Overcome the Challenges of Healthy Eating

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/Q12Gr3Mnhxb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am going to take the complication out of health eating. 
Eating healthy is a challenging task for many. People may have good intentions at the beginning of their week, the beginning of their day, or 30 minutes before eating and then fail when choosing their meal. This failure often leads to a downward spiral of negative self-talk and binge eating for some. But you’ve already messed up; why not finish chalk the day up as a loss, right?
How we eat is impacted by upbringing, self-beliefs, hormones, social pressure, stress, emotions, and so much more. For something necessary for our survival, it can be a challenging task for many. So here are some ways to stay motivated when it comes to healthy eating.
-> Keep a journal, and track EVERYTHING! We all find ourselves eating for reasons other than hunger. You’d be surprised what you can mindlessly consume in a day, so track everything and add what you felt at that time. Food and feelings often go hand in hand.
-> Plan and Prepare. I’ve touched on the importance of planning your meals and preparing them so you can grab and go. I know this seems daunting, but it is a game-changer when changing your habits and living healthier.
-> Clean out your cupboards! It’s a lot harder to make poor choices when you have to make an effort to fulfill them. Not having easy access to unhealthier options leaves you with two possibilities, eat what’s in your cupboards or fridge (healthy choices) or go out of your way to pursue unhealthier.
-> Make small goals. This is one that I like to focus on with my clients. People who want to start transitioning into a healthier lifestyle often come in with big goals. But, unfortunately, when results aren’t happening immediately, they become discouraged and frustrated and revert to old habits. So it’s essential to be realistic with your goals. Choose possible things, like increasing your daily water intake by 2 cups or eating two servings of veggies daily.
-> Know that failure is inevitable. This is a big one. No one is perfect, and we will inevitably fail or make decisions that don’t align with our goals. It’s part of being human. Failure does not, or should not, equate to a “fuck it” mentality. If you make a choice that doesn’t align, then accept that and move on. Learning to eat healthily and leading a healthy lifestyle is a challenging task. It takes time, commitment, and allowing yourself a lot of grace.
-> Don’t restrict yourself. Yup, you read that right! If you want a piece of cake, then have the piece of cake, BUT do so in moderation. Once we start viewing foods as bad or with an, I can’t have that mentality; we tend to focus on these items more, especially at the beginning of our journey. So allow yourself to enjoy whatever you are craving (a bite or a piece, NOT a whole cake), don’t carry guilt around it, and then move on. Unhealthier food in moderation is ok; when we eat those items daily and in excess, we run into a problem.
All in all, eating healthy helps us fuel our minds and bodies. It also helps us feel good, and ultimately isn’t that what we all want? Try incorporating some of the above suggestions and start your journey towards eating healthy and feeling good!
That’s my message for today.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.
In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.
I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo

Ways to Flip the Script on a Stress Mindset

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE 60 -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/TxWc9oVyUwb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am going to help you go from a stressed mindset to a growth mindset in a few easy-to-implement steps.
We’ve all been there ->  the car won’t start, spilled coffee, lunch forgotten on the counter, slipped on the rug, dog threw up, stepped on a Lego piece – OUCH!
Some days got off to a rotten start and can derail pretty quickly.

It’s times like these, you want to crawl back into bed, pull the covers up over your head and just pretend the day had never happened.  But, that’s really not an option for most of us.  So, we need ways to combat the rising level of stress that we can experience in situations like these.

It all starts by changing the way we react to stress.

According to a recent study done by Harvard and Yale researchers, we do possess the power to adjust or alter our stress mindset and change how we feel and act in moments where we are under pressure.

The authors of this study identified two stress mindsets:  a ‘stress-is-debilitating’ mindset -> referring to your view of stress as a major setback  AND a ‘stress-is-enhancing’ mindset -> referring to stress as a chance to learn and grow.

I bet you know what I’m going to say, right?  The second mindset is what we need to adopt.

“Individuals who endorse a stress-is-enhancing mindset reported having better health than those who endorse a stress-is-debilitating mindset,” the study authors found in their research.  “Specifically, respondents reported fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety while also reporting higher levels of energy.”

Now, I know how this phrase sounds “change your attitude, change your mindset”.  We have heard it so often and frankly, people are worn out hearing it.  You always have the choice:  allow the awful, unexpected situation to get you down and ruin the rest of your day.  OR, you can choose to look at it from a positive perspective and laugh it off, shake it off or scream it off.  Do whatever it takes to get over it and move on.  Don’t let the bad days get the better of you – EVER.

Develop a new resolve to take on the world!

You have to make a very conscious effort to flip the script and see the situation as a challenge worth accepting. 

Bring it on!  I am ready to tackle whatever comes my way!

Change your mood, change your outlook and adopt a positive view of the given situation.  It’s a kind of super-power and it can be yours too.

 “The truth is that stress doesn’t come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jams, health challenges, or other circumstances. It comes from your thoughts about your circumstances.”
―Andrew Bernstein

You can go from a stress-is-debilitating mindset to one of stress-is-enhancing in a few simple steps:

First of all, we have to RISE TO THE CHALLENGE

If you’re a competitive person, like myself, you can take the approach and view your stressors as an obstacle you just have to overcome.  Of course, this is far less physical and daunting than a triathlon competition, but, as the researchers found, treating your stress as something you learn from as opposed to dwelling on the negative aspects can help you feel less stressed.

Next time you run into a challenge (computer problems), try flipping your entire perspective of the situation.  Instead of seeing it as a blocker or a dampener to a good day, shift your thinking to: “Okay, I see you morning challenge and I accept.”  Then, dive in head first and tackle it.

Bring it on!  I am ready to tackle whatever comes my way!

“Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle.”

 “Stress acts as an accelerator: it will push you either forward or backward, but you choose which direction.”
―Chelsea Erieau

Secondly, step away and take a break

There are physical acts that may help you flip your stress mindset, too.  It might seem counterintuitive but step away and take a break from whatever it stressing you at that moment. Gain some perspective by going for a walk outside, make yourself a snack or a meal, practice deep breathing. Nothing fancy necessary – just take a few deep breaths.  Remember the episode where I mentioned the 5 x 5 box or the 6-2-8 breathing technique.  These will work as well.

The goal is to take your mind off the stressor and come back feeling more resilient and solution-oriented.

According to TIME magazine, you can wash away the day and send your worries and stress right down the drain by – singing in the shower.  While doing so, you release endorphins and oxytocin, a hormone that’s know to alleviate stress and anxiety.

So, the next time stress is starting to get the better of you… ditch your clothes, get the water running and the suds flowing to your best singing voice.

Thirdly, go for a run or do a solid workout

When we exercise, our bodies produce a chemical called endocannabinoid, which helps us de-stress.

Your mind and body will thank you a hundred times over after the workout is done.

The bottom line here is that stress is a natural part of our day-to-day life.  We really can’t avoid it, but we can find better ways of dealing with it.  We can flip the script and face the stressors head on from an ‘in-charge’, ‘in control’ approach rather than ‘I can’t handle this’ ‘my day is ruined’ view point.

“Calmness is the cradle of power.”

Always remember that YOU have the power to frame a situation in your mind as positive or negative.  You can let it get you down or you can allow it to lift you up, make your soar.

It all begins with awareness of how you are letting stress affect your life.

