Raw & Real Talk with Samantha Fox Olson – Let Your SOUL Goals Guide You

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE 72 HERE ->https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/VTX5wLoDfxb

Raw & Real Talk with Guest – Samantha Fox Olson, a supporter of women on their weight loss journey and fitness professional for over 32 years.  She is the founder of: FitGoddessBody.com and iLoveYogaandFitness.com specifically for females who want to embody the vibrant energy within themselves.

In today’s episode Lisa and Samantha talked about the importance of building muscle, soul goals, dance moves that can get you motivated, overcoming feelings of self-judgement and much more.  This show is absolutely loaded with inspiration, soulful moments, heartfelt messages to women who sometimes doubt themselves.  

Notable Quotes from today:
“Let dance and music make you feel playful and youthful.” ~Samantha Fox Olson
“When we feel nurtured and taken care of (by ourselves), we can take our power back and pour from a fuller cup.” ~Samantha
“We must listen to what lights us up and turns us on.” ~Samantha

Top 3 Golden Nuggets:
1. Ask yourself: Will this action help me get out of my head and into my heart?
2. Break out a dance moment of movement and flow to feel: sassy, sexy, sensual and silly.
3. Your body is a gift full of potential.

Connect with Samantha:
Join her FREE Facebook group -> Body Freedom Evolution 
Website: fitgoddessbody.com 
All Samantha’s offers are available for viewing and booking on her website including her August retreat in Michigan and her 12-Week Transformation Courses 

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a review and subscribe for regular updates on how to transform your thoughts and habits to support your goals, tap into the superpower of mindset and become the best version of yourself.

If you’d like to work with me on your personal growth strategies, mastering your mindset and building unwavering confidence to crush your goals, contact: lisaoberbichlercoaching@gmail.com
Visit my website to read more on what I’m all about as a Personal Growth Strategist & Life Coach for Goal Getters www.inspiration2grow.com . Sign up for my weekly email to receive insider tips, freebies, news and more goodness that only my E-listers receive direct to their inbox each week.

I would love to welcome you in the Inspiration2grow Facebook Group – join by clicking here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1083545765671503

Connect with me on social media:

IG – @lisaoberbichlercoaching
FB – Lisa J. Oberbichler
LinkedIn – Lisa Oberbichler
Website, Blog & Coaching Sessions: www.inspiration2grow.com

Thank you for your support of my podcast and business.
Having YOU as a listener and fellow goal getter lights me up more than you can imagine!

Is Stress Running Your Life? 3 Ways to Change That

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE HERE ->https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/NzasOmQ1dxb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am discussing STRESS with a capital S.  I just touched oh so briefly on this topic last week and I received so much feedback about the levels of stress YOU are experiencing.  So, let’s dive straight into today’s show and let me ask you this important question.  Take some time to really reflect on it…

Is Stress Running Your Life?
What if you could stop stressing about every little thing and feel calm and confident instead?  How would that feel?  How different would your daily energy be then?
While stress is an inevitable part of life – it doesn’t have to run our lives. Far too many of us work ourselves to the point of burnout where every challenge can start to literally feel like a life-or-death situation to our bodies and send us into fight or flight mode.
Burnout is NOT an inevitable part of success, and it is preventable!
The truth is that the STRESS you feel around chasing that next level of success and achievement is what’s preventing you from having breakthroughs in your MIND and BODY.
Stress can have you feeling exhausted, irritable, and anxious and cause health problems like headaches, premature aging, digestive issues, muscle tension, and high blood pressure. Not fun to say the least! And when you’re not feeling your best it’s hard to stay clear-headed and calm while working.
Can you make life less stressful – is it even possible?
I absolutely believe it’s possible to make life and work less stressful! While we will never entirely eliminate stress from our lives, we don’t have to suffer so much.
Living a healthier, less-stressed life is priceless.
After struggling with chronic stress my entire life, I finally found relief and it started with these 3 things…

