Season 2, Episode 102 – The Habits That Matter Most


Welcome back to the Inspiration2grow podcast, the best place on the internet to uplevel your mindset, health and wellness all in one place.  My name is Lisa Oberbichler, your host, life coach and personal growth strategist.

This podcast is dedicated to exploring the intersection between physical and mental health and how the two are interconnected.
My aim is to provide a platform for meaningful conversations about building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and how to create a positive mindset to help you achieve your goals.

Today’s guest, Caroline Bertoni, had a sudden personal emergency and isn’t able to appear live on the show.  She was kind enough to send a part of her message via email and I am going to read it for you.  Hopefully, we can have Caroline in person on the podcast in the future.

Caroline is a Nutrition Specialist and certified personal trainer from the beautiful island of Hawaii.  She is a military spouse, a mother of two, and is dedicated to helping people cultivate the daily habits to build the body and life of their dreams.

Let’s jump into her message for us.

Spring is springing in full force here on our island.  Nature is coming back to life and the call to enjoy our trails, beaches and outdoor dining is loud and clear.  To me, this time of year is a natural fresh start.  New Year’s resolutions may be wearing thin and old habits may be starting to creep back into our daily lives.  Let’s take nature’s cue and focus on a few small things to start fresh again.

Habit 1:  Hydrate!  I can’t stress enough how important it is to drink your water.  How much is enough?  How much is necessary? There is much debate about how to calculate your hydration needs, but my rule of thumb is to keep it simple. 

There are three times to prioritize drinking water:  first thing in the morning, anytime you eat, and anytime you sweat.  An entire glass of water when you first wake up; before coffee, before breakfast, on a completely empty stomach. 

Those first 8 ounces of water will do wonders to alert your mind, get your bowels moving, and get your digestive system ready to do its job all day long.  Follow that with a glass of water any time you are eating.  Whether it’s a full meal or a snack, just pre-empt any food with a glass of water.  You will also need a glass anytime you are sweaty to replenish what you have lost.

Habit 2: Protein!  Every single meal, your first question should be:  Where is my protein?  Especially first thing in the morning, you want to have a lean protein as the foundation for your meals.  But protein doesn’t just mean meat and powders. Other quality choices that are high in protein include: eggs, almonds, cottage cheese, lentils, and Greek yoghurt.

Habit 3: Greens!  Our grandmothers had it right when they harped on us to eat our veggies.  They were right. A diet that includes leafy greens at each meal is one that leads to a long and healthy life.  And that doesn’t mean a side of boring broccoli.  You can add a handful of spinach to any smoothie.  Yes, it will change the colour but the taste remains the same.  Also consider upgrading your sandwich topping from a leaf of lettuce to a handful of sprouts and switch your chips to kale chips.

Habit 4: Sweat!  I have a close friend who also happens to be a doctor and she gave me some sage advice. The best exercise program for you is the one you will do. 
What do you enjoy? 
What makes you feel strong? 
Limber? Youthful?

We are so fortunate here on the island that we can enjoy trail walks, bike rides, beach yoga, strength training and many other options without having to look far. 
The older we get, the more important it is to continue strength training.  A strong and limber body can endure many challenges, and will also look and feel great for a long time.

What habits can you start tackling today?
Be sure to leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts.  I’d love to know what has resonated with you.

My hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,

Lisa  xoxo

3Ways to Make Habits Stick


In today’s short podcast episode of the Inspiration2grow show I am going to talk about 3 ways to turn a goal into a habit.  These are ways you probably haven’t even heard of before.

I am keeping today’s show very brief because we have had some very powerful, lengthy episodes this week, so this should serve as a quick pep talk for you going into the weekend.

The jury is out on this… how long does it really take to turn a goal into a healthy habit?  Some say 21 days, others claim it takes much longer.  The average seems to lie around the 66-day mark. 