Adopting the right attitude can turn a negative stress into a positive one.

And, that’s my message for today, friends.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,

Lisa xoxo

Get Your Fit On – Interview with Tara de Roos

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE 59 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/Yo571wi2Qwb

Connect with Tara de Roos here –

Instagram @tara_de_roos

Trainer at – https://toppperformance.com/

Some of the golden nuggets she shared in the podcast episode:

“A sound diet and proper exercise are the only ways to achieve good health.”

“It’s a journey not a race. Putting in a lot of effort occasionally will not yield the results you want. Commit 100% of the time and be patient.”

“No one is judging you at the gym. Everyone there is just trying to become a better version of themselves.”

“You will never be satisfied after reaching your goal. You’ll always be looking to the next challenge.”

Wise words by Tara de Roos, CrossFit L1 Trainer and Natural Bikini Bodybuilder competitor, Personal Trainer

5 Ways to Boost Consistency

LINK TO PODCAST EPISODE HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/K1O8asIRGwb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am talking about the problem of the vast majority – how to be consistent.  I conducted a little survey on social media, and 8 out of 10 said they were currently struggling with consistency or had struggled in the past.  So, I asked those who had overcome their struggle with consistency to share with us ways that helped them.  I will also share some of my own experiences and spice to the discussion as well.

The question was… in ONE sentence, what is your best advice for someone who is struggling with consistency?

I’ll start by giving you the one-liner responses I received, then I will expand on the concept a bit myself.

1.       Get up early and eat the frog fast.

For those of you who have never heard of or read the book by Brian Tracy “Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done is Less Time” – this piece of advice is referring to eating the frog first OR in other words, tackle the biggest, most daunting task first thing and get it over with.  The rest will feel easy.
Tracy’s book is based on the principle that ->
It’s time to stop procrastinating and get more of the important things done! After all, successful people don’t try to do everything. They focus on their most important tasks and get those done. They eat their frogs.
There’s an old saying that if the first thing you do each morning is eat a live frog, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re done with the worst thing you’ll have to do all day. For Tracy, eating a frog is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging task—but also the one that can have the greatest positive impact on your life.
2.       Get into the mindset of relying on your own inner discipline, and consistency will start to happen really quickly.

The D-word -> DISCIPLINE.  Whether you like to hear it or not, it does play a major role in establishing a new habit consistently.  You see, discipline should be treated or considered a muscle.  You have to train it, and force it to grow. 

Everyone begins feeling motivated to start something new, whether it is a new hobby, a new sport, playing an instrument, or a workout routine.  We feel an initial spark that piques our interest and gets us to take the first steps.  BUT, motivation will not keep us going at a consistent pace.  You will need to develop a solid discipline muscle as well as integrity to show up even when the going gets tough. 

One way to strengthen your discipline muscle is to plan on doing the task, hobby, workout, practice session – whatever it is – at the same time every day, NO MATTER WHAT!

So, you’ll have to be realistic what time of day that will be.  Could it happen first thing in the morning before the day becomes busy and hectic?  Could it happen later on in the evening when the children are in bed and the day has quieted down?  You know your schedule best, so choose a time that works best and will not be interrupted.

Make this new habit a daily recurring task – make it non-negotiable.  Tell everyone in your family that you have reserved this time for yourself.  You are unavailable because you have an important appointment with your GOALS. 
3.       Keep struggling, but never quit.

You have to realize that not every single day will be perfect, at least your vision of ‘perfect’.  I would suggest you reframe your thinking in this regard. 
Showing up for yourself and executing the new habit in some way, shape or form is PERFECT. That’s the perfection you should aim for.
What I mean by this is:  One push-up a day for the rest of your life is better than no push-ups for the rest of your life.  I know, I know, I know that once again I am using a fitness example.  However, this holds true for any hobby or habit too.
Just the other day, unfortunately I can’t recall where I heard this or who used this example, but basically, they said, “If your goal is to start flossing your teeth, start by only flossing ONE tooth each day.”  That’s all.  Do this simple action until it becomes a habit. 
If you want to start eating healthier, start by eating one fruit or vegetables as a snack each day.  No more, no less -> just do that every day. 
If you want to become a writer, just write one sentence a day.  That’s all.  Just one.  You’re done.  Rinse and repeat every day.
Giving 10% is better than giving 0%.
Consistency doesn’t mean giving your all each day.  That’s striving for perfection and we all know, this isn’t realistic.

It can be…. Monday 100%
Tuesday… 56%
Wednesday … 20%
Thursday … 45%
Friday … 70%
Saturday … 12%
Sunday … 100%
Just make sure you do the smallest thing you can do every day.
4.       Figure out how to break it/your habit down.

Once people realize how to break down their goals into much smaller manageable chunks, the task seems far less overwhelming and the steps you need to take are far easier.
This point ties into the one I mentioned above about one sentence a day, completing just one exercise for one minute a day to begin a workout routine, learn one new word a day if your goal is to study a foreign language.

Start small, even smaller than you imagine.  Then build yourself up.  Create that inner momentum and slowly, but surely you can increase your commitment over time.

The key to consistency is showing up without giving up.  Make it hard for yourself to give up & easy to show up.
5.       Remove the friction around this new habit or goal of yours.

You might feel some kind of tension or friction that gets in the way of being consistent with your goal.  This friction will have to be nipped it the bud or eliminated.
First off, prepare your things the night before.  Failing to plan is planning to fail.  So, get everything you need ready in order to create a pleasant experience or activity the following day. 

Maybe that is prepping your food, laying out your workout clothes, getting the coffee maker ready to perk, jotting down the top tasks for the next day (the M.I.Ts -> most important tasks to tackle), journal a bit on how you want to show up for yourself the next day.

Lower your expectations until you reach a spot of NO FRICTION, an ‘easy-breezy-lemon-squeezy’ level of action that you can take.  For example, if you want to read – then just commit to reading ONE page.

If exercising 10 minutes is too hard, commit to only 5. 
If 5 minutes is too hard to start with, commit to 2 minutes. 

Make is as easy and enjoyable as you possibly can.

Don’t push yourself to go bigger than you are able to commit to.  Reduce your expectations to a minimum.  I know that sounds really strange, but consistency is born through doing the smallest task regularly over time.  This is how habits are formed, ones that will stick with you for the long-term.
You don’t need to climb the entire mountain in one day. Completing just 10 steps a day is better than 50 steps in one sitting and then burning out. 
The days you work (on your goals and habits) matter more than how much work you do in one day.
I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo

Developing Habits That Stick Like Glue

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/kO5UGPIGywb

In today’s podcast of the Inspiration2grow show we are discussing the common theme which happens every year in January or February at the latest – the New Year’s Drop Off Rate.  We’ll talk about a better way to start a new habit, one that offers more sticking power.

This phenomenon happens EVERY year all around the world regardless of age or gender.  I am talking about the great exodus of people who make New Year’s resolutions to upgrade their level of fitness and health. Then, in a frenzy they join a gym, sign up for classes of every kind, dive into the pool for exercise, purchase all sorts of shiny, new equipment, scurry to order diet products online before they sell out, you get the picture.  I am sure you noticed all the heavy marketing campaigns targeted toward making 2023 the best year ever, slogans like NEW YEAR, NEW YOU, this will be YOUR year and make this year count. 

