Better Body Performance with Holistic Nutrition – Raw & Real Talk with Jennifer Harris


In today’s episode of the Raw & Real Talk with guest, Jennifer Harris, a Reg. Holistic Nutritionist, Hobby Farmer, Entrepreneur and Blood Sugar Badass, Lisa covers a wide range of topics: the benefits of organic farming, the most important meal of the day, blood sugar dysregulation, stress and sleep, your muscles’ role in regulating blood sugar, the ‘miracle mineral’ magnesium and much more.  It is such a great episode packed full of advice and helpful tips.

Notable Quotes from today:

“Wellness does not have an easy button for a quick fix or solution.” ~Jennifer Harris
“Getting healthy is a team sport.  Choose your players well.” ~Jennifer H
“Women need to carve out enough time for their self-care to lower their stress levels.” ~ Jennifer H

Top 3 Golden Nuggets:

1.  Ask for help if healthy eating seems overwhelming for you.  It’s a game changer when you have the proper supportive ‘team’ on your side.
2. Breakfast -> It’s more important WHAT you eat rather than WHEN you eat this meal.
3. Improving your wellness should start with small, easy habits done consistently such as: better breakfast, hydrate amply, improved sleep, chew your food mindfully.

Contact Jennifer Harris:

Instagram -> @jenniferharris_nutrition    (She offers so much value and knowledge on her IG account.)

Website ->  (Sign up for her newsletter and receive freebies, info and promotions when they are offered)

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a review and subscribe for regular updates on how to transform your thoughts and habits to support your goals, tap into the superpower of mindset and become the best version of yourself.

If you’d like to work with me on your personal growth strategies, mastering your mindset and building unwavering confidence to crush your goals, contact:

Visit my website to read more on what I’m all about as a Personal Growth Strategist & Life Coach for Goal Getters . Sign up for my weekly email to receive insider tips, freebies, news and more goodness that only my E-listers receive direct to their inbox each week.

I would love to welcome you in the Inspiration2grow Facebook Group – join by clicking here:

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IG – @lisaoberbichlercoaching
FB – Lisa J. Oberbichler
LinkedIn – Lisa Oberbichler
Website, Blog & Coaching Sessions:

Thank you for your support of my podcast and business.
Having YOU as a listener and fellow goal getter lights me up more than you can imagine!

Shift Your Thinking Around Food


In today’s Raw & Real Talk with guest, Cheryl Young, the impact of food and what we really need to focus on are discussion points.  Cheryl is an expert when it comes to changing your body composition and has helped countless women do just that with proper nutrition and specific training.  As an nutritional coach, she works with an array of clients:  athletes, sports teams, individuals going after bigger goals than simply weight loss, female body builders who are competitors on stage.  You name it, she does it.
Notable Quotes from today:

“The impact food had on my body composition, my energy levels, sleep, mood was astounding.  From that point on, I wanted to help others.” ~ Cheryl Young
“If you focus more on being healthy, leading a healthy life, then the weight loss will come.” ~Cheryl Young
“At 50, I feel better than when I was in my 20’s.” ~Cheryl Young

Top 3 Golden Nuggets:
1. Shift your thinking from “live to eat” to “eat to live”.
2. It’s all about the nutrients you put in your body in the end.
3. Don’t look ahead to the whole year; just take it day by day.  Don’t worry about next week, next month or next year.

Contact Cheryl through her website:
Facebook -> Cheryl Young Lifestyle
Instagram -> @cherylyounglifestyle

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a review and subscribe for regular updates on how to transform your thoughts and habits to support your goals, tap into the superpower of mindset and become the best version of yourself.

If you’d like to work with me on your personal growth strategies, mastering your mindset and building unwavering confidence to crush your goals, contact:
Visit my website to read more on what I’m all about as a Personal Growth Strategist & Life Coach for Goal Getters . Sign up for my weekly email to receive insider tips, freebies, news and more goodness that only my E-listers receive direct to their inbox each week.
I would love to welcome you in the Inspiration2grow Facebook Group – join by clicking here:

Connect with me on social media:

IG – @lisaoberbichlercoaching
FB – Lisa J. Oberbichler
LinkedIn – Lisa Oberbichler
Website, Blog & Coaching Sessions:

Thank you for your support of my podcast and business.
Having YOU as a listener and fellow goal getter lights me up more than you can imagine!

Love Yourself Unconditionally


In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast we are going to be talking about starting a love affair with a very special person – yourself.
It’s Tangible Tuesday and today I’d like to provide a few tips on how you can begin loving yourself wholeheartedly and unconditionally.  Be sure to stay until the end, there’s a special poem – just for you.

🧡it’s time to fall in love with ourselves all over again🧡. Maybe you struggle with this OR perhaps you just need a reminder. This month can be a great opportunity to start a practice of self-compassion and appreciation—to really take the time to nurture our souls so we can show up as our whole selves.
We have to learn or re-learn how to love ourselves.
Your personal relationship with yourself, the way you love you, the way you listen to you, the way you talk to you, the way you prioritize you, the way you celebrate you, the way you nurture you, the way you adorn you, the way you cherish you… all of this is what allows YOU to be a great partner to someone else.  It all starts within YOU.  In order to have healthy relationships with others, first and foremost, you have to be capable of loving yourself – both inside and out.
Learning how to love yourself does not just benefit your relationships.  It benefits your health and your whole, entire life.
We spend far too much time in admiration of others who have achieved more, who have reached new heights, who have done all the things.  What we should be doing instead is…looking within ourselves to find all the wonderful, amazing things we have accomplished in our lifetime.
Valentine’s Day is traditionally the day when we show love, appreciation, adoration, and deep admiration for others.  I encourage you to flip this tradition on its head and dedicate the day to loving yourself, all that you have become, all that you are, all that you want to be.  Spend the day writing down all the incredible things you have achieved during your precious lifetime.  Then jot down all the marvelous things you still want to accomplish – dream big, I mean really big – the sky is not even the limit. 
For today, in honour of yourself and the love you’d like to shower on yourself, ask yourself what the ultimate act of self-love would be?  What are you craving?  How can you treat yourself?
Obviously, this looks different for everyone.  It might be booking a day at the spa for some luxurious, much-needed treatments.  It could be booking a trip somewhere – just for the day, a week or longer.  It may be going shopping and buying yourself that top, dress or outfit that you have wanted for some time now.  It might be taking yourself out to a restaurant for a tasty meal and just sitting alone in silence dreaming up your next big goal or move you are going to make in your life.  Whatever it is, YOU DESERVE IT.
And speaking of “love” this month… there are a few things I want to remind you of… because there are a lot of people who think they are unlovable.  They feel they have to change themselves in order to gain love from others.  My message to these people is… you have to stay true to who you are deep inside.  You have to remain authentic to you. 
For those who are seeking love but feel like you have to change, remember these next words.  I hope they are inspiring and empowering at the same time.
It’s not that you’re “hard to love”…
It’s that you’ve finally realized how love lands best for you, and you’re not accepting anything less than the kind of love that allows you to feel fully seen.
It’s not that you’re “high maintenance”…
It’s that you now know what your soul needs to thrive and feel alive, and you’re not standing for anything less – you now have boundaries (they aren’t fierce, they are flexible), but it’s a different vibe.
It’s not that you’ve changed…
It’s that you now realize what you truly want for your mind, body and soul, and you are working harder than ever, prioritizing your habits over everything else.
It’s not that you’re “too much…”
It’s that now you have felt a glimpse of your truest self, and you crave to express the symphony that is on your soul – loudly and often.
You’re not here to be understood.
You’re not here to stay stagnant.
You’re not here to be nice (kindness, yes, always).
You’re not here to create artificial harmony.
You’re not here to follow the crowd.
You’re not here to be “normal”.
As the good ‘ol saying goes – People come into your life for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. It’s not up to you to decide on the placement.
You’re here to be ruthlessly committed to following YOUR own path to health and wellness, and you’ll be met by the perfect beings at every level.
But most of all, you’re here to be loved, BE love, and love. Period.
So dive in deeply this month, Lisa, and give yourself the permission to fall more in love with who you are and all that you are becoming…because you are MAGIC. 
A poem to remind you of your self-worth…
Accept yourself as a work in progress to continue 
to build yourself into the person you’re dreaming to be;
the person you have all the potential to be. 
Accept your flaws, accept your truths. accept your past. 
and make light of them. no one can tear you down if 
you make peace with who you are and where you’ve 
If you are going to focus on the negative at all,
focus on turning them into positives. focus on growing.
Sometimes, often times, our minds are the scariest 
place to sit. It’ll trick you into comparing yourself 
to others and it’ll trick you into believing you aren’t 
good enough. but you are.
You have always been and you always will be.
You’re much more powerful 
when you believe in yourself.
If you don’t love 
all of you, who will? 
Give yourself time to blossom. 
Reyna Biddy 
And, that’s your Valentine’s message for today, friends.  Dedicate the day to yourself, shower so much love on yourself, do the things that bring you joy and contentment, plan and dream of your next moves, write out the words “I love myself from top to bottom, inside and out.” And stick that on your mirror to look at each and every morning.  Have it as a note on your phone – wherever you can be reminded time and time again.
On that note,  I want to tell you just in case no one has told you yet today…
You are loved, you are a capable, brilliant, incredible human being.  I believe in you 100 %. Now go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

Thanks for tuning in today and as always, I hope to have inspired you to grow.
Remember to … love yourself first and be your own superhero.
Til next time.

Overcome the Challenges of Healthy Eating


In today’s episode of the Inspiration2grow podcast I am going to take the complication out of health eating. 
Eating healthy is a challenging task for many. People may have good intentions at the beginning of their week, the beginning of their day, or 30 minutes before eating and then fail when choosing their meal. This failure often leads to a downward spiral of negative self-talk and binge eating for some. But you’ve already messed up; why not finish chalk the day up as a loss, right?
How we eat is impacted by upbringing, self-beliefs, hormones, social pressure, stress, emotions, and so much more. For something necessary for our survival, it can be a challenging task for many. So here are some ways to stay motivated when it comes to healthy eating.
-> Keep a journal, and track EVERYTHING! We all find ourselves eating for reasons other than hunger. You’d be surprised what you can mindlessly consume in a day, so track everything and add what you felt at that time. Food and feelings often go hand in hand.
-> Plan and Prepare. I’ve touched on the importance of planning your meals and preparing them so you can grab and go. I know this seems daunting, but it is a game-changer when changing your habits and living healthier.
-> Clean out your cupboards! It’s a lot harder to make poor choices when you have to make an effort to fulfill them. Not having easy access to unhealthier options leaves you with two possibilities, eat what’s in your cupboards or fridge (healthy choices) or go out of your way to pursue unhealthier.
-> Make small goals. This is one that I like to focus on with my clients. People who want to start transitioning into a healthier lifestyle often come in with big goals. But, unfortunately, when results aren’t happening immediately, they become discouraged and frustrated and revert to old habits. So it’s essential to be realistic with your goals. Choose possible things, like increasing your daily water intake by 2 cups or eating two servings of veggies daily.
-> Know that failure is inevitable. This is a big one. No one is perfect, and we will inevitably fail or make decisions that don’t align with our goals. It’s part of being human. Failure does not, or should not, equate to a “fuck it” mentality. If you make a choice that doesn’t align, then accept that and move on. Learning to eat healthily and leading a healthy lifestyle is a challenging task. It takes time, commitment, and allowing yourself a lot of grace.
-> Don’t restrict yourself. Yup, you read that right! If you want a piece of cake, then have the piece of cake, BUT do so in moderation. Once we start viewing foods as bad or with an, I can’t have that mentality; we tend to focus on these items more, especially at the beginning of our journey. So allow yourself to enjoy whatever you are craving (a bite or a piece, NOT a whole cake), don’t carry guilt around it, and then move on. Unhealthier food in moderation is ok; when we eat those items daily and in excess, we run into a problem.
All in all, eating healthy helps us fuel our minds and bodies. It also helps us feel good, and ultimately isn’t that what we all want? Try incorporating some of the above suggestions and start your journey towards eating healthy and feeling good!
That’s my message for today.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.
In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.
I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Lisa  xoxo