Mind Matters: Unlocking Brain Longevity

Season 3 – Episode 4

Season 3 – Episode 4 is an interview with Barb Rabicki.

In this episode of the Inspiration 2 Grow podcast, we discuss the intricacies of maintaining a healthy, vibrant mind through the wisdom shared by Barb Rakicki in our latest podcast episode: “Mind Matters: Unlocking Brain Longevity.”

Whether you’re a young adult or stepping gracefully into your later years, understanding the importance of brain health and implementing strategies for longevity is crucial. Let’s explore the fascinating world of brain longevity, uncover practical tips for enhancing brain health, and learn how to keep our minds sharp as we age.

00:08 | Introduction to Brain Longevity

In our recent podcast episode, we had the pleasure of hosting Barb Rakicki, a certified arborist, landscape designer, and a brain longevity specialist accredited by the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation. Barb combines her love for nature with her expertise in yoga, meditation, and forest bathing to teach the Brain Longevity Program, which aims at slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease through healthy lifestyle practices.

11:01 | The Four Pillars of Brain Longevity

Barb enlightens us on the four pillars essential to brain longevity, which are diet and supplements, stress management, exercise, and spiritual fitness. These pillars serve as the foundation for maintaining brain health and are intertwined with practices that reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Diet and Supplements: A plant-based diet rich in vitamins B, D, and E, polyphenols, healthy fats, and omega fatty acids is recommended for brain health. Emphasizing whole foods over processed ones, Barb shares that what’s good for the heart is also good for the brain.

Stress Management: Chronic stress has detrimental effects on brain health, including increased inflammation and damage to brain cells. Barb advocates for incorporating relaxation practices such as yoga and meditation into daily routines to manage stress effectively.

Exercise: Physical activity is crucial for brain health, with recommendations including at least 150 minutes of low-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly. Barb suggests finding enjoyable and sustainable exercise routines to ensure consistency.

Spiritual Fitness: Spirituality, whether through organized religion or personal journeys, is linked to reduced anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Community engagement and finding purpose in life are highlighted as integral components of spiritual fitness.

22:32 | Enhancing Brain Health with Sleep and Brain Aerobics

The Importance of Sleep: Quality sleep is paramount for clearing metabolic waste from the brain, supporting cognitive function, and preventing cognitive decline. Barb emphasizes the critical role of REM sleep in maintaining brain health.

Brain Aerobics: Activities that engage multiple senses and challenge the brain, like playing musical instruments or creative arts, are vital for promoting cognitive health. Barb encourages incorporating brain aerobics into our routine to foster neural plasticity.

RELATED: How Your Brain Benefits from Working Out

28:39 | Workshop on Brain Longevity

Barb will be hosting a three-part workshop series at Lakeshore Recreation, focusing on the four pillars of brain longevity. The sessions aim to equip participants with knowledge and tools for enhancing their brain health. Seats are limited so enroll today. Members and non-members welcome. Please register in person or call us at 519.832.9027.

Details on Barb Rabicki’s Brain Longevity Workshop:

Location –> Lakeshore Recreation in Port Elgin
Dates –> 3-part series on April 10, 17, 24
Times –> 7 – 8:30 pm each evening
Cost –> Members of Lakeshore $45; Non-members $55

Connect with Barb
Email: wildbynatureforestsanctuary@gmail.com
Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/wildbynatureforestsanctuary⁠

How to Create a Wellness Toolkit

LISTEN TO EPISODE 119 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/R7flp2tsvzb

What Keeps You Feeling Well? What has been helping you to function lately?

You know, the things that are keeping you together when you’re perhaps one thread away from unraveling?

Maybe it’s journaling, reading, spending time with friends, or watching your favourite movie.

We all need supportive tools in our lives, especially when we experience tough times or when our days become more hectic than usual.  And, I am going to need this more than ever in the second half of May and likely into June because my father is having surgery and I will step in to look after both my mother and father until he is able to get back on his feet again.  It’s going to be a stressful time for everyone involved, so I will definitely need to have my wellness toolkit ready.