The #1 Mindset Shift to Reduce Goal Stress
The Missing Piece the Changed My Life
The Way to Use 2% of Your Day to Reduce Stress by 60% (or more!)
Let’s break these down, one at a time, starting with the mindset shift….
1.     Focus on Effort Over Outcome
Chronically stressed high-achievers tend to obsess over hitting goals. We literally plan our months around goals and the outcomes we want to achieve!
The ironic thing is that outcomes are out of our control – we can never really guarantee an end result. We can’t make people buy our stuff. We can’t make someone like us. We can’t control the unpredictable curve balls life throws at us.
The only thing we can control is our effort. In many ways that is freeing to realize! It allows us to stop obsessing over something we have no control over and shift our focus to something more productive – our actions. And when we take consistent, strategic action toward our goals, very often things turn out in our favour. Even if they don’t, we can go to bed at night knowing we did everything we could to reach our goals and if we don’t give up, eventually we’ll get there.
This leads me to another tip – which is to stop and challenge your thinking when you’re feeling anxious. When things don’t seem to be going your way and you start to catastrophize, stop yourself and challenge your thinking. Are you focusing on an outcome you can’t control? Are things really that bad or are you being way too hard on yourself? Would you talk to a friend the way you’re talking to yourself?
Sometimes, rather than taking a moment to challenge our thoughts and then shift into problem-solving mode, we just let ourselves spiral over what-ifs. This is never helpful and where we can get derailed. This isn’t about using positive thinking to ignore your problems, but rather using critical thinking to focus on real problems and solutions instead of letting anxiety take the wheel.
And what if things really aren’t going as well as you want, despite your best efforts? That’s where gratitude comes in. No matter how bad a day might be, there’s always some good to be found in it. Years ago, I started a dinner routine to help make gratitude a daily practice. You could do this with your partner and family as well. 
I called it “3 great things” and my husband and I would have to name three good things that happened that day. I admit there have been days that, when left to my own devices, I wouldn’t have found time for gratitude.
Making gratitude a family affair or a regular evening occurrence, part of the routine, keeps me accountable and makes me dig deep to find the good in the day even on the toughest of days.
If you want to reframe it, you could also reflect on the highlight(s) of your day.  No matter, how you look at it – through the lense of gratitude OR an absolute top moment of your day, I highly recommend this daily practice.  It helps you see the awesome parts of your day.
2.     The Missing Piece: Nervous System Regulation!
While I 100% believe that a rock-solid mindset is a key part of building a successful life and career (it was tip #1 after all!)
I DON’T believe that MINDSET is the #1 factor – despite what most coaches have been telling us for years now!
I believe that nervous system regulation is the key to reducing stress and overwhelm – not to mention stopping panic attacks, creating happier relationships, and feeling healthier and more energized.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with stress. I was even hospitalized at the age of 18 due to severe and very serious headaches.  At first, the specialists thought it to be a tumor, so many tests were done.  Thankfully, it wasn’t anything of that nature.  Yet, I remember the doctor sitting on my bedside telling my what I was actually suffering from – stress headaches. What he recommended I do, must have sounded good to him.  However, I knew it wouldn’t work for me.
Until I learned this…
What it boils down to is the fact that stress and anxiety begin as a nervous system response. It’s our body trying to keep us safe by sending us into fight or flight mode. The problem is that after a lifetime of being told that stress is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs – but not being able to avoid stress, because, well, life…we’re stressed about our stress! Now our bodies are like overly sensitive alarms that go off from a strong gust of wind and not just for a real threat.
Learning that stress isn’t necessarily the enemy – it’s my body trying to keep me safe – took away a lot of shame for me around my situation. Before, I thought I just needed to be ‘tougher’ and have a stronger mindset and didn’t know why I couldn’t just think my way out of my stress.
Learning how to calm my nervous system so that things like mindset work had a fighting chance of actually helping me changed my life.
You see, stress and anxiety live in the body first, so we have to begin with a body-based approach to anxiety. Once we’re in a more regulated state THEN we can address the root cause and start to heal on a mental and emotional level.
While there will always be stressors in our lives, we can learn how to bounce back faster when we hit roadblocks and not let stress and anxiety take us out of the game. It’s amazing to feel like I can cope with whatever comes my way now!
So if every little inconvenience derails your day or overwhelm has totally taken you out of the game before, I’d be willing to bet you were missing this critical piece of the puzzle – nervous system regulation.
3.     Use 2% of Your Day to Make the other 98% Amazing
Which brings me to the final tip – creating a self-care plan that will ACTUALLY make a difference in defeating stress and overwhelm.
To be clear – what I am talking about when I say self-care is NOT bubble baths and face masks. I’m talking about a plan to get your mind right, your body right, and your priorities right and it’s an absolute GAME CHANGER. So don’t skip this!
Now, you might be thinking either – ”I don’t have time for that fluff, I’m busy!” OR “Of course, I’ll make time for self-care…Probably. If there’s time. Some day.”
(Knowing full well that self-care is always the FIRST thing to go when we’re the busiest and most stressed.)

You’ve noticed that, right? That you can keep up with your morning routine and your self-care habits when things are going well, but as soon as SHIT hits the fan you stop working out, doing your mindset work, and journaling, right?
Even when we KNOW it would make us feel better, we don’t do it! Why is that?

It’s one of those crazy things about being human – we might know intellectually what we need to do, but we can’t always seem to ‘make’ ourselves do it. We have so many competing priorities and, unfortunately, our health and wellness often take a backseat to business and family obligations. Unless we have some sort of health crisis, we can usually rationalize that it’s just not that important or urgent. Sad but true.
Two tricks I love to overcome this issue is habit stacking and finding your “why”. Habit stacking is simply attaching a new habit to something you already do every day.

For example, we eat dinner as a family every night, so adding ‘three great things’ to dinner made daily gratitude easy to remember.
Part of my morning routine is filling up my water cup when I make coffee. I’m certainly not going to forget to make coffee, so if my water cup is by the coffee pot I never forget that either and suddenly staying hydrated is 10x easier.

You’ve probably been told before to find your ‘why’ when it comes to your business, but most of us don’t go deep enough with the process. Then we come up with reasons that SOUND nice and all but they don’t actually light a fire under our bums and get us to do the thing already. That’s the key.

Here’s the good news – self-care doesn’t have to be time-consuming. In fact, I’ve put together a self-care routine that’s PERFECT for crazy-busy times and it can be done in 30 minutes (or less).
That’s just 2% of your day but it can reduce stress by 60% or more!
Now, are you ready to go from chaos to calm?  The three tips I just shared can be game-changers, if you implement them.  It’s all about putting strategies and tips in motion and actually trying them, not once but a few times to reap the benefits.
Let’s recap today’s 3 tips:
The #1 Mindset Shift to Reduce Goal Stress – FOCUS ON EFFORT OVER OUTCOME
The Missing Piece the Changed My Life – REGULATE YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM
The Way to Use 2% of Your Day to Reduce Stress by 60% -USE 2% OF YOUR DAY TO MAKE THE OTHER 98% AMAZING
We’ve heard it from several of the experts I’ve had on the show – stress can lead to serious health issues if it is not dealt with.  It also has a negative effect on so many other functions of our bodies, not just our minds. 