Have YOU been part of this New Year’s craziness?  I certainly have.  It’s been years ago now but I, too, committed to prioritizing my fitness routine and was dedicated to eating cleaner with the hopes of shedding a few unwanted pounds.

I’ve experienced this type of new year’s commitment both at my local gym as well as at the pool where I go for my laps, almost every day.  It’s actually difficult to get a lane to swim in without having to share with at least 2 or 3 other people now.  And, at the gym, well, it can be challenging to work though your exercise routine efficiently moving from machine to machine, because, well, so many other people are there too.  Even the spin classes are completely full – waiting list only for those who don’t reserve your bike early enough.

My husband commented just the other day while we were leaving the gym, things will look a lot different in here come February.  I knew he was spot on. 
Things will have calmed down considerably – come the end of February and March.  Why the huge drop off rate at gyms and fitness facilities? 

There are several reasons but, I think, people jump into these new habits and intentions of regaining their health and upleveling their fitness on a whim without enough mental preparation.  By this, I mean, shifting your mindset around the new habit is essential in order to set yourself up for success.

One of the most important decisions we make is which habit we want to build.

But, the question arises… how should we choose a habit that will stick?

If we choose the right habit, progress will be easy and feel almost effortless.  However, if we commit to the wrong habit, our life will feel like a struggle.

Therefore, it becomes crucial to work on the ‘right’ habit.  This means identifying with this habit, having the proper reasons why you want to achieve it, setting the intention behind it.

And, everyone has to realize…there will be work involved, sometimes hard work. 

When thinking about new habits we want to form, we naturally begin by considering the OUTCOMES that we want to achieve.

* I want to lose weight.
* I want to stop smoking.
* I want to learn a new language.
* I want to write a book.

These are all great habits to form, but if we don’t first identify who we desire to become as opposed to what we want to achieve, you will likely not be able to develop the sticking power required to achieve this goal or incorporate this new habit into your life.

You see, anyone can convince themselves to hit the pool for a swim once or twice a week, attend a spin class once a week or even workout once or twice a week.

I’ve talked a lot about starting a new morning routine, journalling, breathwork techniques, even meditation in previous podcast episodes as possible new habits you could consider implementing.  But if you don’t shift your belief behind the behaviour, then it becomes very hard to stick with the new habit to see long-term changes.

Improvements are only temporary until they become part of who you are.
·         The goal is not to lose weight; the goal is to be the person who NEVER misses a workout.
·         The goal is not to practice yoga every day; the goal is to become more mindful of the mind-body connection and learn to relax.
·         The goal for children and teens isn’t to get straight A’s at school, but rather to become the student who studies every day.
·         The goal is not to become a writer or seller of books; the goal should be to get your message out into the world and impact other’s lives.
·         The goal is not to tone your body; the goal is to equip your body with stability and the proper balance it needs to prevent injury.  And, the goal should be to show up for yourself and your ability to move your body.

The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of your identity.

So, we have to shift our thinking from, “I’m the type of person who WANTS this.”
And start saying, “I’m the type of person who IS this.”

Your identity (or perceived identity) plays a pivotal role in your behaviour.  How we see ourselves determines how we behave and show up for ourselves.

And, our identity comes from our habits.  The more you repeat a habit, the more you reinforce the identity connected with that behaviour.  Of course, the more you reinforce the identity, the more natural it becomes and is easy to repeat as a behaviour.

If you start to exercise and see yourself as someone who values movement and shows up for yourself to become a healthier person, you will start to believe you are this type of person.  This identity shift will motivate you to show up more and more, and more easily, I might add.

Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.

Act like the type of person who believes in yourself.  And, each habit will suggest, “Yeah, this is WHO I am.” 

No single action will transform your belief.  But as repetitions of your habit build up over time, so does the proof of your new identity.  If you align your behaviour with your identity, you no longer are pursuing behaviour change.  You are merely acting like the type of person you believe yourself to be.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “The things you do often create the things you believe.”

So, if you believe yourself to be the type of person who moves her body regularly and shows up for herself, you will be that person.

Ask yourself, “Who is the type of person that could get the outcome I want?”

What would a healthy person do?
What would a productive person do?
What would a fit person do?

Create an identity that you work toward and define the habits that support this particular identity.  This will help you know which habit to adopt.  Then you can start taking small steps to reinforce your desired identity.

Here a few examples of linking your habits to your desired identity:

·         If you want to become an artist, you should focus on becoming the type of person who paints every day.
·         If you want to learn a new language, you should focus on becoming the type of person who studies every day.
·         If you want to become lean and toned, then you should focus on becoming the type of person who exercises every day.

Don’t focus on the outcome.  Focus on the type of person and the daily habits this person needs to do to achieve the goal.

Far too many people spend a lot of time and energy focusing on the result when they should be putting that energy into taking the small, daily steps in BECOMING the person.

Your daily habits reshape your perception of yourself in a very gradual way.  This change is quite slow and nearly impossible to see.  We have a difficult time noticing any difference between who we are today and who we were yesterday.  But, you do notice the actions you take.

With each action, you are voting for yourself and the new identity you are slowly, but surely forming.

There is an internal shift that happens.  This will help you stick with your habits more than anything else.

The very first step is to focus on WHO you want to become, not WHAT you want to achieve.

This is so very empowering. Trust me.

My only hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo

The Number 1 Way to Gain More Confidence

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/SDW4KK2oxwb

Hey, friends!  Welcome back to the Inspiration2grow podcast and, the 51st episode.  I can’t believe that we’ve made it this far AND covered so many interesting and important topics.  And, the great news… I have only just begun!  I have some exciting things as well as guests lined up for 2023, so be sure to stay tuned.

I just wanted to share some feedback that I received in email form today from one of my avid listeners.  She wrote, “Congratulations, today’s episode was the best one EVER.  You can be very proud of yourself.  I’m impressed how you can find such interesting topics EVERY DAY!  It’s a pity they are only in English because most people in Europe haven’t ever thought of these topics here and don’t talk about them.” 

First off, thanks so much for sending me your feedback, Brigitte.  I really appreciate it.  Secondly, I am very happy to say that my podcast is going to become even more international because very soon it will be available for listening in German as well.

I lived and studied in Austria, Europe for 25 years and I have received so many requests to translate the podcast episodes.  When my husband was home visiting his family near Innsbruck during the Christmas holidays, he, too, was told ->  this podcast needs to be in German because the message needs to be heard by more women, who don’t necessarily understand English that well to follow the content.

What started as a passion project, a labour of love in hopes of inspiring other women and encourage them to open their mind up to new possibilities is turning into a worldwide movement, which I am so very proud of. 

A considerable amount of work and preparation goes into each episode but if I can only touch one person’s life with my message, I am the happiest person alive. 

Recently I read a comment (and this is not an isolated incident by any means) from a woman who wrote she has been lacking confidence her whole life.  She has never been fully able to stand tall and proud of her accomplishments, her appearance, her body in particular, her whole self really.  That broke my heart!

There are numerous ways to increase confidence, with more positive self talk, improved self-care including setting strict boundaries, working on your levels of self-love and feelings of self-worth.  I mean this is a loaded topic any way you look at it.

But, for me, doing something you really want to accomplish, showing up for yourself in small ways each day, ditching the thoughts of , “Hopefully they will like me” and instead thinking, “The most important thing is that I like and accept myself,” are the keys to building a foundation of confidence.