So, it’s times like this that a wellness toolkit is super handy to have.

I recently heard a concept on another podcast where they discussed the idea of having a ‘wellness house of cards’ that helps you feel supported and grounded. 
“Your wellness house of cards are the things, ideas, actions, and products that are keeping your wellbeing together.”
You can think of it as the threads that are holding everything together.

Creating this kind of wellness toolkit is helpful because it means you have a list of tools to turn to when you want to feel more balanced.

Today, I’m sharing what’s in my personal wellness toolkit and how you can create your own resource library to rely on when you need a little extra support.

What Is A Wellness Toolkit?

A wellness toolkit is a group of habits, tools, and products that make you feel good.

Think of a welder bringing tools along to a work site. Everything they need is in the toolkit. 

They won’t need everything for every job. But when something needs mending or putting back together, they can find the right tool for the situation.

In our case…it’s not necessarily a physical toolkit, but rather a collection of things that help you to feel better.

Your toolkit is there to help you get grounded when you need to. You can think of it like anchors for the mind, body, and soul.

What’s In My Wellness Toolkit

Here’s what’s in my current wellness toolkit:

1. Breathwork. I’ve been enjoying doing a few minutes of breathwork for a quick pause in my day (in Season 1, Episode 34, published Dec. 20/22 entitled: 2 Essential Tools You Need – Breathwork & Mental Imagery) of this podcast, I walked listeners through two breathing exercises that I use). If you’ve ever struggled with meditation, breathwork is a good alternative because it helps you be mindful without the pressure of trying to quiet your mind.
2. A journal and pen. I find a lot of my problems get solved if I simply write them down.
3. Music. It heals everything, right?
4. Nature. I spend too much time looking at screens, so a simple glimpse at the world outside helps my wellbeing. And, I try to get outdoors as much as possible – for exercise but also to clear my mind using all my senses.
5. A yoga mat. I can quickly roll it out and create space between me and my desk. Stretch, meditate, read, whatever.
6. Walking. I walk for thirty minutes every single day, and my walks are perhaps the main thread holding my life together.
7. Spin Class.  I love my spin classes for several reasons:  the fitness aspect, the energizing feeling I get from it, sweating it out feels to good for my body, it’s an amazing form of movement for my mobility issues, the social aspect (chat with fellow spinners).
8. A plan to eat healthy, fuelling food.  You might find this an odd item to have in the toolkit but I can’t impress upon you enough that following a whole food eating lifestyle has changed my life immensely.  Cutting out processed food and alcohol, white flour and refined sugar has made a world of difference.
Just don’t forget to include nutrition (favourite healthy snacks) and exercise (mood boosting movement) in your toolkit.
How To Create Your Wellness Toolkit

1. Brainstorm the habits, activities, tools, and products that keep you feeling well.
Do a quick braindump of everything you can think of that feels supportive right now.
It’s best to use things you already know work for you, rather than things you ‘wish’ you would do. Leave out the 30-minute meditation session if you’ve never done it before.
Try thinking of:
1.       baseline activities (brushing your teeth, eating a meal) 
2.       nice-to-do activities (reading, exercising, calling a friend, putting on a face mask)
You might also want to think of the things that nourish your mind, body, and soul.
SIDE NOTE:  ** If you have joined our Wellness Challenge on FB or followed along in my IG stories, then you will encounter 30 days of ideas that you may want to include in your own wellness toolkit.