Friends, it’s time you took steps to decrease any negative stress you are experiencing and start thriving as opposed to merely surviving…somehow.
That’s my message for today.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.
In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo

3Ways to Make Habits Stick

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE 68 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/WR88Lghf7wb

In today’s short podcast episode of the Inspiration2grow show I am going to talk about 3 ways to turn a goal into a habit.  These are ways you probably haven’t even heard of before.

I am keeping today’s show very brief because we have had some very powerful, lengthy episodes this week, so this should serve as a quick pep talk for you going into the weekend.

The jury is out on this… how long does it really take to turn a goal into a healthy habit?  Some say 21 days, others claim it takes much longer.  The average seems to lie around the 66-day mark. 

That’s a considerable amount of time to form a lasting habit, isn’t it?  Likely the reason why so many don’t stick it out or give up on themselves.
But, today, I’d like to give you three fresh new ideas of how you can develop the grit and tenacity one needs to stick with it even when the going gets tough, on the days when you just don’t feel like it.

So, let’s dive in…

The first thing you need to do is…  SLEEP TO STAY STRONG.

If you’ve ever adopted a ‘to-heck-with-it’ mentality when you’re exhausted, here’s the reason why:  “Research shows that when we’re sleep-deprived or have low blood sugar, our willpower goes down.”

Try to snooze for at least seven hours a night and have a healthy nibble every few hours during the day.

And a bit more on how sleep affects our wellness…

We have to view a ‘good night’s sleep’ as important as regular exercise and healthy eating.

Research shows that poor sleep has immediate negative effects on our hormones, exercise performance as well as brain function.
We might not notice exactly how this affects our hormones, but we certainly do feel depleted of energy if we don’t get a solid sleep at night.  You know how this feels… everything you do feels like so much work and effort, your thoughts might be fuzzy or it may be difficult to concentrate. 

Not getting adequate amounts of sound sleep can also cause weight gain and increase disease risk in both adults and children.

On the flip side of the coin, a good night of slumber can help you eat less, exercise better and feel healthier overall.

We’ve all experienced poor sleep at some point, but statistics show that over the past few decades both sleep quality and quantity have declined.  It is reaching dangerous levels for some.  This is why I am talking more and more about it.  Episode 65 this week was about improving your sleep and provided 5 ways you could go about that.

So, by now you get my point, right?  Good quality sleep and the right amounts are crucial for your health and wellbeing but also to keep you strong in order to make better decisions throughout the day regarding the foods you eat, the actions you take, the exercise you get, and so on.

If you truly want to optimize your health, get fit and lose a bit of excess weight, then ensuring you get a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can and need to do.

To stay on track, put something you value on the line.  People who promised to forfeit money if they failed to lose weight shed 14 pounds more than those who didn’t have anything at stake.

Get some skin in the game!

Who could you make a friendly wager with? Someone in your family or a close friend?  Maybe even someone at your local gym that has the same goals as you do.
Betting on yourself could also take the form of investing in yourself.  By hiring a personal trainer, nutrition coach, any professional who could help you with your goals could be considered a ‘vote of confidence’ for yourself and you will definitely put in the necessary effort to reach your goals.

Now a bit of tough love talk…

You deserve to bet on yourself, but no one can make you do it.  Either you’re interested in being the master of your own fate or you’re content living life on the sidelines, waiting for someone to decide when you get to play and when you have to ride the bench.  Perfect sports team analogy here!

Come to terms with the fact that no one is coming to save you.

Betting on yourself is the fastest way to success.  Waiting for the world to give you permission to be great and go after your goals and dreams is the slowest way to mediocrity.  And, we weren’t put on this earth to be just average, simple mediocre, right?  Are you with me on this? 

Because this podcast is NOT about just getting by.  It is about soaring like an eagle, striving to reach new, exciting heights, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone time and time again until it feels easier. It’s about discovering how much potential we have and it’s about finally going after what you want in life. 

Your mindset changes when you start to bet on yourself. 

Instead of thinking about what you’re giving up, reframe your mindset so that you focus on the benefits.  For instance, getting to the gym before work will free up the night to have fun with friends.  Packing lunch instead of grabbing lunch at a restaurant will help you save money to afford a tropical vacation. 

“Focusing on what you can gain from your efforts energizes you to keep going.”

For me personally, the time I put in at the gym and at spin classes gives me energy, a more toned body, better stability and mobility as well as additional strength to function in my every day life better. 

Is it always easy to put on my shoes and arrive at the gym?  Heck no.  But I feel so much better after each workout and that’s the feeling that keeps me going back.

In order to constantly look on the bright side, you have to become a true optimist, who by definition, is a person that always sees the bright side of any situation.  They always put a positive spin on things. They don’t allow negative thoughts toward something or someone drag them down.  They are able to always find an uplifting thought that encourages, motivates and keeps them positive in a situation. 