Today, though, I am talking about one way in particular that you can infuse loads of confidence into your life.  It’s also about showing up for the most important person in your life -> YOU. 
This episode is going to be about increasing your confidence levels massively.  Now, you might not expect to hear the simple solution I am going to provide you with today in order to gain more confidence.  But once you hear what it is, it will make total sense to you, I’m sure.

Let me ask you this…what if all those hard burned calories weren’t for a lower number on the scale, but rather for increased confidence? 

Studies have shown that regular exercise not only provides all of us with health advantages, but is also is a huge confidence booster too.  Showing up for yourself and your body elevates your self-esteem so that you’re better equipped to meet your goals and be successful in many other areas of life:  at work, in your relationships, to name a few.

Taking a more pro-active approach to life as opposed to a passive approach, will help you stay more focused and support you when life presents you with challenges now and again.  And a fitness routine provides the perfect structure for this active approach.

Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, right? When we are confident, we are much better equipped both emotionally as well as mentally to deal with everyday life.  Our quality of life improves dramatically when we feel a sense of high self-esteem.

Boosting our self-confidence is always a good thing. 

One of the very best, and easiest ways to increase your self-confidence is by exercising regularly.

Showing up for yourself daily will enhance your self-assurance and trust in yourself to follow through with what you set your mind to.
Showing up for yourself through exercise will grow your own self respect.
Showing up for yourself by sticking to a regular fitness routine will increase your own integrity.

Whether you were anticipating exercise to be the #1 confidence booster or not, I am going to CONVINCE you in today’s show that this is exactly what you need to improve your self-confidence.

1.        Exercise is beneficial for your mind and body. 
You will feel so much better overall by exercising.  It can be as simple as going for a walk for a certain amount of time each day.  It could be swimming, biking or an at-home workout.  Anything that gets your heart and your body moving can help you ditch bad habits such as poor diet choices, overeating and being sedentary.  Feeling better physically means you will feel better mentally too.

You will also gain back some of that lost energy.  If we don’t have the necessary energy to deal with our daily chores, then we start to feel bad about ourselves.  Regular exercise helps the whole body work more efficiently. And, once you begin to feel better about yourself (and your choices), you can take on challenges and overcome life’s hurdles with ease.
2.       Your self-image will improve.
Quite often women’s self-confidence issues are closely linked to their perception of their own body.  By exercising you will build the necessary confidence to feel good about your body.  Ultimately, you will strengthen and tone your body meaning that the fruits of your labour will be noticeable.  Seeing results will definitely boost your self-esteem and getting compliments for others, well, that’s just the icing on the cake.

There’s absolutely no doubt that working out takes: work, hard work at times, dedication, commitment and an elevated level of self-care than we are perhaps used to. And, all of this results in an enormous feeling of confidence.
3.       Your brain power will increase.
Research has indicated that by feeding your brain with essential, valuable nutrients AND oxygen when doing aerobic exercise, our cognitive function improves.  So, basically, exercise makes you smarter.  Have you ever noticed that after exercising you feel more focused, alert and capable of getting tasks done far more efficiently.

I certainly do.  In fact, after I come home from my swim sessions, I am able to write and work with a much clearer mind and inevitably I achieve more.

4.       You will feel stronger.
It’s certainly not a news flash when I say that exercise reduces your risk of high blood pressure and chronic disease, is it?  We’ve heard this for some time now from doctors and health care professionals.  But, it bears repeating -> regular exercise makes you stronger on many levels. 

The mental strength you gain from exercising should not be overlooked as one of the major benefits.  Exercise can, and has been proven to, reduce stress levels, as well as depression and anxiety.

5.       You will feel a sense of accomplishment.
A huge part of exercising is creating a new habit, setting and achieving goals.  If you stick with your routine or program, this provides you with a strong sense of achievement.  You gain what we call emotional stamina by following an exercise routine and seeing it through to the end.  This creates intrinsic motivation which allows you to take on your personal goals so confidently that you feel unstoppable in all the things you want to do.

6.        Your mood will drastically improve.
There is nothing quite like a good workout for your emotional state.  But, this doesn’t necessarily mean a hard gym session.  This could also be a brisk walk outdoors, or a jog, or a bike ride.  Any activity that makes your body and heart work harder constitutes a workout.  This stimulates brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin, which provide an overall feeling of well-being.  In turn, this reduces stress and anxiety.
7.        Your heart and joints will thank you.
It’s quite logical though, isn’t it.  If exercise is effective in decreasing our weight, then this means that our hearts have to work less.  Subsequently, our hearts are happier and healthier.  By lowering the amount of weight, you carry around, this puts less pressure on your joints and other areas of your body.
This is the number 1 reason for my weight loss journey currently.  My joints feel so much better, the more weight I lose. 

Generally, I think it gives us a great feeling that we are looking after ourselves, taking responsibility for our health and doing something so beneficial for our bodies when we exercise.  This alone boosts our confidence.

8.       You are in control of your weight.
Taking control over your situation in and of itself gives your confidence, doesn’t it?  Being overweight can destroy one’s confidence. But, by exercising and eating clean and healthy you are taking the first steps to regain control of your situation.  The better shape you are in, the better you will feel.

I am going to mention here too that getting in shape is closely connected to controlling your weight.  Being in shape means having a well-toned body and better posture, which are aspects of having self confidence.

But, I don’t want anyone to get their knickers in a know about this.  I am not saying that in order to gain confidence you must lose weight.  Not at all!

I believe everyone needs to look after their bodies and minds as best they can, and exercise is a great way of doing this.  You’ve already heard about 8 ways your body and mind will reap the benefits of regular exercise.

Beauty and confidence come from the inside.  That’s the most important point here. 

Showing up for yourself is a confidence enhancer.

9.       Your sleep will improve.
Oh, wait -> you say!! How is sleep related to confidence?  So glad you asked.  How do you feel after getting through a really terrible night of tossing and turning?  Not so great, right?  Then you drag your body into the bathroom and look in the mirror.  Horror strikes.  Dark circles under your eyes, blood shot eyes, you know what I mean.

Would anyone feel good about themselves or even confident looking and feeling like this?  Probably not.  So, by exercising regularly, you will improve the quality of your sleep. Hitting the 7 – 8 hours of sleep is crucial for feeling well rested and good about our selves.

And, I have experienced this first hand myself.  I have also talked about it in previous podcast episodes.  Exercise has helped me in getting in 7 – 8 hours of sound slumber each night. 

Just don’t exercise too close to your bed time. 
10.    You will have something to look forward to.
I am all about living life to the fullest and adding enjoyable activities to our every day life.  Once you develop a reasonable exercise schedule or routine that works well for you, you will begin to crave it.  Or better said, your body and mood will look forward to it.  The inner momentum will build after you start seeing the results of your hard work.  Your desire to keep going will have been ignited.  Ultimately, you will feel so much better about yourself and your efforts.  Like I stated before – you will feel unstoppable!

So, if exercise helps you look great, feel stronger and have a much more positive attitude and outlook on life, why NOT add it into your self-care routine? 
You have literally nothing to lose (apart from a bit of weight maybe) AND everything to gain, including self-confidence.