The May Wellness Challenge is meant to nourish all three aspects:  your mind, body and soul, so be sure to take part or look the group up for some inspiration:  Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters on FB

2. Keep a visual reminder somewhere in your space. 
I found it super helpful to make a physical list of the things that feel supportive to me. 
When you find yourself in a state of frustration or overwhelm, it’s hard to think of anything that might get you grounded. If you have this list readily available, you can take a quick look and respond to whichever habit or action sounds supportive. It’s one less thing your brain has to think about.
I keep mine as a handwritten list, but you could create a menu of options in the notes app of your phone or in your journal. You can pin it to your wall, make it your phone wallpaper, etc.
You could even create physical cards and pull them like a deck of cards (I use recipe cards for this) to help you find what you need.

3. Use your wellness toolkit.
When the going gets tough, turn to your wellness toolkit and see what sounds good to you in the moment.
Your wellness toolkit will inevitably change over time, so be sure to update your list with new discoveries and remove the ones that aren’t working for you anymore. 

What’s in your wellness toolkit?

What wellness practices, habits, and products are supporting you right now? I’d love to hear what’s in your toolkit either in the comments on FB, on IG or right here on my blog/shownotes.

My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,

Lisa xoxo

Healthism & Weight Bias: Challenging the Status Quo – Raw & Real Talk with Jenifer Dunbar of Dunbar Fitness

LISTEN TO EPISODE 116 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/aRpu7OM9kzb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast, I have Jenifer Dunbar as my guest. Jen has over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is a certified Personal Trainer, Spin Instructor, Group Fitness Instructor, and Nutrition and Wellness Specialist. Her passion for fitness stems from wanting her clients to have a lifelong journey with wellness. This passion comes from changing peoples views on what fit looks like. Her motto is: “I’m not training to be skinny, I’m training for longevity.”

In our conversation today, we cover:

-> what is a fitness mindset
-> the concept of healthism and how it shows up in our everyday lives
-> how we can shift away from judging ourselves and others
-> the main causes of weight bias
-> what role the media plays in weight discrimination and how we can overcome it
-> effective strategies for reducing weight bias
-> and many more golden nuggets…

Connect with Jenifer Dunbar:

Email: dunbarfitness@gmail.com

OR Contact Lakeshore Recreation Center and ask for Jenifer Dunbar

Episode 114 – How Living Simply & Atomic Habits Work Perfectly Together

LISTEN TO EPISODE 114 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/yLaODAFgbzb

Are you familiar with Atomic Habits?

This book by James Clear has sold over a million copies and for a good reason. In it, Clear explains how to put an end to bad behaviors and embrace better habits that’ll improve your life – with concise actionable steps you can take today.
It explains that you don’t have to totally overhaul everything, all at once, to make meaningful change. And, in fact, the all-or-nothing mentality is often unsuccessful.

Instead, Clear advocated for making small changes over time. Then, build on those changes as you go. These incremental adjustments can help you eventually achieve massive results. 

And if you’re on a mission to live more simply, the Atomic Habits strategy can help you get there.

In fact, simple living and Atomic Habits go hand in hand, complementing each other perfectly. Together, they can help you live a simpler, more meaningful, and more intentional life. 

What is simple living? 

Before we dive into how simple living and Atomic Habits pair so perfectly together, let’s take a step back and take a look at what simple living actually is. 

At its core, simple living is all about streamlining your life by eliminating clutter and needless distractions. It’s about finding joy in the little things, choosing to be content with what you have, and being intentional with your choices.

It’s a far departure from the consumer mentality that is constantly craving and acquiring more stuff. The focus is on keeping what you use and love and letting go of the excess while giving your attention to what matters most.

And while the shift to simple living can be challenging at times, those who adopt the lifestyle tend to embrace and enjoy it fully.

How do simple living and Atomic Habits work perfectly together? 

Now that you understand what simple living is, let’s look at how simple living and Atomic Habits work perfectly together.

1. Simple living and Atomic Habits encourage you to focus on your environment. 

One of the biggest ways that simple living and Atomic Habits work together? They both focus on the importance of your environment.

The spaces we exist in – and the ways that we use them – have a tremendous influence on our habits.

For instance, if we keep our living room in a constant state of clutter and disarray, we start to think it’s acceptable to throw our coats down on the back of a chair instead of hanging them up, or leaving books piled on the end table instead of returning them to the shelves.

By repeating these behaviors, we create a habit – a negative habit, as many of us would consider it.

Another example? Think about your bedroom. Your bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary, a place where you can retreat at the end of the day to relax, unwind, and get some rest.

But if you’ve got a television in your bedroom, it’s easy to make a habit of binge-watching Netflix each night before you go to bed – delaying sleep by a couple of hours and destroying the tranquility the space is intended to bring.

By ensuring that our environment reflects the simplicity we crave, we can influence our habits – and make good ones easier to develop.

2. Atomic Habits and simple living focus on making things easier.

One of the cornerstones of simple living is embracing ease. Simplifying seeks to cut out the excess and distractions thereby making at least some aspects of life a bit easier.

And one of the primary points Clear makes in Atomic Habits is that you can’t make new habits difficult. Instead, you need to make them easy to start.
That’s where he came up with the “two-minute rule.” In theory, no new habit should take you more than two minutes to complete.

Want to get in shape? Start with two minutes of exercise – not an hour-long workout class.

Want to make cleaning and organization a habit? Try tidying up for two minutes – instead of spending a whole day struggling to stay focused.

Trying to read more books? Tell yourself you’ll read for two minutes each day and increase from there, instead of overcommitting and trying – and failing – to read a book a week.
This two-minute rule will not only help you earn some quick wins and find the motivation you need to maintain these habits, but it’s also a great way to introduce new practices into your life in a simple and stress-free way.

3. Simple living and Atomic Habits encourage reflection and celebration.

When you embrace simple living, one of the main ideas is being happy with what you already have – instead of constantly reaching for more.

Celebrating your decluttering wins along the way will motivate you to continue with the process. By reveling in the small victories, you’ll be encouraged to keep making progress toward your goals.

Once you’ve simplified your home and your life, developing decluttering habits will help you to maintain your results.

Similarly, with Atomic Habits, a big part of the process is celebrating your success – the incremental change you’ve been able to achieve. By reflecting on your wins on a daily or weekly basis, you can see just how far you’ve come – even when those changes initially seem small.

By recognizing your progress and acknowledging the success you’ve already seen, you’ll find the motivation you need to maintain your habits and build upon them – without becoming too ambitious and burning yourself out. 

4. Simple living and Atomic Habits benefit from routine. 

Simple living helps to reduce stress and make your life simpler – and that’s exactly what habits can do for you.

By making something a habit, it becomes automatic. You need less willpower and energy to perform the action over time. Eventually, those habits can become something you do without even thinking about it.

This aligns perfectly with the philosophy of Atomic Habits. Clear explains that one of the easiest ways to incorporate a new habit into your life is to “stack” that habit – in other words, to pair it with an action that has already become routine for you.

Want to start flossing every day? Stack that habit with brushing your teeth – something you’re already doing each morning and evening. After you brush, grab the floss and get to work. 

Want to begin a journalling practice? Stack that habit with your morning coffee and write as you sip your latte. 

By incorporating these habits into a natural place in your pre-existing routine, it makes it easier to create and maintain your desired habits. 

5. Atomic Habits and simple living help you to live intentionally.

The thing that I love most about Atomic Habits and simple living is that they both help you to be more intentional with your life.

Atomic Habits helps you to be purposeful in creating small habits that will move you toward your goals. By automating your desired behaviors you’re making important incremental changes that can add up to be life-changing.

Simple living seeks to help you weed out the extra stuff in your home and in your life. It saves you time so that you can focus on your highest priorities.

By using Atomic Habits to further support your desire for living simply, you can free up more time for what matters most to you. By being efficient with the things that you have to do, you’ll have more time for the things you need or want to do.

Combining small habits with simplifying will further your journey of living a more deliberate and intentional life.