For example,
“OMG, today is leg day at the gym.  This is going to be so gruelling and tough.  I’m going to hurt so much.”  -> “Yeah, I get to move and challenge my leg muscles today.  I will listen to my body and feel into the workout to get the most out of it.”

You might find this exhausting and somewhat annoying – being overly positive in all situations.  It is not always the easiest thing to do, I hear ya.

But…believe it or not, there are health benefits to looking on the bright side.

Not only does this outlook benefit you mentally, it can also improve your physical health as well. Research indicates that in the long run, being more optimistic can lead to greater personal success, great longevity and lower levels of stress.

That’s today message, friends.

Let me re-cap… in order to stick with your habits even more, I talked about three things you can do:  stay strong by getting enough sleep, bet on yourself, and look on the bright side.  I also mentioned the overall health benefits of each. 

If you’d like to go over today’s show, go to the show notes on my website: inspiration2grow.com.  I know (that) I talk fast at times and it’s a lot to digest, so every day each podcast episode is available for reading.  Be sure to leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts.  I’d love to know what has resonated with you.

My only hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,    
Lisa  xoxo

5 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Tonight

LISTEN TO EPISODE 65 OF THE PODCAST -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/KtaIvfiE2wb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am talking about the single most important, regenerative and restorative every body needs – adequate sleep.  If you don’t get the amount of sleep your body needs, you simply won’t be able to function and perform in your peak state.
Personally, I struggled to get a good night’s sleep for a number of years due to work stress.  Then the unbearable situation continued due to constant pain from my abdomen downwards.  The nights when I would be able to sleep for 3 – 4 hours straight through were few and far between.  And, for someone who thrives on at least 7 – 8 hours, didn’t set me up for a very pleasant day at work. 
Not only does a chronic lack of quality sleep made you irritable and feeling like you are dragging yourself around all day long, it doesn’t set you up for success in terms of exercising or getting in the necessary body movement, that would ultimately make you feel better.  
When your body is running on an empty tank (which is the feeling I constantly had with only getting a few very interrupted hours of sleep each night), you don’t make the best decisions for your health.  I mean in terms of food choices, exercise or even getting out in the fresh air to allow nature to rejuvenate you… at least a bit.  It plays havoc with your mindset.
Luckily, I was able to change my sleeping habits and re-gain my energy by using some of the strategies I am going to give you today.  But, by far, the most impactful action I took, which by the way wasn’t intended to improve my sleep but had that positive spin-off nonetheless, was exercising.  I have made other tweaks and changes to my sleep routine, all of which have helped, I’m sure. However, getting in a certain amount of physical activity was a complete game-changer for me.
One more thing I’d like to mention, sleep should never be underrated.  We heard from Dasha Agoulnik, the gut health expert, in episode 61 that your time of sleep is super important for your gut to relax and recuperate from the previous day.  It was mentioned as one of her 5 pillars to overall wellness.
Any magazine you pick up, any health bulletin you read, any health care professional you speak to – all will say that you should be getting enough sleep.  The exact number of hours each of us requires, still seems to be controversial.  But, you know how you feel after a good night of peaceful rest.  Ask yourself or start to keep track – how many hours provide you with the necessary energy and clear head to tackle your day.
So, let’s dive into today’s show and take a look at some tips on how you can get a better night’s sleep tonight.
Be honest with yourself…
Have you been struggling with sleep lately? Does a good night’s sleep feel impossible many nights?
It’s a fact …not getting enough sleep seems to be at the top of people’s list of energy-busters.

That stinks because missing ZZZs doesn’t just make you groggy. It messes with your overall well-being in a big way, too. So many restorative and regenerative processes happen when you sleep. Your body literally does repair work—including producing important proteins that fight inflammation. To help you unlock all that goodness, I want to share five tips to help you sleep better.

Tip #1: Follow the light.
Good sleep is all about working with your circadian rhythm, not against it. With that rhythm, cortisol rises early in the morning (giving you extra pep in your step). Then it begins to drop in the late afternoon as melatonin climbs, calming your system so you can get some shut-eye. Light is one of the biggest triggers for both of those hormonal shifts. Aim for bright light in the morning (ideally including 15+ minutes of direct sunlight shortly after waking), then dim light in the evening. It also helps to cut blue light exposure (like the kind from your TV or phone) an hour or two before bed. I leave my phone in the living room so I’m not tempted.

Tip #2: Set the stage.
Where you sleep is a big player in how you sleep, so take a few minutes today to upgrade your sleep environment. An optimal sleep space should be cool, quiet, dark, comfy and stress-free—so pick one of those five to improve today. If light or noise leaks interrupt your sleep, earplugs or a sleep mask can work wonders. If your bed’s uncomfy, maybe it’s time to invest in a cushy mattress topper. Simply pick one and start upgrading.

Tip #3: Watch what and when you drink.
Beverages can have a big impact on sleep quality. If you’ve been struggling with sleep, try limiting caffeine past noon and lowering your alcohol consumption. If you do drink, have your libation earlier in the evening, with water and food. Conversely, tart cherry juice can promote deep sleep, so consider adding a glass of that to your evening routine. (Mixed with some seltzer and a slice of lime, it’s one of my favorite mocktails!) Regardless, try limiting drinks in general past 8 p.m. so you don’t wake up to and have to make trips to the bathroom (pee) as much.