My only hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo

Don’t Let Your Age Hold You Back, Ever

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am talking about aging gracefully and on your terms but also stressing the fact that age should never hold us back from the things we want to do as women.

Recently I experienced a situation where I was doubting myself, my ability and thinking perhaps I was too old for a sport I have always loved participating in. This got me thinking that maybe other women out there are excluding themselves too just because of their age.  I want to change that!

Just a few days ago my husband and I returned from a skiing holiday in Mt. Tremblant, Quebec.  It was an amazing time spent out in the fresh air, on the slopes high above the village overlooking beautiful scenery.  However, I came very close to throwing in the towel and not even trying to ski again after about 20 years.  Why?  Because I felt my body and my mobility limitations wouldn’t respond well to the physical nature of skiing.  It really felt like a mental and physical impossibility to push past my fear and anxiety when I put my skis back on again that first day.  So many thoughts and worries were going through my head.  Am I too old for this?  Should I even put my body through this?

I was convinced that my body would somehow rebel against the physical exertion, flexibility and movement required to ski for even an hour each day, as it has done over the past 4 years now.  Every time I have made attempts at picking up a sport I love again, my body wouldn’t cooperate, and I’d be left in severe pain, not being able to move for a few days.

Long story made short, I was able to keep up with all the people in my group:  the teenage snowboarders, the other skiers and my husband, who was born in Austria and grew up on skis. So, he is kind of like a world cup slalom racer if he wants to be and not so easy to keep up with.

All in all, I was amazed at how well my body responded to this type of exercise and exertion.  But, if I hadn’t been in fairly good condition from my months at the gym – strength training, attending spin classes as well as swimming most days, I am sure my body would not have made it through 4 days on the slopes. 

And so, here is my plug for strength training – it really does make a huge difference.  Without my strength in my quads and hamstrings, abs, arms and shoulders, I would never have been able to overcome my other mobility issues. There is so much value in building muscle, ladies.  I just can’t say it enough.  I am truly a testament to the power of weight lifting.

Sorry, but I digressed slightly.  You know every chance I get I will advocate for women to take up strength training.

Let’s get back to the topic of aging but still living life to the fullest…

But here’s the thing…I don’t want to age to hold me back from doing things I want to do.  Nor do I want fear of failure to keep me from taking risks or pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.

How we age is a decision we make for ourselves.  What we think aging means is what we tend to believe based on our actions, thoughts, and habits.  What I mean by this is…if we assume you are washed up at say 50 or 60, then you will believe this to be true.  If you think you and other women in their 50’s and 60’s are old, done, life is over, wrinkles are showing up everywhere, all the pains and injuries come out. 

If you believe all of this, you will start to model your life after this.

However, if you believe that it’s just the beginning.  If you believe you’re going to navigate it differently and you’re going to thrive.  If you trust that you will find work arounds when the going gets tough AND if you believe that your best years are yet to come, you’ll start taking the actions and form the habits that represent these thoughts.

It comes down to mindset.  Your expectations will strongly impact what you think you can do.

Are you going to sit back and coast through life aimlessly just because you’ve reached 40, 50, 60 or beyond?

I hope not!

I really want to change the conversation around aging.  I want women to see the vast possibilities and potential within themselves at any age.

I want women to redefine themselves and, in the process, rebrand themselves.

How do you see yourself?  What labels or descriptors do you use when talking about yourself?

Chances are good that you don’t even consider yourself: beautiful, capable, sexy, vibrant, amazing, sensuous, empowered, energetic, tenacious, a force to be reckoned with.

Sure, there might be a few more wrinkles, sagging skin here and there and a few grey hairs that are visible. But these don’t and shouldn’t define us.

I’ll tell you a short story… some years ago now my family had gathered at our home for Easter and all the women were in the kitchen getting the meal ready when we were all approached by someone who was offering us Botox injections. We were all taken back and stunned by this.  I think we were all a bit self conscious at that moment wondering if we looked like we truly needed some smoothing out on our faces.

My sister-in-law had the best comeback when she said, “Why would I want to get rid of or hide my experience/life lines?  After all, they show that I have lived life to the fullest and what I’ve been through.” BEST REPLY EVER!

Recently I saw an IG post and caption from the former super model, Paulina Porizkov, who is fully embracing her grey hair and effortless look without any makeup these days.  She posed nude and wrote,  “I’m finally comfortable in my own skin.  I don’t need armor when I’m already armed with my experiences and the wisdom they’ve brought.  All the really good stuff is crammed into this body and invisible on the outside.  That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.  It’s what keeps me standing tall and proud – even when undressed.”

 Your face and body reflect the full experience and character of your life.  Should we be ashamed of it? Absolutely not.

Just remember… you are so much more than your appearance AND there is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best at any age.

Aging is not a disease.  It should be celebrated for what it is -> a time of growth and change.

What are you telling yourself about who you are, what you are capable of and what you really want?

What story are you telling yourself? 

I’ve learned something very important in my 50’s and that’s not to blindly accept what may look like a hopeless situation when it comes to your health.  I’ve learned to challenge that and say, well yes, that might be true for some people, but it’s not going to be true for me.  I changed my story, my narrative around my health, my mobility, my attitude toward pain.

If you don’t learn to advocate for yourself and your health, no one else will. 
If you give in to your own excuses, you will forever remain stuck and possibly declining or regressing.
If you don’t look for work arounds when the going gets tough, you will admit defeat.
If you consider your age an impossible hurdle, you will miss out on so much in life.
If you constantly fall into the “woe is me” trap, you’ll never make progress and always feel like a victim.
You hold all the cards in your hand.  You are in control.  You are 100% responsible for your health. 

Don’t let age be an excuse for not taking action on your goals and dreams.

Ask yourself, what is it that you really, truly want?  And now think like this, if I’m going to be that person, who is fit, toned, running after her grandchildren, confident, living her best life, feeling vibrant and amazing, then what actions, habits and thoughts will I have or take in order to BE this person?

Define who you want to be regardless of your age.  Start showing up each and every day as this person.

One very important thing I want you to stop doing NOW -> and that is comparing yourself to anyone else.  Whether it’s on TV, on the news, on social media, in magazines, on billboards.  Stop comparing your life and your looks to their highlight reel. 

Oh, look at her.  She’s so much more beautiful.  She has accomplished so much more.  She has more likes, more comments on her posts.  She is so much MORE than I am or will ever be.

We get sucked into this comparison of how we are supposed to look, act, and be based on what society thinks or expects.  It is so detrimental.

My tip for you is to take control of how you start your morning.  You will show up differently to the world and feel better about yourself if you stop being influenced by others – on TV, on social media, or elsewhere first thing in the morning.  Instead of scrolling your phone or turning on the TV, do something positive like meditating, journalling, listening to a podcast, doing a craft or your hobby, exercising is my favourite.  This will help you stop feeling “less than”.

Wow, I feel like I covered a lot in today’s show.  But let me bring the message home by saying, you are never too old to start a new chapter in life.  You are never too old to start something completely new.

I’d like women to embrace their age more and not allow it to hold them back.  Stop saying, “I’m too old.”

You don’t have to ‘accept’ your situation.  You are in charge and can pivot or adjust the course of your journey at any time.

Imagine the person you want to become and start taking action to become and embody this person.

Age gracefully but on your terms.  Your age is simply a number not a definition of who you should be or how you should act.

