Yesterday I had the day off. It was Sunday and I typically try to keep this day for rest and relaxation. A day to read, spend time with my thoughts – maybe that is in the form of journalling or simple reflection, rejuvenate, practise some self-care and do what feels most comfortable and aligned.
Instead of sleeping in, I decided to attend a spin class with Bill, an instructor at our fitness facility who had been away on vacation for a good 3 weeks. I was excited to get back to spinning in his class because you get such a great workout in.
As the day progressed, my body yearned more and more for movement. So, I went swimming at the local indoor pool. An easy swim, I told myself.
Before I knew it, the day had come to an end and I had done 4 workout sessions if you can include the two dog walks – the first in the early morning and to end the day, we try to take Charlotte out again. So, I also clocked just shy of 10,000 steps.
Not a bad workout day at all. So much for R & R this Sunday.
I’m so glad I did. It felt great to walk outside in the fresh air, move my lower body in spin and challenge my upper body at the pool.
If you find this annoying (I would have found it annoying a few years ago)… please understand this:
I didn’t always feel this way.
There was a time when exercise was something I absolutely dreaded. It would have been dreadful enough to do one workout… and there’s no way I would have considered a second or third.
Yet somewhere along the way, this changed for me. Exercise became something I no longer had to do, but something I genuinely wanted to do. It became something that I truly enjoy. And, it is something that my body craves.
How did it happen?
Getting (& Staying) Motivated
A question I hear a lot is, How can I get motivated to…
Eat healthy
Lose weight
Get in shape
There are lots of tips that can help. Things like:
Making it fun
Making it a part of your routine
Doing it with others (if you like others, lol)
Charting your progress
Rewarding yourself
However, I think it’s important to understand this:
Motivation is needed for the things we DON’T want to do.
We don’t need motivation for the things we WANT to do.
The secret, then, is turn those things we HAVE to do into things that we truly WANT to do. Once we’ve achieved that, we’re golden.
The Process
There’s a process you go through when turning things you have to do into things you truly want to do.
When you understand this, you realize that lack of motivation and frustration are a normal part of the process.
No need to beat yourself up about it. Honour where you are in the process, and understand that if you stick with it, it gets easier.
What is the process, you ask? Interestingly, it’s a form of culture shock.
Culture Shock
I’ve travelled and moved a fair amount during my life, and I spent 25 years of my life in a foreign country. So, culture shock is a concept I know well.
Culture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life.
When you decide to embark on a new, healthier way of life, it’s a culture change. Although you’re (probably) not travelling to a foreign place, you are still venturing into new territory.
As you leave your old way of life behind and become accustomed to this new way of life, there are four natural stages you go through. These stages are:
Stage 1: Honeymoon
In this stage everything is new and exciting. Enthusiasm and motivation are high. Differences between the old and new way of life are romanticized.
If you are currently in this stage, enjoy it! But beware… It won’t last. Be prepared for what’s coming next.
Stage 2: Frustration
In this stage, differences between the old and new way of life become apparent. The excitement wears off, and frustration sets in. You realize that the new way is not comfortable and not easy.
The important thing to keep in mind is that this is normal. It’s really tempting to give up and go back to your old way of life, where things are not so difficult. But it’s important to hang in there.
This is the most difficult stage. If you can make it past this stage, it gets easier from here!
Stage 3: Adjustment
In this stage you’re becoming accustomed to the new way of life. New habits and routines start to feel more natural. Your attitude/outlook improves.
This is when you realize, Hey this isn’t as bad as I thought. This is getting easier. I’m feeling pretty good!
Things start to get good here. You start to see progress and feel proud of yourself.
Stage 4: Adaptation
In this stage you are able to participate comfortably and fully in the new way of life. It feels easy and natural.
When it comes to healthy lifestyle changes, this is the stage where “have to” evolves into “want to.” Over time, you learn to love the new way of life more than your old one… because you feel so much better!
In fact, if you go back to your old ways, you’ll likely feel “off,” which will motivate you to get back on track.
You might even find yourself doing things that you once thought were insane — like heading outside for a second workout. 🙂
Remember, it gets harder before it gets easier.
As you work on a healthier lifestyle, It helps to:
Be aware of the process.
Be prepared for frustration (which is normal).
Pick yourself up when you fall, and stick with it!
Know that it gets easier with time and practice.
How about you?
Can you think of a time when you went through the stages of culture shock? How did it feel when you made it to the adaptation stage? I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a comment below!
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Lisa O