Tip #4: Tuck yourself in like a toddler.
If you had a feisty four-year-old who needed to be asleep by 8, what time would you start getting them ready for bed? Probably not at 7:59 by shutting off whatever screen they were watching and just plunking them down on the pillow. But that’s how so many adults put ourselves to bed!
It’s time to create a dreamy pre-bed routine instead—one that really sets you up for a good night’s sleep. Design a routine that covers all your basic hygiene (brushing teeth, skincare, etc.) plus some soothing elements to help you relax (like reading, journaling, or a calming meditation). Then do your bedtime routine every night, just like you were tucking in a toddler.

Tip #5: Schedule your wind down.
This is where the rubber meets the road and it’s the one step most people skip: schedule the start time for that bedtime routine. Really map it out. Back in from the time you want to be asleep, allow time for each of the activities in your bedtime ritual and plan accordingly. I’ve even started setting an alarm on my phone to alert me when it’s time to start getting ready for bed. Keep in mind that optimal repair and regeneration happens between 11pm to 1am, so do your best to hit that window and actually be asleep by 11, if you can.

You deserve to wake up rested, refreshed and ready for anything, my friend. I hope these tips help you get there.

Be sure to leave a comment over on FB or IG or even on my website’s show notes/blog page – let me know which one of these tips you’re going to try.

And, that’s my message for today, friends.

My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.  

Til next time, 
Lisa xoxo

The Power of Purpose – Interview with JoAnne Dietrich Muegge (aka the On-Purpose Lady)

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE 64 HERE -> https://anchor.fm/lisa4061/episodes/The-Power-of-Purpose—Interview-with-JoAnne-Dietrich-Muegge-e1u67dt

Book References and other resources made during the podcast:

“The On Purpose Person” written by Kevin McCarthy

“Power vs. Force” written by Dr. David R. Hawkins

website -> for the ‘quick tournament’ exercise/assignment JoAnne mentioned can be found -> OnPurpose.me

melissa_lyons.com (Nutritional Value of Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions for the Soul)


Guest Speaker -> JoAnne Dietrich Muegge (aka The On-Purpose Lady)

Photos from her personal Camino Challenge during Covid:

Get Your Fit On – Interview with Tara de Roos

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE 59 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/Yo571wi2Qwb

Connect with Tara de Roos here –

Instagram @tara_de_roos

Trainer at – https://toppperformance.com/

Some of the golden nuggets she shared in the podcast episode:

“A sound diet and proper exercise are the only ways to achieve good health.”

“It’s a journey not a race. Putting in a lot of effort occasionally will not yield the results you want. Commit 100% of the time and be patient.”

“No one is judging you at the gym. Everyone there is just trying to become a better version of themselves.”

“You will never be satisfied after reaching your goal. You’ll always be looking to the next challenge.”

Wise words by Tara de Roos, CrossFit L1 Trainer and Natural Bikini Bodybuilder competitor, Personal Trainer

Slow & Steady Wins The Race

LISTEN TO PODCAST EPISODE 58 HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/tJRe6FbaPwb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am addressing the problem with our mentality in present-day society of wanting everything:  success, results, return messages by text or email, a great life, 6-pack abs, a toned body, weight loss, and the list goes on – and wanting it immediately. 

How many times have you quit at something you started feeling like a failure because you didn’t see or get the results you wanted?

For many of us, this often happens when it comes to weight loss or results from exercising.  The scale doesn’t budge or our clothes are still too tight and I can’t fit into those jeans I bought 1 size smaller than usual with high hopes of slimming down and being able to rock them confidently.

If you’ve ever resorted to looking for help in muscle or fitness magazines, you might have bought into the promises of achieving ‘a new body in four weeks’.  Not to mention the clever marketing of various supplement companies promising quick progress and insane strength when taken every day.

The fact of the matter is -> when it comes to fitness, there are NO SHORTCUTS.  At least, no healthy ones.

Any attempts to fast-track progress will likely results in feelings of defeat and extreme frustration.

If you’re following this podcast, odds are you want to excel in life and fitness.

You are interested in changing a few things, introducing some new habits, incorporating a suitable exercise routine, ramping up your eating habits, setting and going after realistic goals and tweaking your current lifestyle to reflect and align with the YOU that you want to be more of.

However, in going after these new habits and goals we have to remain PATIENT.  And, we all know that patience isn’t our strongest virtue, especially in today’s world of “overnight body transformations” and “overnight rags-to-riches stories” of success, right?  It is these click-bait stories that lead us to believe in overnight success, which is nothing but a fairytale.

Let me repeat that again -> the concept of being successful at ANYTHING overnight or within a short period of time is a complete and utter fairytale.

Advertising leads us to believe these fairytales and makes them sound so blooming real and something we, too, can achieve.  BUT…

What we don’t hear about is how hard that individual had to work for that particular moment of glory.

Many of the highly successful writers, celebrities and and everyday fitness professionals to whom we look up have, at one point in their career, felt defeated and lost, ready to throw in the towel.

They didn’t wake up the next day and magically transform themselves.  No, no, no they didn’t.  Instead, they put their heads down and went to work with clear goals ahead of them.

Using the example of the tortoise… it stayed the course and approached the race methodically or strategically against the hare.  And, you need to do the same with your goals, any goals really, not just fitness goals.

Of course, I will be using examples from exercising and fitness, but these tips apply to any goal you want to achieve.