Our bodies are amazing and we should not give up on them just because we are 40, 50, 60 or beyond.

Love yourself, love the stage of life in which you find yourself, love your body for all it does for you, love your looks, love your uniqueness, love being YOU.

Remember this:  You are much more than your appearance; you have a special purpose in life and a true gift to be shared; you are an example to others, so be sure to be a good one.

 And if that wasn’t enough of a pep talk, ladies, I’d like to leave you with a quote from Caroline Caldwell that I thought was so fitting…

“In a society that profits from your self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act.”
So, let’s all be rebels.
And that’s my message for today, friends.
My only hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,

Lisa xoxo

Take Action Today, No More Waiting

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I want to strongly encourage you to take the action, even if it is the smallest of steps towards what you really want to achieve.  I hope you go from being perhaps slightly overwhelmed and where do I even start to knowing how you can begin the journey you truly want to embark on and the small steps you will have to take.  Let’s go, girls.

We, as humans, often fail to pursue our dreams, why?  Because we are waiting for the ‘perfect’ conditions to magically appear. 
You say to yourself…

If only I had a little more time…
If only I had a little more money…
If only I had a little more (fill in the blank)…
Well, then I would give it a shot.

Whether it’s starting a workout routine, a new hobby, eating healthier, a walking routine or any kind of exercise for that matter, writing a book, painting a room in your house, reading a book, or any infinite number of things… we can always find a reason to put if off because the conditions or circumstances aren’t just right.

Unfortunately, this is a lie we keep telling ourselves.  There is no perfect time.  There is no perfect place to start from, no optimal jumping off point. And, truth be told, the effort will likely never be perfect, no matter what we do. 

Believing, buying into this lie leaves us with a creeping sense of failure, a sense of unhappiness within us.  It leaves us feeling like we are treading water, working very hard just to keep afloat but never really getting anywhere or achieving anything.

It’s been said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the rings true in the pursuit of dreams and goals as well.  You have to start with a single step. It’s all about putting one foot in front of the other.

Honestly, there’s no other place that you can even start from.  Life will pass you by and you may never take a single step to chase down your dreams if you wait until you are in the perfect place – whether that is physically, mentally or spiritually. 

Today, more than ever, we live in a culture of perfection, so we have to ditch the attitude that our current society leads us to believe.  Far too many times, we are led to believe that only the newest and shiniest is good enough.  This is a lie! 

This is all you can do.  Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s chapter 10.  We are all beginners in everything we start with.  There is and always will be a learning curve involved.  Adopt a growth mindset by seeing activities as learning experiences and ways of figuring out how it can be done, rather than failures or setbacks.  What truly matters is not that your efforts are perfect, but that you made the effort in the first place.  You’re a winner for taking the initial action steps. 

So, let’s look at some scenarios that I see people in.

If your dream or goal was to become a runner, for example.  It’s not realistic to think that you could hit the roads or the trails and complete a 10-km run right from the start.  No, you’d have to start small and work your way up to that distance.

Start where you are – lace up and get at it.  Don’t wait for the perfect weather conditions or the perfect time of day.  Just do it! 
Begin by walk-running and see how that feels.  But if that’s not possible, just start with walking and alternate between slower and slightly faster paces.

Use what you have – I’m sure you have some comfortable clothes and shoes you can walk/run it to get started.  Don’t use the excuse that you don’t own the right equipment.  I hear this a lot.  Sure, it’s a good idea to have proper footwear that supports your feet, knees, legs and hips.  That is one thing I highly recommend owning no matter what.  But people often wait until they have purchased all the seemingly necessary items before they even set foot out of the door.
Do what you can – literally, every step in the right direction is positive here.  Don’t worry if you can’t walk/run as far as you’d like to at the beginning.  The fact that you’re actually taking the first steps toward your new goal of running, is tremendous.  Start small and build on that each and every day.  Keep track so that you can be proud when you look back at your meager beginnings.

Remember:  Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your dreams and goals.

Okay, so let’s look at another example because not all of us want to become runners or simply can’t due to physical limitations. 

Many women want to improve their lifestyle and make it healthier, perhaps lose some excess weight and become more toned.  This could mean tweaking their eating habits, incorporating more exercise, improving their sleeping routine, and so on.

If we apply the “start where you are, use what you have, do what you can” to improving your daily nutrition, here’s what you could do in order to take small steps, yet highly impactful.

Start where you are  – decide to make one small tweak or change that will benefit you and your body.  This could be (and I strongly recommend this) hydrating more each day.  Many women underestimate how much water they should be consuming and the health benefits of drinking more, water that is.

Last week I made a post on the Inspiration2grow for Female Goal Getters group page on the advantages of optimal hydration.  There really are so many and it might warrant an episode on its own to talk about this topic.  I feel more energized; my complexion is better; I think it helps detoxify and cleanse my body; it lubricates my joints; it helps my head stay clear.  Whenever I don’t drink enough, I usually experience a bad headache.

There’s a nutritionist from L.A. who I have been following for some time now and she advocates:  water first, veggies most.  She always emphasizes the importance of drinking before eating and during meals as well as tracking your consumption.

Use what you have – everyone has water bottles at home.  You also have water pitchers or simply glasses you could fill and have ready for consumption.  There is no need to buy anything for this.

Do what you can – it may take some time to feel comfortable drinking 3 – 4 litres a day.  Start with a smaller goal if that’s the case.  A fitness expert once suggested taking 10 gulps each time in order to help get in more water.

So, I recommend starting the day by filling a few water bottles and placing them strategically for easy access during the day.  Set a simple goal of drinking (or refilling and consuming) 3 – 4 water bottles a day.  For example, every time to go to the kitchen, drink some water.  Before you begin eating, drink some water.  Every time you open the fridge, drink some water.  Every time you feel hungry, drink some water.

For those of you who don’t LIKE water, you could spruce up your water by adding: cucumbers and lemon, or lime, berries or fruit add a refreshing flavour to water as well.  Experiment and find the taste you enjoy most.

Have a look at your grocery store for the flavoured tea bags for cold drinks. The brand I often buy is Twinings and currently I have the flavours:  strawberry & lemon, mango & passionfruit, watermelon & mint in my pantry.  I love these, both in summer and winter for a slightly different taste to my water. 

Drinking more water is the easiest way to start living a healthier lifestyle.  But it is just one example.

So, let’s turn to starting a fitness/workout routine…

Soooo many people wait, plan, contemplate, wait some more, think about starting, then decide the time is not right or they don’t have all the equipment they need, or they don’t have enough time, waiting for the perfect moment.  It’s never going to happen.  The time is now.  So, let’s press play today.

Start where you are – you may be completely new to the world of working out or you may not have been active for a long time, but you’ll have to start exactly where you are now. 

One word of caution though, if you are totally new to exercise and working out, please consult your doctor or health care professional to get the green light and talk about any restrictions due to conditions you may have.

So, let’s get started.  What are you going to do?  Walk 5 – 10 minutes, bike for 5 – 10 minutes, pick up some free weights and do one exercise of 15 reps to get started?  Maybe you’re like me and want to start with an activity that is easy on your joints – so you decide to get in the pool and take up swimming.  Start there with one lap and increase it each time.

The point is ->  you do you and what feels right for you and your body.  Don’t overdo it.  Take your time and build up to more reps, longer exercise times, more laps of the pool, etc as your fitness journey continues. 

Use what you have – there is no need to head out to the nearest Canadian Tire or Sport Chek and spend money on equipment.  If you wanted to begin strength training program for example, you could use heavier food cans or water bottles as your weights.  There is also a plethora of free exercise routines online you could try – search online or send me an email so that I can recommend a few for you. 

What I am trying to say is that you don’t need a gym membership or fancy home gym equipment to get started.  If you want to graduate to these things after you’ve gained some momentum, that’s great.  But it is not necessary for the beginning stages.

Do what you can – Don’t get discouraged or frustrated with yourself.  Do what your body allows you to do when it comes to exercising.  If you can only walk for 5 minutes, great.  If you can only lift weights for 5 reps, great.  If you can only swim 20 meters to begin with, great.  It’s perfectly okay to feel like a true beginner, because after all, that’s what we all are when we embark on a new journey of any kind.

Just remember:  start where you are, use what you’ve got, do what you can!  That’s the winning formula right there.

Don’t put your life and goals on hold because you are waiting for the ‘magic moment’.

The perfect time does not exist!

Here are my thoughts on this…

“Waiting only attracts more waiting”- but taking aligned action creates results!

The truth is we normalize waiting.

You wait for the perfect time.
You wait until you have all the answers.
You wait until you are confident enough.
You wait until you have the ‘free time’ to do it.
You wait until all of the T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted.
You just wait…. and while it feels safe in the waiting there is no growth there.

What most people won’t tell you is that waiting begets more waiting NOT results.

When we wait until all of the stars are aligned in our favour, you could be waiting for your entire life.

Can you relate?

My message for you, ladies, is DO NOT WAIT.

Don’t wait- and put your dreams on hold, because you could be waiting your entire life and that is not a choice you can afford to make!

When you make the first move, a spark of momentum will happen.

With every little bit of action, self-doubt becomes less and less.

Make the decision today to take the first steps in prioritizing your health, your fitness, your mindset, your self-care, and YOURSELF.

This is your chance to create the outcome you desire and deserve.

But it all starts with you, your decisions, and your actions.

Don’t wait. Your time is NOW.
And that’s my message for today, friends.
My only hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa xoxo

The Best Challenge to Strengthen Your Mental Toughness – 75 HARD

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am going to introduce you to a challenge called the “75-Hard Challenge” and it is one of the toughest challenges I have ever done but it changed my life completely.  It was truly one of the most transformative, mentally challenging things I have ever done.

And, before you think, “Oh, this is just one of those internet challenges.”  It is not. 

And, if you’re looking for a new fitness program or challenge to start the year off, this is NOT it.

This challenge will change your life … starting from the inside. 

Think of this as an IRONMAN for your brain.  It is a way to take complete control of your life in 75 days.

75-Hard is a transformative mental toughness challenge.

Are there physical changes?  Yes, absolutely.  But trust me when I say the physical changes you notice on the outside are a FRACTION of the results you can gain by completing the 75 HARD.

There’s nothing worse than experiencing life in the passenger’s seat rather than the driver’s seat.  You wake up each day, go to work or go about your day, and aimlessly drift through each day with no direction or driving force or purpose…

After that, you drive home, scroll social media and flip through the TV shows, binge some Netflix, go to bed and repeat the same cycle the next day.

Weekdays all run together and become a blur.  You just put in the time and go through the motions until the weekend arrives, so you can finally relax, unwind and enjoy yourself.

You feel like you are a robot or zombie of your own life.

People around you are getting ahead … and you begin to wonder what they have that you don’t.

Self-doubt starts to creep in.

Your thoughts beat you up all day long to the point where you feel stuck, not being able to get out of this funk you find yourself so deep in.

The mental struggle turns into a physical struggle.  You’re not exercising like you used to and this weighs heavily on your mind too.

You try different programs, or at least you make an attempt to follow them in hopes of getting your body and mind back to feeling great again.

But, you fail because you are lacking some crucial elements. And you find yourself right back at square 1 again.

The big problem is that each failed attempt drains your tank a little more of your hope to overcome the deep hole you find yourself in.

If you feel like this, I know exactly how you feel because I’ve been there myself.

I spent years simply going through the motions – literally floating through the days with no game plan and no results to show for it.
I let myself go mentally as well as physically.

That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Because the REAL PROBLEM I had was a lack of mental toughness and discipline.

I needed a challenge that would change me from the inside out. By completing this challenge, I believe the mental changes are 100x greater than the physical changes you will undergo.

If I think back about how I developed or changed during my first 75 HARD challenge, I can honestly say that my thinking changes and the level of discipline which I now leverage to tackle every single task in front of me.

Mental toughness is a skill that can be trained, but here’s what it takes to be mentally tough:

·         It takes confidence.
·         It takes grit.
·         It takes belief in yourself.
·         It takes fortitude.
·         It takes endurance.
·         It takes perseverance.
·         It takes a certain willingness to win.

These are not traits you are naturally born with, but the good news is – they can be developed, refined and trained.

What is 75 HARD?

The very first challenge I completed looked like this:

1.        Complete two 45-minute workouts per day – one of them has to be outside regardless of the weather condition.
2.       Drink 4.5 litres of water each day.
3.       Take a progress photo every day.
4.       Read 10 pages of inspiration non-fiction each day.

These are the 5 core elements to the original challenge.  Sounds pretty easy, right?  Well, it’s not.  Life has a way of getting in the way sometimes.  The concept here is if you fail to complete all 5 of these activities, you have to start over again at Day 1.

You and only you are in complete control because none of these activities are reliant on anyone else.  And, if you decide to follow this challenge, amazing things will happen within you.

For example:

-> You’ll feel more confident about yourself and your actions.
-> You’ll learn how to manage your day better, so you can get more done and quit wasting time on meaningless things.
-> You’ll gain independence and the ability to take ownership of tasks.
-> It will completely overhaul the way you think and act.
-> You’ll learn how to be honest with yourself and gain the necessary self-awareness to stay on track.
-> An added bonus to the mental transformation, you’ll improve your level of fitness.
-> You’ll learn how to be consistent with your actions.
-> You’ll have a sense of pride in yourself.

Granted, it is called the 75-Hard Challenge, but I like to think of it as a tool. A useful tool  that can be revisited time and time again whenever you feel yourself off course in your life.

 That’s not to say it isn’t challenging because it is – without a doubt.

The idea is for you to follow through with the 5 activities for 75 days straight with ZERO compromise.  It requires a higher level of mental toughness not to deviate from the ‘plan’. 

Like I said earlier, this is not meant to be a physical challenge per se.  It is a mental challenge which is designed to develop all the characteristics you lack in life that have landed you where you are currently. 

Believe me, I am speaking from experience here.

I needed to solidify my commitment to change, so I did.

I needed to strengthen my ‘follow through’ abilities, and I did.

And, what I really needed was to stop talking about all the stuff I wanted to do and start taking steps to create REAL changes.  And I did.

Physical transformations do take place, of course.  But there are merely a by-product of the mental transformations you will make.

To modify or not to modify?

