutrition, holistic living, and strength training. Join my guest, Angela Zwambag, and myself as we uncover how nourishing your body, mind, and spirit can elevate your fitness journey to new heights.

Our special guest, Angela Zwambag, a holistic nutritionist and fitness advocate, shares invaluable insights into the role of nutrition in supporting strength training and overall well-being. From the importance of whole foods and mindful eating to the impact of nutrition on energy levels, recovery, and performance, this conversation is a game-changer for anyone looking to optimize their nutrition for fitness and vitality.

But holistic wellness goes beyond just nutrition – it’s about embracing a holistic lifestyle that nurtures every aspect of your being. We’ll discuss how incorporating practices such as mindfulness, stress management, and self-care can complement your strength training regimen and enhance your overall health and happiness. Get ready to discover the holistic approach to living your best life inside and out!

Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey, this episode offers practical tips, actionable advice, and inspiring insights to empower you on your path to holistic health and strength.

Tune in as we uncover the transformative power of holistic nutrition, holistic living, and strength training, and learn how to unlock your full potential from the inside out. Get ready to nourish your body, empower your mind, and embrace the holistic lifestyle you deserve!

Connect with today’s guest, Angela Zwamberg:

IG @angelazwambag

Lakeshore Recreation Fitness Class Instructor –

Tuesdays 6:15 am “Get it Done”
Wednesdays 9:15 am “Fury”

Bloommetta in Southampton

Mind Matters: Unlocking Brain Longevity

Season 3 – Episode 4

Season 3 – Episode 4 is an interview with Barb Rabicki.

In this episode of the Inspiration 2 Grow podcast, we discuss the intricacies of maintaining a healthy, vibrant mind through the wisdom shared by Barb Rakicki in our latest podcast episode: “Mind Matters: Unlocking Brain Longevity.”

Whether you’re a young adult or stepping gracefully into your later years, understanding the importance of brain health and implementing strategies for longevity is crucial. Let’s explore the fascinating world of brain longevity, uncover practical tips for enhancing brain health, and learn how to keep our minds sharp as we age.

00:08 | Introduction to Brain Longevity

In our recent podcast episode, we had the pleasure of hosting Barb Rakicki, a certified arborist, landscape designer, and a brain longevity specialist accredited by the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation. Barb combines her love for nature with her expertise in yoga, meditation, and forest bathing to teach the Brain Longevity Program, which aims at slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease through healthy lifestyle practices.

11:01 | The Four Pillars of Brain Longevity

Barb enlightens us on the four pillars essential to brain longevity, which are diet and supplements, stress management, exercise, and spiritual fitness. These pillars serve as the foundation for maintaining brain health and are intertwined with practices that reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Diet and Supplements: A plant-based diet rich in vitamins B, D, and E, polyphenols, healthy fats, and omega fatty acids is recommended for brain health. Emphasizing whole foods over processed ones, Barb shares that what’s good for the heart is also good for the brain.

Stress Management: Chronic stress has detrimental effects on brain health, including increased inflammation and damage to brain cells. Barb advocates for incorporating relaxation practices such as yoga and meditation into daily routines to manage stress effectively.

Exercise: Physical activity is crucial for brain health, with recommendations including at least 150 minutes of low-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly. Barb suggests finding enjoyable and sustainable exercise routines to ensure consistency.

Spiritual Fitness: Spirituality, whether through organized religion or personal journeys, is linked to reduced anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Community engagement and finding purpose in life are highlighted as integral components of spiritual fitness.

22:32 | Enhancing Brain Health with Sleep and Brain Aerobics

The Importance of Sleep: Quality sleep is paramount for clearing metabolic waste from the brain, supporting cognitive function, and preventing cognitive decline. Barb emphasizes the critical role of REM sleep in maintaining brain health.

Brain Aerobics: Activities that engage multiple senses and challenge the brain, like playing musical instruments or creative arts, are vital for promoting cognitive health. Barb encourages incorporating brain aerobics into our routine to foster neural plasticity.

RELATED: How Your Brain Benefits from Working Out

28:39 | Workshop on Brain Longevity

Barb will be hosting a three-part workshop series at Lakeshore Recreation, focusing on the four pillars of brain longevity. The sessions aim to equip participants with knowledge and tools for enhancing their brain health. Seats are limited so enroll today. Members and non-members welcome. Please register in person or call us at 519.832.9027.