Slow and steady wins the race.  Every. Single. Time.

One of the key ingredients to success in life and fitness is to stay persistent.  We tend to give up and quit on our goals when the fruits of our labour don’t appear as quickly as we’d like them to.

Those extra pounds won’t vanish immediately, just like companies don’t turn into billion-dollar empires after their first business deals.

Don’t forget how many months it took you to gain the extra weight you want to lose, so you will need the same amount of time, if not longer, to shed this excess weight.

Your body is only capable of losing so much weight in a given time period, so don’t let this bog you down. 

Last week I made a post in the Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-Getters FB group about adopting a ‘crockpot’ mentality versus a ‘microwave’ attitude toward achieving goals.

I think this is a very relatable analogy because we all know how to use these kitchen tools.

Microwaves are used for heating up food in a shorter amount of time. 
Whereas, preparing a meal in the crockpot takes considerably more time, but the result is so much tastier, if you ask me.

Going back to the example mentioned earlier = the microwave is the hare and the crockpot is the tortoise.
And, in today’s show I’d like to go through 4 ways to help you adopt a crockpot mentality or, if you will, a tortoise mentality toward a slow and steady journey to reaching your fitness goals and achieving success in whatever it is you’d like to achieve.

1.       Don’t obsess over the HOW or WHEN.  Instead, focus on your “WHY”

At the beginning of any new endeavour, your motivation is bound to be quite high and your adrenaline is fueling your actions.

However, after the initial excitement wears off and life returns to a steady routine, will you remain consistent with your efforts, following the plan, sticking around to actually reach the finish line? Or will you give up and quit?

This is when you have to revisit your WHY.  When the routine and banality of everyday life starts to creep back in and the adrenaline that got your going is waning, remember WHY you first started this journey.  Visualize how amazing you will look and feel in your new body.

Just know that by staying the course, your confidence levels will increase and catapult you to doing more amazing things in other areas of your life -> just by sticking with the plan, chasing down your fitness goals and accomplishing them.

Remember your why.  Revisit your why.  Remind yourself of your why EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Write it down somewhere visible for you to see everyday.

This is, and always will be, the first step in setting goals -> get clear on your ‘why’.  Know why you want to succeed with a particular goal, be that fitness or other, and don’t allow anything to get in the way of that.

2.       Keep an open mind.

Fitness is not a dictatorship.  Choosing to adopt a healthier lifestyle by incorporating more fitness and better food choices is “Your Own Health Adventure” where you make the decisions, and you make the rules.

Being able to succeed in both areas of cleaner eating and more exercise over the long term requires you to have a particular method or routine which fits your lifestyle.

Slow and steady progress only becomes a problem then IF you are miserable throughout the entire process.

Don’t be afraid to try various eating or exercise strategies until you find a routine that feels effortless and works for you.

3.       Give doubt the cold shoulder and run away from the haters in your life.

Nothing kills your goals faster than the so-called ‘dream crushers’ and negative people you might be surrounded by.

If you find that friends, family, co-workers, neighbours even or anyone else is constantly crushing your motivation or disrespecting your aspirations, distance yourself from them immediately.

Here’s the problem…we are already our own worst enemies ridden with guilt and self-doubt (especially when we’re trying new endeavours), so that last thing we need is more negativity from people around us.

It can be difficult to do, but don’t allow these people to get to you.  Here’s the raw truth of the matter…they don’t want to see you succeed because then they’ll have no excuse for why they can’t get themselves going and be amazing and remarkable, just like you.

Remember that your own success and reaching your own dreams in life are so much more important than anyone else’s opinions of you.

4.       Stay in your lane.

Before you try to set out and accomplish any goal in life or fitness-related, YOU NEED A VISION.  If any situation or decision doesn’t align with your purpose in fitness or life, then don’t do it.

By this I mean, just because your neighbour is doing something, doesn’t mean you have to follow suit.

Just because you see some gimmicky product promising rapid health benefits in a short period of time, don’t buy into the hype or marketing.

If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is.

The more connected and fully aligned you are with your vision, the easier it will be to show up for yourself, your habits and your goals each day.

And, sometimes, the real reason why you aren’t succeeding with a particular goal isn’t due to the effort or lack thereof.  It is because the goal isn’t in alignment with who you are.

For example, if you can’t workout 5 days a week, stop lying to yourself and cut back to three times.

If you have trouble with binge-eating in social environments, just be honest with yourself and admit it.  My advice would be to prepare yourself for the situation by eating a snack at home prior to getting together with friends in a social setting.

The message today is to stay focused on your goals.  Remember that slow and steady will win the race and take you to the promise land.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,

Lisa  xoxo

5 Ways to Boost Consistency

LINK TO PODCAST EPISODE HERE -> https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/K1O8asIRGwb

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am talking about the problem of the vast majority – how to be consistent.  I conducted a little survey on social media, and 8 out of 10 said they were currently struggling with consistency or had struggled in the past.  So, I asked those who had overcome their struggle with consistency to share with us ways that helped them.  I will also share some of my own experiences and spice to the discussion as well.

The question was… in ONE sentence, what is your best advice for someone who is struggling with consistency?

I’ll start by giving you the one-liner responses I received, then I will expand on the concept a bit myself.