I hope to have inspired you to take charge of your mindset, health and wellness, not tomorrow, not someday, BUT today!

The second invite is to join the community over on Facebook called:  Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters.  The group is made up of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out and are looking for new ideas to propel their health and wellness to new heights.

Throughout the month of May I am doing a challenge for all those who want to begin slowly but surely to uplevel their wellness and change their lives with fresh, new ideas over the course of 30 days.  I’d love for you to join, just jump on over to FB and join the free public group: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters.

And remember… you owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself every day and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are an incredible human with so much potential.  I believe in you 100%. Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

Have a strong day. 

Til next time, friends.

Lisa xoxo

Episode 113 – Exploring the Vagus Nerve: A Journey Through the Mind-Body Axis – Raw & Real Talk with Sara Lodge, Holistic Nutritionist

LISTEN TO EPISODE 113 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/qANt5I7fbzb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast, I have Sara Lodge as my guest. Sara is a registered holistic nutritionist and the owner of Sara Lodge Nutrition.

She specializes in the Brain-Gut Connection: how the state of your mental health can impact your gut health, and vice versa.

In her practice, she helps people gain clarity between these two aspects of their lives so they can find a refreshing balance between them. Not only does Sara provide nutritional science and customized protocols, but also healthy lifestyle practices like meditation and yoga as well as journaling, breath work, and support from myself and others in the community.

I’m super excited to have her with us today to talk about her two favourite topics to educate on: the brain-gut connection and the vagus nerve.

You will learn more about:

-> how the gut-brain axis affects human health
-> the role of our microbiome
-> lifestyle and dietary changes we can make to improve our gut-brain connection
-> how the vagus nerve functions, what triggers and stimulates it
-> how we can keep our vagus nerve happy
-> the SURPRISE GIFT Sara Lodge offers all listeners

Connect with Sara Lodge:
Website: ⁠https://www.saralodgenutrition.com/⁠
Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/saralodgenutrition/⁠
Facebook:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/saralodgenutrition⁠
Gift from Sara -> Free 5-Day Brain/Gut Meal Plan -> Here’s the link: ⁠https://view.flodesk.com/pages/635ed8888d1a1ae7948da1a1⁠

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a rating/review and subscribe for regular updates on how to transform your thoughts and habits to support your goals, tap into the superpower of mindset and become the best version of yourself.

If you’d like to work with me on your personal growth strategies, mastering your mindset and building unwavering confidence to crush your goals, contact: ⁠⁠⁠lisaoberbichlercoaching@gmail.com⁠⁠⁠

I would love to welcome you in the Inspiration2grow Facebook Group – join by clicking here: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/groups/1083545765671503⁠⁠⁠

Connect with me on social media:

IG – ⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/lisaoberbichlercoaching/⁠⁠⁠
FB – ⁠⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/OberbichlerLisa/⁠⁠⁠
LinkedIn – ⁠⁠⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisajoberbichler/⁠⁠⁠
Website, Blog & Coaching Sessions: ⁠⁠⁠www.inspiration2grow.com⁠⁠⁠

Thank you for your support of my podcast and business.
Having YOU as a listener and fellow goal getter lights me up more than you can imagine!
Disclaimer:  Any information taken from and provided in these podcasts are for information purposes only! If you are seeking medical advice, please see your own medical professional.  Do not use any statements or views expressed during this podcast as medical advice.  This podcast and Lisa Oberbichler disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information or advice contained herein.  Opinions expressed by guests are their own and this podcast does not accept responsibility for statements made by guests.

Episode 111 – How to Show Up & Get Fit For Life – Raw & Real Talk with Eden McFarlane of No Drama Fitness

LISTEN TO EPISODE 111 HERE ->https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/L6e5XWzHZyb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast, I have Eden McFarlane on the microphone with me talking about all things fitness. We cover a range of topics such as:

-> a common myth about weight lifting
-> a workout to try if you’re crunched for time & 3 basic movements you could incorporate easily
-> ways to stay motivated (Hint: Eden has an awesome idea to challenge yourself and create a little competition with yourself.)
-> realistic goals and sustainable habits for your health journey
-> how to prioritize yourself
-> virtuosity and how it applies to working out
-> becoming ‘fit for life’
-> showing up and having fun while exercising

Some notable quotes by Eden:

“Goals are like exciting stepping stones.”
“We should be creating sustainable habits around WHY we are showing up to achieve our goals.”
“I am no longer training my body as a means to an end, but for living life.”
“It’s simple, but not easy.”

Key Takeaways from today’s show:

Show up for yourself, build sustainable habits, make it part of your routine and just have fun with it.

Connect with Coach Eden and No Drama Fitness:

Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/no_drama_personal_fitness_/⁠
Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/nodramafitness.nutrition/⁠
Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/nodramafitness⁠

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a rating/review and subscribe for regular updates on how to transform your thoughts and habits to support your goals, tap into the superpower of mindset and become the best version of yourself.

If you’d like to work with me on your personal growth strategies, mastering your mindset and building unwavering confidence to crush your goals, contact: ⁠⁠⁠lisaoberbichlercoaching@gmail.com⁠⁠⁠

I would love to welcome you in the Inspiration2grow Facebook Group – join by clicking here: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/groups/1083545765671503⁠⁠⁠

Connect with me on social media:

IG – ⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/lisaoberbichlercoaching/⁠⁠⁠
FB – ⁠⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/OberbichlerLisa/⁠⁠⁠
LinkedIn – ⁠⁠⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisajoberbichler/⁠⁠⁠
Website, Blog & Coaching Sessions: ⁠⁠⁠www.inspiration2grow.com⁠⁠⁠

Thank you for your support of my podcast and business.
Having YOU as a listener and fellow goal getter lights me up more than you can imagine!
Disclaimer:  Any information taken from and provided in these podcasts are for information purposes only! If you are seeking medical advice, please see your own medical professional.  Do not use any statements or views expressed during this podcast as medical advice.  This podcast and Lisa Oberbichler disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information or advice contained herein.  Opinions expressed by guests are their own and this podcast does not accept responsibility for statements made by guests.

Epis. 109 – How to Connect with Your Core Values

LISTEN TO EPISODE 109 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/EZqaCQv9Syb

Today we are going to discuss how to connect with your own values.  We are going to learn how to distinguish our goals from our values and gain direction, meaning and motivation.  And at the end I have an excellent exercise consisting of three simple steps to get crystal clear on your values.

So, once I asked a client of mine about her deepest values.  She paused for a long time before finally answering, “That’s a really scary thing to consider. Nobody has ever asked me that before.”  She was a bit distraught because she just hadn’t thought about it for a very long time.

Unfortunately, I feel this is not uncommon.  It’s far too easy to get bogged down in daily tasks and habits while losing sight of what matters most.  Like a cog in a machine, we might function on the outside but we are actually feeling quite stuck on the inside, repeating the same old motions, unable to change or even see a different way of living.

We might have mindlessly adopted the values and goals of our friends and family, never daring to explore our own out of fear that they might deviate from our cultural upbringing.  Or we might have come to doubt our ability to pursue a different path because we are not smart enough, not confident enough, or simply, not enough.

There are many reasons why we lose touch, and they all lead to suffering – because humans are not mindless machines following a programmed script but rather breathing beings with a yearning for meaning and self-direction.  Without purpose, life becomes empty and dull.

Here’s what values can do for you

Values are chosen qualities of being and doing, such as being a caring parent, being a dependable friend, being loving, loyal, honest, and courageous.  They can be expressed with verbs and adverbs, like teaching compassionately and giving gratefully.  However, they are not goals.

Goals are finite; they are achievements, and once you reach them, you are finished with them.  Values, on the other hand, are enduring, eternal guides to living.  You cannot achieve a value; you can only manifest it by acting in accordance with it.

Your values not only tell you where to focus your efforts and energies but also provide you with a new source of motivation.  The pain you have had to endure along your journey becomes much easier to bear when it’s in the service of your goals and values. And acting in line with your heart’s deepest desires brings a sense of fulfillment and vitality that no material wealth can match.

The values you choose are completely up to you.  If you’re unclear what those values might be and how to implement them, here are a few steps.
This is where it gets pen-to-paper tangible.

I like to call this exercise “Getting to Know Your Heart’s Deepest Desires”

Step 1.  Rate Your Life Domains

Take a look at the following areas of your life, and rate their importance on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 = less important; 10= highly important).  This is for YOU and nobody else.  There are no right or wrong answers here.  Keep that in mind while doing this exercise.

So, here are the domains or areas of your life to rate on a scale from 1 – 10:

*  Family (other than marriage or parenting)
*  Marriage, couples, intimate relations
*  Parenting
*  Friends, social life
*  Work
*  Education, training
*  Recreation, fun
*  Spirituality
*  Citizenship, community life
*  Physical self-care (diet, exercise, sleep)
*  Art, creative expression, and aesthetics

Step 2. Rate Your Consistency

Look at the life areas above once more, but this time rate yourself on how consistent your actions have been with your values.

Step 3.  Write Down Your Values

Take a look at your answers from the previous steps and identify the domains that have a high score in importance, rating a 9 or 10, and a low score of 6 or less, in actions.  There are the areas that need your attention.

Write down your values in one of your previously identified domains.  Ask yourself: “What do I care about in this area?”  “What do I want to do in this area that reflects that caring attitude I have?” “What can I do to manifest this value more in my life?”  And by manifest, I don’t just mean sit and envision it, only thinking about it.  I mean taking concrete action steps. 

Writing about your values has a measurable effect on your health as well as your behaviour, and this is only the beginning.  There are many ways to connect deeply with your purpose and live in alignment with your goals and values. 

Living in line with your values is not just about knowing what matters but also about acting according to these principles.  It’s not a one-time choice but a lifelong journey of choosing and committing.  Again and again.

I just wanted to direct you to another episode I did about finding your purpose and values.  It was Episode 97 entitled “The Power of Purpose” Raw & Real Talk with Joanne Dietrich Muegge.  My guest on this particular episode shared a lot about leading a life of purpose and offered some questions to ask yourself that really hit home.  It has been to date, one of the most popular shows.  So, I highly encourage you to go back and have a listen.  Any episodes are easy to access on my website:  www.inspiration2grow.com.  You’ll find a dedicated podcast page at the top, just click on it and scroll down to find this special episode and to take in any others that spark your interest from the list of over 100 episodes now.

My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
 Lisa xoxo

Season 2, Epis. 105 – Mastering the Mental Game on the Road to a Healthier You – Raw & Real Talk with Jiordana Saade, Holistic Nutritionist and Found of the Mind-Full Clinic

LISTEN TO EPISODE 105 HERE – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/ko2OYb52Iyb

On today’s show I am talking with Jiordana Saade, a holistic nutritionist, hypnotherapist and founder of the Mindfull Clinic.  Jiordana lives and works out of Oakville, Ontario but serves women from around the world with her programs and services.

She has a PhD in behavioural psychology and truly believes that by overcoming behaviours of self-sabotage, we can develop a healthy relationship with ourselves AND with the number one thing keeping us alive, namely FOOD.

Stay tuned for an amazing conversation with a wickedly smart fellow Canadian, Jiordana Saade.

Some notable quotes by Jiordana Saade:

“You can’t hate your way to a body you want.”
“Self-sabotage is having a goal but behaving in a way not aligned or consistent with that goal.”
“You do not find a happy life; you make it. The search for happiness will never bear fruit. You have to decide how you are going to show up in your life.”