People say you shouldn’t modify it.  But after completing it the first time and following through on all the 5 core activities, I decided to tweak it the second time through.
In addition to the exercise twice a day, reading, drinking water and taking a progress photo (which no one saw but me), I added in three more elements:
-> One random act of kindness each day 
-> No alcohol
-> No sugar
This made the challenge even harder, but it was so worth it.  Doing one random act of kindness each day was definitely the highlight.  I would call someone to chat and catch up, I would send a ‘thank you’ card, I would compliment people and stop to say hi. 

This is also the time when I realized that my body and mind function so much better without alcohol.  I have never been more than a very casual social drinker but I felt 100% better without consuming any alcohol.  And no sugar, well that wasn’t the easiest for me but I somehow managed.

My entire point about introducing the 75 HARD challenge in today’s show was to give you inspiration for the coming year. 
What is one activity that you might like to commit to, follow through on and complete for 75 straight days with ZERO compromise?
* Walking outdoors each day
* Journalling
* Exercising for just 5 minutes
* Drinking 4 litres of water a day
* Giving up something, like sugar or alcohol
* Broadening your mind with reading perhaps
* Strength training for 1 or 2 minutes a day
I think getting started with just ONE habit would be amazing.  Then after the first 75-day challenge, you could add in another new habit you’d like to form and become part of your every day.
There are many ways of approaching this, but the main concept remains and the ‘see-it-through-to-the-end’ mentality will grow stronger.
If you’re interested in starting your own 75 Hard Challenge and you’d like an accountability partner in me, I would be happy to check in with you and help you complete it.
Send me a message via Instagram or Facebook or even by email to: lisaoberbichlercoaching@gmail.com
I am going to do my own 75 HARD challenge too starting in January, so we can do it together.
And, that’s my message for the first episode in 2023.  It’s going to be a great year, I can feel it!!
I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

Thanks for listening and I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa xoxo

Mindfulness Practices for 2023

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am talking about injecting more mindfulness into our daily lives.  Many people strive to become more mindful of people, situations, things in their lives and I would like to give you some inspiration to incorporate a simple mindfulness practice into your routine.

We live in a fast-paced world in which it is quite easy and almost inevitable not to get caught up in the daily hustle and bustle, losing sight of what truly matters to us.

We are constantly distracted by work, family, school, friends, responsibilities so our minds are often preoccupied.  The demands for our attention are high every day.

By introducing some easy mindfulness practices into our daily routine, we can establish a sense of balance and feel more at ease within ourselves. Mindfulness habits can help improve your life.

Finding flow in a world full of distractions takes some work. It involves staying in the present (without judgment), so you concentrate on what is happening here and now versus focusing on the past or future.

Mindfulness practices have been around for centuries but more recently they have been implemented by many as a means to manage stress and increase your overall feeling of well being.

They are best described as small, intentional actions practiced daily to instill more awareness and become more mindful of our lives.

It could be taking a few deep breaths or mediation to journalling to getting some fresh air.  These habits are wide ranging and can be simple or structured.

The main point of mindfulness is to be present and attentive in each moment rather than letting your mind wander or become distracted.  It’s about paying attention to your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgemental way.

Yoga is a prime example of mindfulness, so is deep breathing (Episode 35 of this podcast was all about breathwork and introduced 2 techniques).
Mindfulness can have several pillars but today I’d like to mention three of the foundational elements:

-> Intention
-> Attention
-> Attitude

Having intention refers to the purpose or goal behind the practice.  Living intentionally is all about being fully present in the moment, not dwelling on the past or fretting about the future.  This allows for more clarity, purpose and direction for you and your life.

Paying attention is the ability to focus on the present moment, being aware of your responses to people and circumstances and then responding with openness and curiosity.  It’s about remaining neutral, not getting caught up in your thoughts and emotions.

Attitude refers to the mindset and approach you display during the practice of mindfulness.  Adopting a non-judgemental and accepting attitude to your thoughts and feelings is what we want to achieve.

But it is also about being open to whatever arises, even if it is uncomfortable or difficult.  Developing a positive and compassionate attitude will help you adopt a gentler approach to yourself and your life.

Living life with calmness and acceptance is the goal and definitely worth the pursuit.

Research has shown mindfulness practices to reduce stress and anxiety levels, improve sleep quality and reduce blood pressure.

Okay, so I hope to have convinced you that mindful habits are super beneficial, but how do you start?

1.        Start small
This is always the common theme when starting a new habit -> begin with small, achievable habits that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine.  This could be as simple as taking a few deep breaths at the very start of your day.  Referring back to episode 35 – I went over 2 breathing methods: the 6-2-8 technique as well as the 5 by 5 box.  Those are great to start with.
The point here is to set aside a few minutes a day to be mindful.  If you stay to the end, I will give you lots of jumping off points for mindfulness practices.
2.       Be consistent
I sound like a broken record all the time because consistency comes up every time I am talking about goals, habits, fitness, – you name it -> consistency is the key when it comes to introducing new habits of any kind.
It is very helpful to practice your chosen habits at the same time each day making it a non-negotiable part of your regular routine.  This helps form the habit and automates it.  Soon it will be effortless.
3.       Be patient with yourself
It takes time to develop a habit and it is no different when incorporating mindful habits into your life.  It is normal and human to experience setbacks and challenges along the way.  Just be patient with yourself and don’t be quick to judge yourself if immediate results are not seen.
Stay positive about the small steps you are taking and be present in the moment enjoying the journey rather than focusing on the end destination.
4.       Find what works best for you

We are all individuals, so you’ll have to take some time to experiment with different habits and practices that speak to you.  Be open-minded to trying new things. Stay flexible and don’t be afraid to tweak your habits over time in order to meet your needs and goals.
20 Easy Mindful Habits You Can Start Today (divided into 3 categories: mind, body, soul)

For your body:

1.        Go for a walk or spend some time in nature.  Connect with the world around you.
2.        Eat a healthy and balanced diet to nourish your body and mind.
3.        Exercise or engage in physical activity to boost your mood and energy.
4.        Get enough sleep to help feel rested and rejuvenated. 
5.        Be intentional when exercising.  Have a goal in mind and focus on the muscles you are working.   Feel your body and notice how strong it is getting.
6.       Make time for relaxation and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.

For your mind:

7.       Take a few deep breaths to help calm and center your mind.
8.       Introduce regular breaks and give yourself permission to relax and unwind.
9.       Spend time on hobbies or activities that bring you a sense of joy and fulfilment.
10.   Practice self-care by taking time to nourish your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
11.   Be present in the moment rather than worrying about the past or the future.
12.   Set boundaries and say no when necessary to protect your time and energy.
13.   Engage in creative activities like drawing, painting, or writing to stimulate your mind and unleash your creativity.
14.   Seek out new experiences and try new things to broaden your mind and your horizon.

For your soul:

15.   Spend time with loved ones and engage in activities that bring you joy and connection.
16.   Practice random acts of kindness and compassion toward yourself and others.
17.   Engage in creative activities like drawing, painting, or writing to stimulate your mind and unleash your creativity.
18.   Practice gratitude by giving thanks for all the small and big things in your life. Write down 3 things you are thankful for each day.
19.   Create a journalling practice.  Episode 36 dives into this topic and provides inspiration.
20.   Engage in acts of service or get involved in some volunteer work to help others and find your purpose.
So, there you have it… 20 wonderful ways of injecting a bit of mindfulness into your every day and finding the calmness and peace of mind you need and deserve.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

Thanks for listening and I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa xoxo