That’s a considerable amount of time to form a lasting habit, isn’t it?  Likely the reason why so many don’t stick it out or give up on themselves.
But, today, I’d like to give you three fresh new ideas of how you can develop the grit and tenacity one needs to stick with it even when the going gets tough, on the days when you just don’t feel like it.

So, let’s dive in…

The first thing you need to do is…  SLEEP TO STAY STRONG.

If you’ve ever adopted a ‘to-heck-with-it’ mentality when you’re exhausted, here’s the reason why:  “Research shows that when we’re sleep-deprived or have low blood sugar, our willpower goes down.”

Try to snooze for at least seven hours a night and have a healthy nibble every few hours during the day.

And a bit more on how sleep affects our wellness…

We have to view a ‘good night’s sleep’ as important as regular exercise and healthy eating.

Research shows that poor sleep has immediate negative effects on our hormones, exercise performance as well as brain function.
We might not notice exactly how this affects our hormones, but we certainly do feel depleted of energy if we don’t get a solid sleep at night.  You know how this feels… everything you do feels like so much work and effort, your thoughts might be fuzzy or it may be difficult to concentrate. 

Not getting adequate amounts of sound sleep can also cause weight gain and increase disease risk in both adults and children.

On the flip side of the coin, a good night of slumber can help you eat less, exercise better and feel healthier overall.

We’ve all experienced poor sleep at some point, but statistics show that over the past few decades both sleep quality and quantity have declined.  It is reaching dangerous levels for some.  This is why I am talking more and more about it.  Episode 65 this week was about improving your sleep and provided 5 ways you could go about that.

So, by now you get my point, right?  Good quality sleep and the right amounts are crucial for your health and wellbeing but also to keep you strong in order to make better decisions throughout the day regarding the foods you eat, the actions you take, the exercise you get, and so on.

If you truly want to optimize your health, get fit and lose a bit of excess weight, then ensuring you get a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can and need to do.

To stay on track, put something you value on the line.  People who promised to forfeit money if they failed to lose weight shed 14 pounds more than those who didn’t have anything at stake.

Get some skin in the game!

Who could you make a friendly wager with? Someone in your family or a close friend?  Maybe even someone at your local gym that has the same goals as you do.
Betting on yourself could also take the form of investing in yourself.  By hiring a personal trainer, nutrition coach, any professional who could help you with your goals could be considered a ‘vote of confidence’ for yourself and you will definitely put in the necessary effort to reach your goals.

Now a bit of tough love talk…

You deserve to bet on yourself, but no one can make you do it.  Either you’re interested in being the master of your own fate or you’re content living life on the sidelines, waiting for someone to decide when you get to play and when you have to ride the bench.  Perfect sports team analogy here!

Come to terms with the fact that no one is coming to save you.

Betting on yourself is the fastest way to success.  Waiting for the world to give you permission to be great and go after your goals and dreams is the slowest way to mediocrity.  And, we weren’t put on this earth to be just average, simple mediocre, right?  Are you with me on this? 

Because this podcast is NOT about just getting by.  It is about soaring like an eagle, striving to reach new, exciting heights, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone time and time again until it feels easier. It’s about discovering how much potential we have and it’s about finally going after what you want in life. 

Your mindset changes when you start to bet on yourself. 

Instead of thinking about what you’re giving up, reframe your mindset so that you focus on the benefits.  For instance, getting to the gym before work will free up the night to have fun with friends.  Packing lunch instead of grabbing lunch at a restaurant will help you save money to afford a tropical vacation. 

“Focusing on what you can gain from your efforts energizes you to keep going.”

For me personally, the time I put in at the gym and at spin classes gives me energy, a more toned body, better stability and mobility as well as additional strength to function in my every day life better. 

Is it always easy to put on my shoes and arrive at the gym?  Heck no.  But I feel so much better after each workout and that’s the feeling that keeps me going back.

