The Number 1 Way to Gain More Confidence


Hey, friends!  Welcome back to the Inspiration2grow podcast and, the 51st episode.  I can’t believe that we’ve made it this far AND covered so many interesting and important topics.  And, the great news… I have only just begun!  I have some exciting things as well as guests lined up for 2023, so be sure to stay tuned.

I just wanted to share some feedback that I received in email form today from one of my avid listeners.  She wrote, “Congratulations, today’s episode was the best one EVER.  You can be very proud of yourself.  I’m impressed how you can find such interesting topics EVERY DAY!  It’s a pity they are only in English because most people in Europe haven’t ever thought of these topics here and don’t talk about them.” 

First off, thanks so much for sending me your feedback, Brigitte.  I really appreciate it.  Secondly, I am very happy to say that my podcast is going to become even more international because very soon it will be available for listening in German as well.

I lived and studied in Austria, Europe for 25 years and I have received so many requests to translate the podcast episodes.  When my husband was home visiting his family near Innsbruck during the Christmas holidays, he, too, was told ->  this podcast needs to be in German because the message needs to be heard by more women, who don’t necessarily understand English that well to follow the content.

What started as a passion project, a labour of love in hopes of inspiring other women and encourage them to open their mind up to new possibilities is turning into a worldwide movement, which I am so very proud of. 

A considerable amount of work and preparation goes into each episode but if I can only touch one person’s life with my message, I am the happiest person alive. 

Recently I read a comment (and this is not an isolated incident by any means) from a woman who wrote she has been lacking confidence her whole life.  She has never been fully able to stand tall and proud of her accomplishments, her appearance, her body in particular, her whole self really.  That broke my heart!

There are numerous ways to increase confidence, with more positive self talk, improved self-care including setting strict boundaries, working on your levels of self-love and feelings of self-worth.  I mean this is a loaded topic any way you look at it.

But, for me, doing something you really want to accomplish, showing up for yourself in small ways each day, ditching the thoughts of , “Hopefully they will like me” and instead thinking, “The most important thing is that I like and accept myself,” are the keys to building a foundation of confidence.

Today, though, I am talking about one way in particular that you can infuse loads of confidence into your life.  It’s also about showing up for the most important person in your life -> YOU. 
This episode is going to be about increasing your confidence levels massively.  Now, you might not expect to hear the simple solution I am going to provide you with today in order to gain more confidence.  But once you hear what it is, it will make total sense to you, I’m sure.

Let me ask you this…what if all those hard burned calories weren’t for a lower number on the scale, but rather for increased confidence? 

Studies have shown that regular exercise not only provides all of us with health advantages, but is also is a huge confidence booster too.  Showing up for yourself and your body elevates your self-esteem so that you’re better equipped to meet your goals and be successful in many other areas of life:  at work, in your relationships, to name a few.

Taking a more pro-active approach to life as opposed to a passive approach, will help you stay more focused and support you when life presents you with challenges now and again.  And a fitness routine provides the perfect structure for this active approach.

Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, right? When we are confident, we are much better equipped both emotionally as well as mentally to deal with everyday life.  Our quality of life improves dramatically when we feel a sense of high self-esteem.

Boosting our self-confidence is always a good thing. 

One of the very best, and easiest ways to increase your self-confidence is by exercising regularly.

Showing up for yourself daily will enhance your self-assurance and trust in yourself to follow through with what you set your mind to.
Showing up for yourself through exercise will grow your own self respect.
Showing up for yourself by sticking to a regular fitness routine will increase your own integrity.

Whether you were anticipating exercise to be the #1 confidence booster or not, I am going to CONVINCE you in today’s show that this is exactly what you need to improve your self-confidence.

1.        Exercise is beneficial for your mind and body. 
You will feel so much better overall by exercising.  It can be as simple as going for a walk for a certain amount of time each day.  It could be swimming, biking or an at-home workout.  Anything that gets your heart and your body moving can help you ditch bad habits such as poor diet choices, overeating and being sedentary.  Feeling better physically means you will feel better mentally too.

You will also gain back some of that lost energy.  If we don’t have the necessary energy to deal with our daily chores, then we start to feel bad about ourselves.  Regular exercise helps the whole body work more efficiently. And, once you begin to feel better about yourself (and your choices), you can take on challenges and overcome life’s hurdles with ease.
2.       Your self-image will improve.
Quite often women’s self-confidence issues are closely linked to their perception of their own body.  By exercising you will build the necessary confidence to feel good about your body.  Ultimately, you will strengthen and tone your body meaning that the fruits of your labour will be noticeable.  Seeing results will definitely boost your self-esteem and getting compliments for others, well, that’s just the icing on the cake.

There’s absolutely no doubt that working out takes: work, hard work at times, dedication, commitment and an elevated level of self-care than we are perhaps used to. And, all of this results in an enormous feeling of confidence.
3.       Your brain power will increase.
Research has indicated that by feeding your brain with essential, valuable nutrients AND oxygen when doing aerobic exercise, our cognitive function improves.  So, basically, exercise makes you smarter.  Have you ever noticed that after exercising you feel more focused, alert and capable of getting tasks done far more efficiently.

I certainly do.  In fact, after I come home from my swim sessions, I am able to write and work with a much clearer mind and inevitably I achieve more.

4.       You will feel stronger.
It’s certainly not a news flash when I say that exercise reduces your risk of high blood pressure and chronic disease, is it?  We’ve heard this for some time now from doctors and health care professionals.  But, it bears repeating -> regular exercise makes you stronger on many levels. 

The mental strength you gain from exercising should not be overlooked as one of the major benefits.  Exercise can, and has been proven to, reduce stress levels, as well as depression and anxiety.

5.       You will feel a sense of accomplishment.
A huge part of exercising is creating a new habit, setting and achieving goals.  If you stick with your routine or program, this provides you with a strong sense of achievement.  You gain what we call emotional stamina by following an exercise routine and seeing it through to the end.  This creates intrinsic motivation which allows you to take on your personal goals so confidently that you feel unstoppable in all the things you want to do.

6.        Your mood will drastically improve.
There is nothing quite like a good workout for your emotional state.  But, this doesn’t necessarily mean a hard gym session.  This could also be a brisk walk outdoors, or a jog, or a bike ride.  Any activity that makes your body and heart work harder constitutes a workout.  This stimulates brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin, which provide an overall feeling of well-being.  In turn, this reduces stress and anxiety.
7.        Your heart and joints will thank you.
It’s quite logical though, isn’t it.  If exercise is effective in decreasing our weight, then this means that our hearts have to work less.  Subsequently, our hearts are happier and healthier.  By lowering the amount of weight, you carry around, this puts less pressure on your joints and other areas of your body.
This is the number 1 reason for my weight loss journey currently.  My joints feel so much better, the more weight I lose. 

Generally, I think it gives us a great feeling that we are looking after ourselves, taking responsibility for our health and doing something so beneficial for our bodies when we exercise.  This alone boosts our confidence.

8.       You are in control of your weight.
Taking control over your situation in and of itself gives your confidence, doesn’t it?  Being overweight can destroy one’s confidence. But, by exercising and eating clean and healthy you are taking the first steps to regain control of your situation.  The better shape you are in, the better you will feel.

I am going to mention here too that getting in shape is closely connected to controlling your weight.  Being in shape means having a well-toned body and better posture, which are aspects of having self confidence.

But, I don’t want anyone to get their knickers in a know about this.  I am not saying that in order to gain confidence you must lose weight.  Not at all!

I believe everyone needs to look after their bodies and minds as best they can, and exercise is a great way of doing this.  You’ve already heard about 8 ways your body and mind will reap the benefits of regular exercise.

Beauty and confidence come from the inside.  That’s the most important point here. 

Showing up for yourself is a confidence enhancer.

9.       Your sleep will improve.
Oh, wait -> you say!! How is sleep related to confidence?  So glad you asked.  How do you feel after getting through a really terrible night of tossing and turning?  Not so great, right?  Then you drag your body into the bathroom and look in the mirror.  Horror strikes.  Dark circles under your eyes, blood shot eyes, you know what I mean.

Would anyone feel good about themselves or even confident looking and feeling like this?  Probably not.  So, by exercising regularly, you will improve the quality of your sleep. Hitting the 7 – 8 hours of sleep is crucial for feeling well rested and good about our selves.

And, I have experienced this first hand myself.  I have also talked about it in previous podcast episodes.  Exercise has helped me in getting in 7 – 8 hours of sound slumber each night. 

Just don’t exercise too close to your bed time. 
10.    You will have something to look forward to.
I am all about living life to the fullest and adding enjoyable activities to our every day life.  Once you develop a reasonable exercise schedule or routine that works well for you, you will begin to crave it.  Or better said, your body and mood will look forward to it.  The inner momentum will build after you start seeing the results of your hard work.  Your desire to keep going will have been ignited.  Ultimately, you will feel so much better about yourself and your efforts.  Like I stated before – you will feel unstoppable!

So, if exercise helps you look great, feel stronger and have a much more positive attitude and outlook on life, why NOT add it into your self-care routine? 
You have literally nothing to lose (apart from a bit of weight maybe) AND everything to gain, including self-confidence.

My only hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo



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