Details on Barb Rabicki’s Brain Longevity Workshop:

Location –> Lakeshore Recreation in Port Elgin
Dates –> 3-part series on April 10, 17, 24
Times –> 7 – 8:30 pm each evening
Cost –> Members of Lakeshore $45; Non-members $55

Connect with Barb
Email: wildbynatureforestsanctuary@gmail.com
Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/wildbynatureforestsanctuary⁠

The Importance of Functional Fitness – Interview with Ann MacKay

Season 3 – Episode 3

Today’s guest, Ann MacKay, is one of the best examples of how living an active lifestyle truly keeps you feeling and looking youthful. Ann plays pickleball, enjoys skiing and has been leading group fitness classes for 35 years now. And, if you have ever taken part in one of Ann’s classes, you’ll know how fit and flexible she is.

In our conversation she shares how seniors can maintain their independence and quality of life through exercise. We chat about the difference between functional fitness and functional training. She outlines the 4 pillars of exercise older adults need, debunks myths that she has encountered over the years regarding starting an exercise regime at 65 +.

We also discuss the various class options offered by Lakeshore Recreation catering to older adults who want to keep fit, flexible, injury-free and mobile in their every day lives.

Contact: https://www.lakeshorerecreation.com/ for further class information.

More about this podcast:

In the latest episode of the Inspiration 2 Grow podcast, host Lisa Oberbichler welcomes Ann MacKay, co-owner and founder of Lakeshore Recreation, to explore the pivotal role of functional fitness in supporting the aging population.

Through this comprehensive guide, glean invaluable insights into how older adults can maintain an active, independent lifestyle through functional fitness.

00:28 | Introduction to Ann MacKay and Lakeshore Recreation

Ann MacKay shares her journey and passion for promoting a healthy, active lifestyle at Lakeshore Recreation. Discover the essence of Lakeshore as a community hub for fitness and social activities, catering to a diverse range of members.

00:42 | The Fundamentals of Functional Fitness

MacKay delves into the concept of functional fitness, emphasizing exercises that mimic everyday movements to prevent injuries and support daily life. Learn about the importance of incorporating strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance into fitness routines, especially for older adults.

06:48 | Debunking Myths About Aging and Exercise

Addressing common misconceptions, MacKay encourages individuals beyond 65 to embrace physical activity. Discover why it’s never too late to start an exercise routine and how to overcome barriers to getting active.

09:11 | The Social and Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Beyond physical health, explore the positive impact of exercise on mental well-being and the role of group fitness classes in fostering social connections among older adults.

10:20 | Customized Fitness: Light Fit and Lighter Fit Classes

Gain insights into the specialized Light Fit and Lighter Fit classes designed for older adults and those new to exercise. Ann explains how these classes cater to varying fitness levels and emphasize the core components of functional fitness.

17:52 | Encouraging an Active Lifestyle

Concluding the episode, Ann offers practical advice for anyone looking to lead a more active lifestyle, emphasizing the significance of setting goals, tracking progress, and the reversibility of muscle loss through consistent exercise.


In our enlightening conversation with Ann, we’ve traversed the vital landscape of functional fitness for the aging population. Ann’s insights not only shed light on the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle through strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance exercises but also challenge the misconceptions that often deter older adults from embracing fitness.

It’s clear that the journey towards an active and independent lifestyle is not just about physical health; it’s about building a supportive community, enhancing mental well-being, and breaking down the barriers that age imposes. The specialized classes at Lakeshore Recreation, like Light Fit and Lighter Fit, exemplify how fitness programs can be tailored to meet the needs of every individual, regardless of their age or starting point.

The takeaways from today’s discussion are a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to start. Whether you’re 65 or 85, the benefits of engaging in functional fitness activities are boundless. From improving everyday movements to fostering social connections and mental health, the impact of a well-rounded fitness routine extends far beyond the gym.

As Ann poignantly concludes, the essence of being strong isn’t just about physical capabilities; it’s about nurturing the strength to lead a fulfilling, active life at any age. Let this conversation be your catalyst for change. Reach out to a fitness professional, join a class that resonates with you, and embark on your path to active aging with confidence and enthusiasm.

Remember, we grow old not because we stop exercising, but we stop exercising because we grow old. Don’t let age define your fitness journey—define your own path to wellness and vitality.

About Ann MacKay

Ann MacKay stands as a beacon of inspiration in the realm of fitness and wellness, particularly for the aging population. As the co-owner and founder of Lakeshore Recreation in Port Elgin, Ann has dedicated over three decades to fostering a community where fitness is accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level.

With a vibrant spirit and a passion for active living, Ann is not only an accomplished entrepreneur but also a grandmother and mother of three who exemplifies the lifestyle she promotes. Her own active pursuits range from swimming and skiing to playing pickleball and teaching fitness classes, embodying the belief that staying active is key to maintaining quality of life at any age.

Ann’s expertise in functional fitness, coupled with her commitment to creating a welcoming environment at Lakeshore Recreation, has made her a respected figure in her community. She specializes in designing fitness programs that enhance everyday movements and prevent injuries, thereby helping older adults to remain independent and enjoy a rich, active lifestyle.

Through her work, Ann challenges the myths surrounding aging and exercise, proving that it’s never too late to start on the path to wellness. Her innovative Light Fit and Lighter Fit classes cater specifically to the needs of older adults, offering a supportive and encouraging space for them to improve their strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance.

Ann’s mission extends beyond the physical aspects of fitness; she values the social connections formed through group classes and the positive impact of exercise on mental health. By sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm, Ann MacKay not only changes lives through fitness but also builds a community where everyone feels included, motivated, and empowered to reach their health and wellness goals.

About Lisa Oberbichler (that’ me, by the way)

Lisa, a Certified Personal Trainer & Pilates Instructor at Lakeshore Recreation, is renowned for her holistic approach to fitness and well-being. With over 30 years of experience in personal development, Lisa brings a wealth of knowledge to her role. Originally from a small town near Lake Huron, Canada, she spent 25 years in Vienna, Austria, enriching her global perspective. As a passionate life coach, she specializes in empowering women to unlock their full potential, guiding them to overcome fears, boost self-esteem, and pursue their aspirations with confidence. Outside the gym, Lisa is an avid hiker, a budding diver, and a devoted mom to her Jack Russell Terrier, Charlotte. Her unique blend of professional expertise and personal experiences makes her an invaluable asset to the Lakeshore Recreation community.

Power Up Your Personal Training

Season 3 – Episode 2 of the Inspiration2grow Podcast

About this Podcast with Jen, Jeff and Lisa

In this podcast, Lisa, Jen and Jeff delve into the transformative power of personal training and gearing up for the highly anticipated Women’s Triathlon event. This episode highlights a round-table discussion with personal trainers Lisa Oberbichler, Jennifer Dunbar, and Jeff Virgo, shedding light on the role personal training and Lakeshore Recreation can play in preparing women for this years Lakeshore Women’s Triathlon.

Highlights and Timestamps

00:08 | Introduction to Personal Training

Our journey begins with an introduction to the world of personal training. The hosts, each bringing their unique perspective and experience, discuss why someone might consider hiring a personal trainer. From beginners feeling lost in the myriad of gym equipment to seasoned athletes aiming to smash personal records, a personal trainer can offer tailored guidance, motivation, and accountability.

03:39 | When to Hire a Personal Trainer

The conversation transitions into when it might be time to seek the expertise of a personal trainer. Whether you’re not seeing results from your current routine, feeling intimidated by the gym environment, or simply needing a motivational boost, a personal trainer is your go-to for customized and effective workout plans.

Check Out: A Gym for Everyone

06:06 | Approaching Personal Training Sessions

A crucial part of starting with a personal trainer is the approach to training sessions. Emphasizing the importance of coming in with an open mind and a positive attitude, the trainers underline that every session is a step towards your fitness goals, urging clients to focus on their personal progress rather than comparing themselves to others.

08:30 | The Initial Assessment Explained

Understanding the significance of an initial assessment or consultation, the team at Lakeshore Recreation details this critical first step. It’s not just about setting goals but also understanding your body’s current state, which helps in crafting a personalized fitness plan.

10:49 | Motivating Clients Towards Their Goals

Motivation is a two-way street. Our experts share their strategies for keeping clients engaged and motivated, from understanding their daily struggles to celebrating every small victory along the way.

13:11 | Personal Training Philosophies and Goals

Diving deeper, each trainer shares their personal philosophy towards training and their individual fitness goals. This segment is a testament to the belief that personal trainers not only talk the talk but also walk the walk.

18:46 | The Special Offer for Triathlon Preparation

As the discussion shifts towards the upcoming Women’s Triathlon event, a special offer from Lakeshore Recreation is revealed. Triathletes showing proof of registration can train for three months while only paying for two, a deal designed to support their preparation journey comprehensively.

21:07 | Utilizing Lakeshore Recreation for Triathlon Training

Highlighting the facilities and classes at Lakeshore Recreation, the trainers outline how the gym is equipped to support triathletes in their training regimen. From strength training sessions to spin classes tailored for endurance building, every resource is aimed at ensuring athletes are triathlon-ready.

35:51 | Conclusion and Contact Information

Concluding the discussion, the trainers extend an invitation to listeners to take advantage of the personal training services, classes, and special offers available at Lakeshore Recreation. Contact information for each trainer is provided for those interested in starting their personalized fitness journey.

How to get in touch:

Jenifer Dunbar – dunbarfitness@gmail.com
Jeff Virgo – virgojeff@gmail.com
Lisa Oberbichler – lisaoberbichlercoaching@gmail.com


This blog post, inspired by a conversation among fitness experts, underscores the importance of personalized training in achieving fitness goals and preparing for demanding events like a triathlon. Lakeshore Recreation emerges not just as a gym but as a community dedicated to fostering strength, endurance, and personal growth.

Whether you’re contemplating starting your fitness journey, aiming to conquer a triathlon, or seeking a community that supports and motivates, the doors of Lakeshore Recreation and the guidance of its skilled trainers await you.

Unlock Your Triathlon Potential with Our Exclusive Training Offer!

Are you gearing up for the Lakeshore Women’s Triathlon in Saugeen Shores? Transform your preparation with our tailor-made training special at Lakeshore Recreation! From now until July 20th, triathlon registrants have a unique opportunity: train for three months while only paying for two. That’s right, show proof of your triathlon registration and enjoy an extra month of training on us!

Our gym, diverse class offerings, and expert personal trainers are here to ensure you’re in peak condition for race day. Whether it’s building endurance in our spin classes, strengthening your core with Pilates, or customizing your workouts with our personal trainers, Lakeshore Recreation is your one-stop destination for triathlon success.

Join our community of motivated athletes and first time participants and take the first step towards crossing that finish line stronger and more prepared than ever. Contact us today to get started and make this triathlon your best one yet.

Contact us for more details and to claim your special offer as a registered Women’s Triathlete participant.

Isaac Hines’ Journey in Powerlifting: Overcoming Challenges and Championing Strength

Season 3 – Episode 1 of the Inspiration2grow Podcast

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN –>https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/xCgmTJaNaIb

About this Podcast with Isaac

In a recent episode of the Inspiration2Grow podcast, Lisa Oberbichler had the privilege of hosting Isaac Hines, a notable figure in the Oregon powerlifting community, who shared his compelling journey from facing a significant back injury to becoming a state record holder in powerlifting. His story is not just about physical strength but also about resilience, community, and the transformative power of strength training.

Highlights and Timestamps

00:08 | A Serendipitous Journey into Powerlifting

Isaac’s venture into powerlifting was almost serendipitous. Originating from a background of running and general fitness, a back injury and the closure of his regular gym during the COVID-19 pandemic led him to discover a powerlifting gym. This unexpected turn of events marked the beginning of his journey into the world of strength sports.

02:46 | Overcoming Physical Hurdles with Core Strength

The narrative of overcoming a severe back injury is at the heart of Isaac’s powerlifting journey. Emphasizing the pivotal role of core strength, Isaac shared how a dedicated focus on strengthening his core muscles not only allowed him to manage his back pain but also to excel in powerlifting, eventually enabling him to perform squats and deadlifts, movements he had previously thought were beyond his capabilities.

10:29 | Achieving Personal Bests and Setting Records

Isaac’s dedication to powerlifting has led him to achieve remarkable personal records, including a state record in Oregon for the bench press in his age and weight category. His journey emphasizes that with determination, appropriate training, and focus, overcoming physical limitations and achieving excellence in strength sports is possible.

15:25 | Building a Supportive Community

One of Isaac’s most cherished aspects of powerlifting is the community. The supportive environment, advice, and encouragement from fellow lifters have been instrumental in his success. Isaac is keen on fostering a similar supportive community in Port Elgin, inviting anyone interested in powerlifting to join him at Lakeshore Recreation on Sundays.

26:47 | Health Benefits and Dispelling Misconceptions

The discussion also touched upon the broad health benefits of strength training, including improved bone density, muscle mass, and overall physical well-being. Isaac and the podcast host, Lisa, debunked common misconceptions about powerlifting, highlighting that it’s a sport for everyone, regardless of age, gender, or physical stature.

22:36 | Invitation to Join the Local Powerlifting Community

In an open invitation, Isaac encourages listeners to join him for training sessions, aiming to create a local community of lifters who support and motivate each other towards achieving their strength goals.


Isaac Hines’ journey from recovery to setting records in powerlifting is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, community, and dedicated training. His story serves as an inspiration for anyone facing physical or mental hurdles, reminding us of the strength we can find within ourselves and the support we can offer each other.

Join the Movement

If Isaac’s story has inspired you, consider joining the local powerlifting community or integrating strength training into your fitness regimen. Remember, it’s not about how much you lift but about taking the first step towards a healthier, stronger you. Check out the Inspiration to Grow for Female Goal-Getters Facebook page for more stories like Isaac’s and to connect with a community of women focused on personal growth and strength. Subscribe to get updates or contact us if you’re interested in getting involved now.

About Lisa Oberbichler (that’s me, your host of this podcast)

Lisa, a Certified Personal Trainer at Lakeshore Recreation, is renowned for her holistic approach to fitness and well-being. With over 30 years of experience in personal development, Lisa brings a wealth of knowledge to her role. Originally from a small town near Lake Huron, Canada, she spent 25 years in Vienna, Austria, enriching her global perspective. As a passionate life coach, she specializes in empowering women to unlock their full potential, guiding them to overcome fears, boost self-esteem, and pursue their aspirations with confidence. Outside the gym, Lisa is an avid hiker, a budding diver, and a devoted mom to her Jack Russell Terrier, Charlotte. Her unique blend of professional expertise and personal experiences makes her an invaluable asset to the Lakeshore Recreation community.

Maintaining a Beginner’s Mindset – How & Why This is Important

LISTEN TO EPISODE 124 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/eUYa9NspRzb

When I first started dressage riding nearly 28 years ago now, I had absolutely zero previous experience with the skill.
I didn’t own a horse growing up and I wasn’t allowed to take riding lessons, so I had no reason to believe I would ever be even remotely decent at a difficult skill like riding, particularly because I started when I was an adult approaching her 30th birthday.

Similarly, when I first started scuba diving a few years ago, I was very sceptical about learning this skill. 

Both experiences started out as extremely humbling and frustrating. I can’t tell you just how many times that I wanted to quit, to tell myself and others that I wasn’t a “natural” at either skill and move on to something else.

After all, no one but me would really care if I quit.

So why didn’t I?

Because I know that maintaining a beginner’s mindset in at least one area of my life is the best way to continue growing and progressing as an athlete and person in all areas of my life.


There’s no question that feeling like a beginner at something is a frustrating and often humbling experience. So why not just stick with the things you’re already good at?

Keeping a beginner’s mindset is helpful for lots of great reasons:
·         It helps you keep making progress. If you’re always staying open, curious, and looking for ways to improve, you’ll keep finding ways to make progress and avoid plateaus, no matter how advanced you get.
·         It helps you relate to others at different points in their fitness journeys. Remember when you couldn’t do a push up, pull up, or even a few burpees in a row without getting winded? I sure do.
Maintaining a beginner’s mindset helps you relate to others at different points in their own fitness journeys so you can help, inspire, or teach what you’ve learned in a non-judgmental manner.
·         It helps stave off boredom. If you already think you know everything about a particular skill or activity, you’re bound to get bored and want to move on to the next thing. Keeping a beginner’s mindset and always looking for new ways to challenge yourself within that skill will keep it endlessly interesting.
Continuously putting yourself through new challenging situations and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is the best way to keep growing and progressing, not only in fitness, but also in your personal and professional life.


Always seeking out new learning opportunities from other people more experienced than you is one of the best things you can do to keep making progress.
Unless you are the absolute best in the world in one area (which is unlikely to be the case, no matter how good you are), you can always learn something from others, as long as you stay open minded. And getting the chance to work with someone better and more experienced than you is one of the best opportunities you’ll ever have to grow and improve.

If you can’t work with someone directly (due to lack of money or access), one of the best things you can do is to find books written by experts on the subject.
This is how I’ve done much of my own learning and growing when I can’t work with the expert directly, and those countless hours of reading have been absolutely invaluable for me.

Read everything you can from people more knowledgeable than you, constantly seek out new learning opportunities, and you’ll improve by leaps and bounds.
This can be applied to anything in life that you’d like to take up and become better at:
For example -> photography, painting, creative writing, just to name a few.


One of the best ways to stay humble and curious in any area of your life is to try something you really are a total beginner at.
When I started spinning seriously last year, I’m not going to lie, it was extremely humbling.
Although I went into this particular fitness activity already fairly fit and strong (strength training workouts work, you guys!), I quickly learned that my stamina needed a lot of work as well as other areas to make it through the tougher spin classes.
Having that beginner perspective not only allowed me to appreciate how far I’ve come in my own fitness journey, but also helped me better relate to others who are at an earlier stage in their own journeys.
Trying something new can also spark more excitement in your training and might be the thing you need to get you out of a plateau or motivation funk.


Another great way to maintain a beginner’s mindset and keep a fresh perspective is to teach what you’ve learned to someone else.
Whether this means you’re teaching your child, niece or nephew to do squats or push ups, teaching will help you assume a beginner’s mindset by forcing you to break down the skill you’re trying to teach into manageable steps for beginners.
Another benefit of teaching is that it really forces you to look at every aspect of the skill so that you end up getting better as a result.


If you really want to keep growing and improving, whether as an athlete, friend, entrepreneur, or even in your relationship, it’s imperative that you keep a beginner’s mindset throughout the process.
By seeking out new learning opportunities, trying new things, and teaching others what you’ve learned, you’ll be able to keep a fresh perspective and continue making progress for life.

“In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” — Zen monk Shunryu Suzuki
My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Keep smiling and keep shining!
Have a super powerful day!
Til next time,

Lisa xoxo

How to Test Drive a New Habit for 30 Days

LISTEN TO EPISODE 123 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/Gm6xIg9uNzb

Many of you know that during the month of May many other members of the Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters FB group are doing a wellness challenge.  Each day there is a new challenge to try in order to elevate our wellness and introduce some new and helpful wellness habits into our daily lives.
So, today I would like to introduce the concept of ‘test driving’ a habit you might be interested in incorporating yourself.  It can be anything really, health and fitness related, work related, hobby related, maybe it is a habit you’d like to implement in a relationship.  Whatever you choose, I am going to walk you through the concept and the how-tos of the 30-day habit challenge.

I actually talking in depth about this idea with some clients recently and they had two basic questions about the challenge and it’s concept:

1. Why should I try a 30-day habit challenge?
2. How do I implement this idea?
So, let me cover both questions in this podcast episode…
First, the simple truth is most of the time, we fail when it comes to building habits.   
I feel that the problem stems from one scary word – permanent.
Deep in our subconscious, it’s hard to mentally build a permanent habit.  
The problem with forever is it seems like…forever.
For instance, let’s say you want to exercise more.  Most people struggle with this habit because it’s hard to imagine exercising a few days a week, for the rest of their lives. 
So, the 30-day habit challenge (or 30DHC) allows you concentrate on forming a new habit for just one month
Basically, you’re taking it for a “test drive.”  Instead of committing to a permanent change, you’ll try it for awhile and see if it’s a helpful behavior.
In a way, the 30DHC tricks your mind into forming a new habit.  It’s easy to do something unpleasant if you think it’s only for a month.  And when the time expires, you’ll be a little closer to making a permanent change.
Also, the 30DHC gives you an “out” if you don’t like the new habit. At the end of the month, you can decide if it’s worth continuing.  What’s funny is your average habit is a lot easier to maintain once you’ve done it for 30 days.
How to Get Started with the 30-Day Habit Challenge
It’s not hard to get started with the 30DHC.  The secret to success is to focus on a single change every month.  Don’t try to do everything at once.  Instead make the commitment to start a new habit every 30 days (or 31/28 days depending on the month).
To get started, you can buy a journal, grab an old notebook or even use any piece of scrap paper. From there, make an entry for each routine. 
Include the following pieces of information:
#1 – Reason Why 
Give a specific reason why this habit is important.  It doesn’t matter what you write here.  The important thing is to know why it’s personally important to make this change.
#2 – Description
Write down an overview of this habit, with the step-by-step actions that you’ll complete.  Be sure to include any tools or environmental cues that will help/hinder your completion of this new routine.
#3 – Obstacles
Every habit has a trigger.  This is a thought, cue or action that creates resistance to this change.  Your job is to identify any trigger that pops up.
Use your journal to track obstacles.  Write down them down whenever they occur.  Include important information like: Where are you?  Who is with you?  What are you doing? What thoughts are in your head?
#4 – Results
Track your success with a daily metric.  You can jot it down in your notebook or use a habit-building app. 
You can track a habit in a variety of ways:
Yes or No (Did you do it today or not?)
Quantity (How many times did you complete the habit?)
Number (Are you over or under a set quota?)
Time (How long did you spend on this habit every day?)
The daily metric is the key to forming a permanent habit.  There will be days where you’ll fall off the wagon.  The important thing is to track these lapses and carry on.
Remember this:
Success doesn’t happen overnight. It comes from the commitment to focus on continuous improvement.
#5 – Verdict
You’ll need to make a decision at the end of the month: 
Should it stay or should it go?
Then take a few minutes to analyze this habit.  
Did it help your life?  Can you improve the process?  Did you have time to complete it?  Should you keep it?  Or should you eliminate it?  Should you try it for another 30 days and see what happens?
The key here is to make some sort of decision after this trial period.
I recommend doing one of three things:
#1. Keep It: Continue to track this habit daily and try to turn it into a permanent change.
#2. Ditch It: The habit didn’t work for some reason, so stop doing it!
#3. Tweak It: Some habits didn’t work because you created a bad process.  So, change the routine and try it again.
My Challenge to YOU…
The 30DHC can create a dynamic change in your life.  Remember, it’s not permanent.  Instead, you’ll promise to do one thing for the next month.
That doesn’t sound very hard, does it?
So I want you to do three things right now:
** Buy a journal for tracking a habit.  
** Commit to one habit change – starting today.
** Follow this habit for 30 days – even if you hate it!
You can make a significant change in a month.  Just commit to a single habit in the next 30 days and you’ll be one step closer to making a positive change in your life.

Til next time,

Lisa xoxo

How to Improve Your Self-Discipline When You Feel Lazy

LISTEN TO EPISODE 122 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/eNTCF34qFzb

How to Have Self-discipline When You’re Feeling Lazy
Everyone thinks motivation is the key to getting things done. I’m sure you’ve searched the phrase, ‘How do I motivate myself?’ once or twice when you’re lacking the willpower to get anything done.

Without motivation, it’s hard to get started on anything. But when you can’t rely on motivation, you need to turn to self-discipline.

Self-discipline and consistency are so important, yet they’re so difficult to achieve. Perhaps it’s because we associate them with deprivation, mundanity, and absolutely zero fun. 

If you let distractions control your day and you only make decisions based on how you feel (aka unmotivated), you might never get where you want to be. 
It may be more fun to watch Netflix, but you need self-discipline to help you get through those moments when you lack motivation. In this post, I’m sharing some mindset shifts to help you realize you ARE disciplined, plus seven tips to help you improve your self-discipline even when you’re feeling lazy (coming from someone who’s a sloth by nature).

What Is Self-Discipline?

Self-discipline is the ability to pursue what you want despite temptations to abandon it.

Self-discipline involves doing something repeatedly until it becomes part of your routine and lifestyle. It also means avoiding things that you know you shouldn’t do/eat/say, etc.

Whether you think of it as something you do or something you refrain from doing, self-discipline is something many people associate with success. 

If you think of Olympic athletes, talent obviously contributes to their success, but it’s those who are the most disciplined who win the medals. People who keep their commitments to themselves and others are the ones who get ahead.

You might not think you have self-discipline, but we all have discipline in some way or another without even realizing it. If you’re always telling yourself that you have no self-discipline, it’s time to let that mindset go. It’s not a personality trait to suck at self-discipline, so I want you to stop using that as an excuse.

What Self-Discipline Looks Like

I never thought of myself as having good self-discipline until my mom mentioned it randomly one day. She said, “You’re pretty good at setting a routine for yourself and getting to work.” That was all I really needed to hear in order to change my mindset and see that I am capable of self-discipline.

I’m lazy by nature, but I am disciplined at certain things. We’re all that way really, but we get stuck because we think we need to be disciplined at everything. To change your mindset, recognize the areas of your life where you’re already disciplined.

For example, something I’ve been good at lately is exercising 6 times a week for at least 20 minutes per workout. It took a long time to be consistent with it (like….years), but I’m finally at the point where I do it without trying to talk myself out of it. 

Something I’ve not been disciplined with is the amount of time I spend on TikTok (yeah, I’m almost 30 but I caved and downloaded the app). I know these types of apps were designed to keep people on them for as long as possible, but I also have plenty of opportunities to stop scrolling…yet I don’t.

Knowing that I have self-discipline in certain areas of my life but not others reminds me that I’m human. It also reminds me that I can’t use a lack of self-discipline as an excuse to not follow through with my intentions.

Why Self-Discipline Is So Difficult (Yet So Important)

Consistency helps us to move the needle forward. If you have goals you want to achieve or habits you want to adopt, self-discipline helps you to be consistent with them. 