In order to constantly look on the bright side, you have to become a true optimist, who by definition, is a person that always sees the bright side of any situation.  They always put a positive spin on things. They don’t allow negative thoughts toward something or someone drag them down.  They are able to always find an uplifting thought that encourages, motivates and keeps them positive in a situation. 

For example,
“OMG, today is leg day at the gym.  This is going to be so gruelling and tough.  I’m going to hurt so much.”  -> “Yeah, I get to move and challenge my leg muscles today.  I will listen to my body and feel into the workout to get the most out of it.”

You might find this exhausting and somewhat annoying – being overly positive in all situations.  It is not always the easiest thing to do, I hear ya.

But…believe it or not, there are health benefits to looking on the bright side.

Not only does this outlook benefit you mentally, it can also improve your physical health as well. Research indicates that in the long run, being more optimistic can lead to greater personal success, great longevity and lower levels of stress.

That’s today message, friends.

Let me re-cap… in order to stick with your habits even more, I talked about three things you can do:  stay strong by getting enough sleep, bet on yourself, and look on the bright side.  I also mentioned the overall health benefits of each. 

If you’d like to go over today’s show, go to the show notes on my website:  I know (that) I talk fast at times and it’s a lot to digest, so every day each podcast episode is available for reading.  Be sure to leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts.  I’d love to know what has resonated with you.

My only hope is that you start to implement some of the ideas, tips and strategies that I talk about and I would love to know which ones have been beneficial for you personally.

I would also like to invite you to become part of the Inspiration2grow community on Facebook.  The group name is: Inspiration2grow for Female Goal-getters.  It is meant to be a community of like-minded women who want to grow strong from the inside out.  There will be daily journalling prompts, nutrition and fitness tips, exercises to try, encouraging conversations among the community and lots more.  So, be sure to join this group for support, new ideas and the necessary rocket fuel to propel your health and wellness to new heights.

You owe it to yourself to take care of yourself, show up for yourself and become the best version of YOU.

In case you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…

You are incredible, capable and your potential is limitless.  Never forget that I believe in you 100%.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,    
Lisa  xoxo

10 Healthy Habits for this Holiday Season & into 2023

In today’s episode of the Inspiration2Grow podcast we are going to talk about 10 healthy habits to consider implementing now and continue with them into the new year, which is quickly approaching.  There is absolutely no need to wait until January 1 to start some minor or major ways to your lifestyle.

Now is the time to embrace a few healthy holiday habits to help you get through the weeks ahead feeling great and knowing that you are looking after yourself and your needs.

The holiday season is ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ (as the famous song goes), but it can also be tiring, cause stress and overindulgence if we allow it to.  Prepare yourself for all the upcoming get-togethers, parties and buffets by establishing some healthy, sustainable holiday habits today.

Let’s start the festive season off prioritizing our own health and well-being.  And, if you’re not sure how to achieve this…I’ve got you covered with the following ideas on healthy habits you could start implementing today.
10 Healthy Habits to Implement This Season & Carry into 2023

#1: Make Movement a Priority

This is the first thing that gets postponed or missed – your workout.  With so many social obligations, it seems okay to skip your daily commitment to moving your body.

However, this is what you really need the most during the holiday season.  Fresh air, movement in whatever form you choose, sweating it out, skating, skiing, walking outdoors or a good gym session or maybe it is just slipping away from the crowds and doing an at-home stretching and yoga workout.

It is crucial for your mental and physical well-being to make regular movement a non-negotiable during your day.  You’ll feel so much better equipped to tackle the stress, hustle and bustle that the holidays sometimes throw at us. 

Be smart and get in your exercise first thing in the morning, if at all possible.  Then after dinner, get out in the fresh air again with a little digestive walk around town to admire the lights and decorations.

Dust off those skates and take to the ice or dig out the skis and hit the slopes.  No matter what form of movement you choose, it will help you cope much better with all that is going on during the holidays.