Connect with Jiordana:

Website: ⁠https://www.themindfullclinic.com/⁠
Instagram: ⁠ https://www.instagram.com/jiordanasaade/⁠

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a rating/review and subscribe for regular updates on how to transform your thoughts and habits to support your goals, tap into the superpower of mindset and become the best version of yourself.

If you’d like to work with me on your personal growth strategies, mastering your mindset and building unwavering confidence to crush your goals, contact: ⁠⁠⁠lisaoberbichlercoaching@gmail.com⁠⁠⁠

Visit my website to read more on what I’m all about as a Personal Growth Strategist & Life Coach for Goal Getters ⁠⁠⁠www.inspiration2grow.com⁠⁠⁠ . Sign up for my weekly email to receive insider tips, news and more goodness that only my E-listers receive direct to their inbox each week.

I would love to welcome you in the Inspiration2grow Facebook Group – join by clicking here: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/groups/1083545765671503⁠⁠⁠

Connect with me on social media:
IG – ⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/lisaoberbichlercoaching/⁠⁠⁠
FB – ⁠⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/OberbichlerLisa/⁠⁠⁠
LinkedIn – ⁠⁠⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisajoberbichler/⁠⁠⁠
Website, Blog & Coaching Sessions: ⁠⁠⁠www.inspiration2grow.com⁠⁠⁠

Thank you for your support of my podcast and business.
Having YOU as a listener and fellow goal getter lights me up more than you can imagine!
Disclaimer:  Any information taken from and provided in these podcasts are for information purposes only!  If you are seeking medical advice, please see your own medical professional.  Do not use any statements or views expressed during this podcast as medical advice.  This podcast and Lisa Oberbichler disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information or advice contained herein.  Opinions expressed by guests are their own and this podcast does not accept responsibility for statements made by guests.

Discovering Your True Self – How to Live an Authentic Life – Raw & Real Talk with Amber Paquette

LISTEN TO EPISODE 104 HERE-> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/i9b9o4zWxyb

On today’s show I have a returning guest.  Amber Lynn Paquette joined me in Episode 70 to talk about the importance of setting and honouring boundaries.
Today I have the pleasure of welcoming her once again to discuss the topic of living authentically. 

A bit about Amber: She is a two-time graduate with certificates in digital imaging design and media foundations, currently working towards her degree in Counselling Psychology.  Her love for writing can be seen in her self-published book entitled Growing Pains, a short poetry collection about mental health, growth and human connection.

Amber runs a blog called Live Well, which is a collection of blog articles and resources focused on educating the public on mental health, wellness, self-care and life skills.  Her future career as a psychotherapist will focus on working with relationships and couples.

I love having Amber on the podcast because she makes the discussion very tangible for the listeners by providing exercises and examples.  Today Amber explains the definition of living an authentic life, steps we can take to embrace our authenticity, how the Law of Attraction works, the 4 key mindset characteristics we need to commit and stay true to living authentically, but one of my favourite tips Amber provides is what to do if you find yourself constantly comparing yourself and your life to that of others around you or online.

Some notable quotes by Amber Paquette:
“Alignment is getting as close as possible to your core self.”
“The parts that you identify (during the process of self reflection) do not like to be rushed or forced. It’s a process which takes time.”
“Coming closer and finding your central self is an act of self-respect.”

Connect with Amber Paquette:
Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/livewell_blog/⁠
Website & Blog: ⁠https://www.livewellwithamber.com/post/me-myself-and-i-getting-to-know-your-authentic-self⁠ (blog post referenced in episode)

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a rating/review and subscribe for regular updates on how to transform your thoughts and habits to support your goals, tap into the superpower of mindset and become the best version of yourself.
If you’d like to work with me on your personal growth strategies, mastering your mindset and building unwavering confidence to crush your goals, contact: ⁠⁠⁠lisaoberbichlercoaching@gmail.com⁠⁠