1.       Get up early and eat the frog fast.

For those of you who have never heard of or read the book by Brian Tracy “Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done is Less Time” – this piece of advice is referring to eating the frog first OR in other words, tackle the biggest, most daunting task first thing and get it over with.  The rest will feel easy.
Tracy’s book is based on the principle that ->
It’s time to stop procrastinating and get more of the important things done! After all, successful people don’t try to do everything. They focus on their most important tasks and get those done. They eat their frogs.
There’s an old saying that if the first thing you do each morning is eat a live frog, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re done with the worst thing you’ll have to do all day. For Tracy, eating a frog is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging task—but also the one that can have the greatest positive impact on your life.
2.       Get into the mindset of relying on your own inner discipline, and consistency will start to happen really quickly.

The D-word -> DISCIPLINE.  Whether you like to hear it or not, it does play a major role in establishing a new habit consistently.  You see, discipline should be treated or considered a muscle.  You have to train it, and force it to grow. 

Everyone begins feeling motivated to start something new, whether it is a new hobby, a new sport, playing an instrument, or a workout routine.  We feel an initial spark that piques our interest and gets us to take the first steps.  BUT, motivation will not keep us going at a consistent pace.  You will need to develop a solid discipline muscle as well as integrity to show up even when the going gets tough. 

One way to strengthen your discipline muscle is to plan on doing the task, hobby, workout, practice session – whatever it is – at the same time every day, NO MATTER WHAT!

So, you’ll have to be realistic what time of day that will be.  Could it happen first thing in the morning before the day becomes busy and hectic?  Could it happen later on in the evening when the children are in bed and the day has quieted down?  You know your schedule best, so choose a time that works best and will not be interrupted.

Make this new habit a daily recurring task – make it non-negotiable.  Tell everyone in your family that you have reserved this time for yourself.  You are unavailable because you have an important appointment with your GOALS. 
3.       Keep struggling, but never quit.

You have to realize that not every single day will be perfect, at least your vision of ‘perfect’.  I would suggest you reframe your thinking in this regard. 
Showing up for yourself and executing the new habit in some way, shape or form is PERFECT. That’s the perfection you should aim for.
What I mean by this is:  One push-up a day for the rest of your life is better than no push-ups for the rest of your life.  I know, I know, I know that once again I am using a fitness example.  However, this holds true for any hobby or habit too.
Just the other day, unfortunately I can’t recall where I heard this or who used this example, but basically, they said, “If your goal is to start flossing your teeth, start by only flossing ONE tooth each day.”  That’s all.  Do this simple action until it becomes a habit. 
If you want to start eating healthier, start by eating one fruit or vegetables as a snack each day.  No more, no less -> just do that every day. 
If you want to become a writer, just write one sentence a day.  That’s all.  Just one.  You’re done.  Rinse and repeat every day.
Giving 10% is better than giving 0%.
Consistency doesn’t mean giving your all each day.  That’s striving for perfection and we all know, this isn’t realistic.

It can be…. Monday 100%
Tuesday… 56%
Wednesday … 20%
Thursday … 45%
Friday … 70%
Saturday … 12%
Sunday … 100%
Just make sure you do the smallest thing you can do every day.
4.       Figure out how to break it/your habit down.

Once people realize how to break down their goals into much smaller manageable chunks, the task seems far less overwhelming and the steps you need to take are far easier.
This point ties into the one I mentioned above about one sentence a day, completing just one exercise for one minute a day to begin a workout routine, learn one new word a day if your goal is to study a foreign language.

Start small, even smaller than you imagine.  Then build yourself up.  Create that inner momentum and slowly, but surely you can increase your commitment over time.

The key to consistency is showing up without giving up.  Make it hard for yourself to give up & easy to show up.
5.       Remove the friction around this new habit or goal of yours.

You might feel some kind of tension or friction that gets in the way of being consistent with your goal.  This friction will have to be nipped it the bud or eliminated.
First off, prepare your things the night before.  Failing to plan is planning to fail.  So, get everything you need ready in order to create a pleasant experience or activity the following day. 

Maybe that is prepping your food, laying out your workout clothes, getting the coffee maker ready to perk, jotting down the top tasks for the next day (the M.I.Ts -> most important tasks to tackle), journal a bit on how you want to show up for yourself the next day.

Lower your expectations until you reach a spot of NO FRICTION, an ‘easy-breezy-lemon-squeezy’ level of action that you can take.  For example, if you want to read – then just commit to reading ONE page.

If exercising 10 minutes is too hard, commit to only 5. 
If 5 minutes is too hard to start with, commit to 2 minutes. 

Make is as easy and enjoyable as you possibly can.

Don’t push yourself to go bigger than you are able to commit to.  Reduce your expectations to a minimum.  I know that sounds really strange, but consistency is born through doing the smallest task regularly over time.  This is how habits are formed, ones that will stick with you for the long-term.
You don’t need to climb the entire mountain in one day. Completing just 10 steps a day is better than 50 steps in one sitting and then burning out. 
The days you work (on your goals and habits) matter more than how much work you do in one day.
I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo

Stop Your Procrastinating…Today

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast we are talking about how to beat procrastination -> … that force which prevents you from following through on what you should be doing or what you set out to do.  It is those tasks looming over your head which need to get done but for some reason, you just don’t want to or don’t feel like tackling them.

If you tend to procrastinate, you are likely a repeat offender unnecessarily postponing decisions or actions you know deep down you have to take.
The big problem with the issue of procrastination is it can increase your stress levels and possibly cause you to miss out on opportunities.