Commit to movement and make it one of your priorities!

#2: Stay Hydrated

The festive season offers quite an array of seasonal beverages, everything from hot mulled wine to fancy cocktails to traditional eggnog to creamy hot chocolate.  There always seems to be plenty of choices.

But keep in mind that these types of drinks are rich in calories, filled with sugar and alcohol can leave you feeling drained and sluggish after a while.

It’s time to make some healthier choices and limit your not-so-healthy beverages.  In order to resist temptation, I like to prepare my own drinks and take them along in my own travel mugs.  I prefer to make up peppermint tea and flavoured water – to make this I add freshly cut up cucumber and lemon to create a refreshing mocktail.  You could experiment with the tastes you prefer by adding mint and strawberries for a slightly different taste.  The possibilities are endless here.

One tip I implement at times is to have one big glass of water right beside a glass of wine.  For every sip of wine, I take an even bigger sip of water.  As you might have heard in some previous podcast episodes, I have cut back on my alcohol consumption significantly and I feel amazing because of it.  So, I don’t think this season will see me indulging in glasses of wine or other fancy cocktails too much.

Make it your mission to consume adequate amounts of water. In order to ensure you are indeed drinking enough, I suggest chugging a full glass of water before each meal. 

#3:  Get Enough Sleep – Seriously

We all know that the holiday season is quite exhausting for a myriad of reasons.  Our routines are different, our days are longer than usual, our minds are racing with all the things we have to do, even our nervous systems are on high alert.  So, getting a peaceful night’s rest can be quite difficult.

But now more than ever – getting adequate sleep is essential – for your energy levels, your mood and overall good feeling during these times.  Nobody wants to be irritable or over-tired when guests arrive.

Try to plan in a solid night’s sleep of at least 7 hours to ensure you feel well-rested and ready to take on whatever the holiday season brings.  You could even plan in the odd afternoon nap or two regardless whether you are a regular napper or not.  It might help rejuvenate you.

#4: Know Your Limits, Stay Within Them – Financially

If there’s one aspect that can quickly spiral out of control during the festive season, it’s your budget.

Splurging on gifts, spontaneous clothing purchases for those special occasions, extravagant food and drink at restaurants and for parties you throw can add up.  You might not notice it at the time but when your credit card statement arrives the following month, regrets could surface, and it’s too late to undo the damage then.

Set a strict budget and continuously monitor your spending.  This will help keep you on track and decrease stress as well as regret in January.
#5:  Begin a Journalling Practice

Journalling is a way to express yourself and your feelings to no one else but yourself.  It is a safe practice to let go of any long-harboured thoughts that are weighing down a bit heavily on you and your heart.

It is also a creative outlet for reflection on memories or losses of loved ones. Since the holiday season tends to evoke lots of emotions within us, keeping a journal can help you deal with some of the feelings that are rising to the surface.

The practice of journalling can be very beneficial in becoming clear on how you want to show up and how you want to navigate some tricky situations.

Start each day (and if time permits – end each day) with a few minutes of journalling.  Set an intention for the day in terms of how you would like to show up with and toward the people in your life, family, relatives and friends.  This simple habit could bring more joy and mindfulness to the holiday season within you.

#6: Do a Social Media Detox

For me, there’s nothing worse than sitting around a dinner table with friends and family only to see phones everywhere.  Not to mention, people using them to scroll or check their notifications when you are trying to have a meaningful conversation with them.

Be fully present for those near and dear to you this season by putting your phone away, out of reach for longer stretches of time.

Focus on people and make an earnst attempt to truly listen to them.  The greatest gift you can give another human is to listen wholeheartedly to what they are saying, not with the intent of chiming in but with the sole intent of listening to them.

While it is fun and exciting to check on what others are doing via social media, be thoughtful about how and when you’re using your phone.

Try to curb your usage to a minimum and show your loved ones that they matter to you.

#7: Say ‘No, Thanks’ to the Second Serving of Food

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges we have during the holiday season is overeating and overindulging in all the tasty treats that are on offer.  The temptation is real.

Most family functions, get-togethers, work and social events are centered around food and drink.  It is really difficult and for many of us, tricky to navigate, the sheer abundance of dishes, desserts and holiday cheer cocktails.  Keeping everything in moderation takes an immense amount of willpower.

So, to help curb your cravings and stay mindful of how much you are consuming you could implement the following strategies:

-> Drink lots of water – before the appetizers come out, prior to starting the main meal, before dessert is served.  Consuming water will make you feel more satisfied and full.
-> Don’t load up your plate full of everything on offer.  Try to just take small samples of all the things you’d like to eat.  That way you don’t have the feeling you are depriving yourself of the things you love, and you’ll considerably cut down on calories too.
-> Load up on the veggie dishes, Make sure your plate is mostly vegetables as opposed to stuffing and sweet side dishes.
-> Politely decline a second serving of food.  No one will be offended or upset if you say ‘no, thanks’.  Challenge yourself to no seconds whatsoever, and that’s applies to the desserts and cookies as well. Stay true to yourself and your healthy eating lifestyle. 

Become super intentional and mindful of what you are eating and how much food is on your plate.

You don’t have to be over-the-top strict or hard on yourself, but if you keep telling yourself ‘everything in moderation and no second helpings’ you will be able to stay on point this season and not be filled with regret due to your overindulgence after the meal.

#8:  Don’t Neglect Self-care

In Episode 30 I talked about self-care as an absolute necessity.  And, there’s no better time to start making time for some much-needed self-care than the holidays. 

While it might seem honourable to make everyone’s holiday season wonderful, memorable and outright awesome, it will likely come at the expense of your own needs.

Decide how you are going to intentionally carve out some time for yourself and do whatever makes you happy during this me time.  This is your reminder to slow down and relax in order to feel refreshed and energized again.

What this looks like is different for everybody.  Some quiet time reading, or enjoying a long bath with candles, going on a walk alone, or taking a quick nap are all ways to unplug – even just for a few minutes.

Find ways that bring you joy and will restore your energy as well as preserve your sanity.  It’s important because we all know – you can’t pour from an empty cup.

#9:  Get Comfortable with Saying “No” When Necessary!

Although I often categorize this habit as an act of self-care to be practiced year-round, this warrants mention as a point on its own for the holiday season.  Just remember, it is healthy to set limits on what you are willing to do and what you are not willing and available to do. 

Sometimes you feel pulled in all directions and it’s easy to become completely exhausted and feel overextended. 

If you fear this could happen (again) this season, aim to simplify things.  Don’t feel bad about having to decline invitations.  With a polite and respectful response, friends and family will understand.

There is no badge of honour for doing far too much and reaching your breaking point.

Be honest with yourself and avoid stressful, exhausting situations by simply saying “no” this year. You owe it to yourself.

#10:  Keep Track by Using a Planner or Calendar

This is fairly self explanatory.  For some, December can become a crazy busy month with a full schedule of parties, gatherings, events, etc.  If there was ever a time to start a planner, it’s likely now.  You wouldn’t want to miss or forget an important get-together and let’s face it, with your minds racing 100 miles a minute with preparations, it is easy to lose track of where you need to be and what you need to bring along.

Keeping track of all obligations as well as the critical details pertaining to these events in one place and referring to it daily, can be very helpful and will set your mind at ease.  It will definitely relieve a bit of the stress by knowing you are on top of everything for you and your family.

So, there you have it.
I’d love to know which of these healthy habits you will start implementing today?  Leave a comment and let me know.

If you haven’t heard it yet today, let me be the first to tell you…
You are awesome! And I believe you in fully.  Now, go out there and show the world what you are truly made of.

I hope to have inspired you to grow.

Til next time,
Xoxo Lisa