When motivation fails to inspire you, self-discipline is there to help you get it done anyway.

One of the reasons self-discipline is so difficult is because we view it as a negative thing. Self-discipline is often associated with deprivation, and who wants to willingly deprive themselves?

If you stick with the mindset that self-discipline equals deprivation, you might be holding yourself back. Instead, think of self-discipline in terms of consistently doing things because they’re important to you.

When you do things because you enjoy them and clearly see the benefits of doing them, you’re more likely to be consistent with them. Mark Manson says, “Any emotionally healthy approach to self-discipline must work with your emotions, rather than against them.”

You won’t be able to go to the gym consistently if you don’t enjoy it, so you have to find ways to make it enjoyable. Focus on creating discipline around the things that you find beneficial, not the things that you think you should do.

For example, I journal daily because I know it makes me feel good. There are still times when I don’t want to do it, but I always feel better after writing. This makes it easier to be disciplined with my daily writing habit.

You don’t have to deprive yourself of the things that you enjoy. Practicing discipline will make it easier to enjoy the things you want to do without feeling guilty about them.

7 Ways To Improve Your Self-Discipline

If you’ve been telling yourself you need to get better at self-discipline, here are 7 ways to work on it every single day (especially when you feel lazy or unmotivated):

1. Create enjoyable rituals
Little rituals and certain environments can help with self-discipline. I recently started dedicating time to writing blog posts on a daily basis. When it’s time to get started (usually around 9 or 10), I turn on my essential oil diffuser, make a cup of tea, and put on the cardigan that hangs on the back of my chair. This little ritual makes me feel like a real writer (lol) and it signals to my brain that it’s time to start writing.
Setting up this environment for myself tells me it’s time to write, and it makes the daily ritual a little more inviting. Routines and rituals help you to be consistent and help you stick to the commitments you’re trying to keep to yourself.

2. Clarify your priorities
When you’re clear on your priorities, it makes it easier to avoid decisions you’ll regret later. It also makes it easier to focus on one thing at a time. For example, if you need to get something done but a friend asks you to hang out, you have to decide whether it’s more beneficial to keep working or take a break for your friend.
It’s okay to let go of a rigid schedule and be spontaneous, but clear-set priorities will help if you do this often and keep feeling guilty about it. One way to do this is to ask yourself, “Will this make my life easier or harder in the future?”
3. Commit to consistency
If you have a hard time deciding how often you want to do something, try doing it every day or every weekday instead. I’ve found success when I do something every day (e.g. writing morning pages, working out, journaling, etc.) because my brain doesn’t have to make a decision about how often to do it. I know I need to get it done that day, so I create the time to do it.
You could also try Matt D’Avella’s two-day rule where he doesn’t go more than two days without working out (but apply it to whatever you’re wanting to do).

4. Keep track of your progress
If you want to do something every day, keep track of it with a habit tracker. The more you do something and physically see how much you’ve done it, the more likely you are to keep going. That’s how I was able to meditate for 76 days in a row in 2018. Seeing that I’d already done it for so many days in a row motivated me to keep going even when I didn’t feel like it.

5. Just get started
If you always leave things until the last minute, make things easier for yourself by committing to taking one step. Often we avoid tasks until the last minute because we think a) they’ll take forever b) it’ll take a lot of effort or c) we need to finish it all in one go.
I try to start tasks with the mindset that I don’t have to get them finished in one session. If I tell myself, “You only need to work on this for 25 minutes”, I’m more likely to start it before it’s due.

6. Remove temptations
If you’re prone to distractions, get them as far away as possible. My phone is a big temptation for me, so I make sure it’s out of sight when I’m working. If you’re not disciplined when it comes to food, keep temptations out of your pantry. When the temptation is too strong, ask yourself again, “Does this help or hurt my future self?”

7. Let yourself rest
Your day does not have to be filled to the brim with productive tasks. You need to give yourself downtime to reset and recharge. Otherwise, discipline won’t give you much of a life. If you’re having a particularly rough day, give yourself permission to take a break.
Sometimes all you need is a few moments to recuperate, but other times you need longer to recover. Be real with yourself about how much discomfort you’re willing to let disrupt your day.

What areas of your life are you disciplined in?
Think of one area of your life where you have discipline. How did you get there? How can you apply that to other areas of your life? Instead of telling yourself that you don’t have self-discipline, find a way to prove yourself wrong.

My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Keep smiling and keep shining!
Have a super powerful day!
Til next time,
Lisa xoxo