I’m sure we have all found ourselves in this situation whether we are talking about smaller-scale actions such as ironing a laundry basket full of clothes or a larger-scale decision such as leaving a job that no longer find fulfilling and challenging.

We often procrastinate on tasks we find:  difficult or challenging, stressful even, unpleasant, aversive or just plain boring. Tasks of this nature can make a person feel overwhelmed and provokes considerable anxiety in us.

Have you ever stopped and asked yourself WHY DO I PROCRASTINATE?

Procrastination is driven by a variety of thoughts and habits but basically, we avoid tasks or put them off because we don’t believe we’ll enjoy doing them.  We want to avoid making ourselves unhappy OR we are afraid that we may not be able to do them well.  Oftentimes these tasks cause us to feel confused by their complexity or we feel overwhelmed by their scope.

Psychologists have identified various drivers of procrastination to being:
1.       Low self-confidence to anxiety
2.       A lack of structure or plan
3.       One’s inability to motivate oneself to complete unpleasant tasks
4.       Becoming fixed on negative thoughts

For people with perfectionist tendencies, this behaviour pattern protects them against fear of failure, as well as judgement from others and themselves.  By avoiding the unpleasant work and investing time and energy to other tasks, procrastinators avoid feeling unproductive. 

But we all pay the price later if we give in to our procrastination.

Today I’d like to share some ways or steps to stop the cycle of procrastination once and for all.  Because, let’s face it, we don’t feel great about ourselves if we are constantly putting off tasks, we knew we have to address sooner or later, right?

The #1, most important way to end your procrastination right now, is to identify the smallest possible step you can take to make progress toward your goals, and try to start with just THAT tiny step. 

For example,

If you need to write an essay, you can decide to start by writing just a single word or sentence.  Gosh, how I wish I knew about this back in secondary school.

If you have to get a load of ironing done, start by setting up the ironing board and iron (don’t plug it in though!)

If you need to do your personal taxes for 2022, start by assembling a few documents like receipts or a binder for better organization.  What I mean is, gather a few things you will need for this process.  It’s a small step in the right direction.

If you want to start a workout routine, start by researching the type of exercise you want to do.  Watch the videos, prep your mind for what’s to come.  Maybe you could even get you workout clothes ready and laid out for easy access.

You’ll be amazed at how good it feels to take at least the smallest step in the direction of task completion.

So, let’s dive into ways to deal with procrastination when it rears its ugly head.

1. Forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past and flip the script on feeling lazy.

Now that you’ve accepted the situation, forgive yourself and allow yourself a fresh start.
If you believe you are lazy, be firm and make an identity shift since you become what you think.
Some people tend to label themselves as lazy as opposed to realizing it’s procrastination holding them back.  We will have to do a mindset shift here, because what or how we think of ourselves, becomes our identity.
You’ll have to flip the script from “I’m too lazy to do this”  to something like…
“I am going to take one small step by doing (blank).  I don’t need to complete the task today but I will commit to taking another small step tomorrow.” 

2. Understand the power of momentum.

It all begins with a single step.  I’ve already mentioned this.  By doing one simple thing to ensure you are moving in the right direction, you will create momentum within yourself.

To create momentum, do this: 
-> List 3 small tasks to do
-> Set a 50-minute timer
-> Take 10-minute breaks
-> Repeat

Completing tasks (or even partial completion of tasks) will reinforce the idea of finished them.  This, in turn, will solidify in your mind that you are capable.

3.  Break down your tasks.

Nothing great is or was built overnight. 
By focusing on smaller goals, the big goal will be less overwhelming.

4. Never multitask!

Keeping your focus on one task will allow you to:
-> Become more productive
-> Be less overwhelmed
-> Produce better output for the single task

5. Set deadlines.

You know how to stick to deadlines for your job, right?  Well, how about deadlines for yourself?
By completing tasks within the time boundaries you set, it will motivate you to keep on track.

6. Manage your energy, not your time.

o   Get in a solid 7 – 8 hours of sleep. 
o   Eliminate low-value tasks that need to be done.  Get these out of your way.
o   Do the most important task when you have the most energy. 
o   Take enough breaks.

7. Surround yourself with like-minded people.

Even better, get a mentor who has walked the path you are on and who can keep you on track.  This coach or mentor will help you stop making the excuses you allow yourself to all the time.

8.  Write a daily to-do list.

Make your to-do list short and actionable.
-> Be specific
-> Create urgency
-> Don’t overcomplicate it

9.  Eliminate distractions.

Situate yourself in a spot that is free of interruption especially when you have to do a demanding task.  We constantly get distracted by: our phones, our families, barking dogs, the TV.  So, find a spot that is quiet and more conducive to getting the task done.
10..  Be clear with what you want.

Clarity is key to overcoming procrastination.
You cannot go on a journey if you don’t know the destination. 

Don’t worry if you find yourself in the category of procrastination.  And, please don’t think of it as being lazy.

Statistics show that 20% of adults are chronic procrastinators.  That’s 1 in 5 of us. 

BUT… here’s the better news.  “Everybody procrastinates, but NOT everyone is a procrastinator.”

Follow the steps I have just talked about the next time you feel yourself putting a task off.  And, be sure to reward yourself once the task is finished.

And that’s my message for today, friends.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo